2009 Training Goals


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Jun 21, 2003
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I'm sure we've all talked about training goals that we would like to begin. Sometimes they actually do get put into motion and other times they don't.

2009 is only a short time away. Thought it would be cool to discuss some of your goals that you would like to do for the upcoming year! :)
I'm sure we've all talked about training goals that we would like to begin. Sometimes they actually do get put into motion and other times they don't.

2009 is only a short time away. Thought it would be cool to discuss some of your goals that you would like to do for the upcoming year! :)
I've been giving this some thought for myself.

One specific goal is to compete in the Summer. I'd like to compete at 170 lbs, but that would mean really watching what I eat. At 38, bad food and drink just hang out on my gut. :)

Training-wise, 2009 is going to be my year for really hammering my fundamentals, particularly escapes. I'd like to be comfortable working from bad positions, and I'm going to really work on this in 2009.
Hey MJS good thread.

I write down my own personal goals and then lay it out on paper on how I will achieve them. I also do a similar thing with my website by laying out seminars, etc. way in advance. This way I work on the goals and have a plan in mind. You can check out my seminar page here where you see we have booked quite a bit for 2009 and starting into 2010. (we will add more) The seminar and news page also helps to keep me focused. (which is good)

I have found that by writing things down and setting up a plan I usually achieve not only my individual goals but also goals for my Training Hall and the IRT system.
I hate that my training goals are dependant on something that I cannot control, but they seem to be. I see the doctor on January 7th to find out whether or not I need surgery on my torn calf muscle. If I don't need surgery, I want to be back running by March.

I want to loose the 30 lbs. I gained during the downtime from my injury. This will be the year of forms for me. Learning 4 forms I'll need for my 4th Dan test in 2010 & getting up-to-date on the Tae Guek & BB forms in preparation to take the "Foreign Instructor's Course" in Korea in summer 2010.
I want to increase my endurance for sparring and MA in general. I also want to perform forms better.

-elliptical trainer - work up to one hour in the morning and one hour in the evening (not concerned about losing muscle mass)

-jump rope off and on throughout the day

-pushups daily; work up to 200

-crunches; 500 a day (only takes discipline!)

-leg raises; 100 a day

-practice forms daily for an hour to start

I'd like to do more but I know my limits ;) These goals are aggressive enough.
I am setting up a solid stretching schedule to improve flexibility and also shake the rust off of some old stick and knife techniques that I haven't worked in awhile. We are also going to get involved in some great demos and charity events this year.
My 2008 training goals fell flat as a pancake, partly due to my stupid back issues. :rpo: Unfortunately I'm at the point where I need to seriously consider surgery.

So....my goal for 2009 is to get my back in the best shape I can...if surgery is involved I need to do what I can to get through the procedure as easily as possible (lose weight, etc).

What does that mean in terms of tangible training goals? I don't yet know. I do know I hope to hit the mat as often as I can, and I'm looking at ways to get on the mat more often while still keeping my night job. ;)
My main goal and probably the most difficult one is going to be to shed about 10lbs. Cardio and diet is going to have to take priority.

Get back to BJJ classes. Whether its group class or private lessons, I need to get back on the mat.

Include more Arnis workouts into my training schedule.

I've been drilling stand up skills, ie: clinch work, boxing alot lately. I'd like to continue to focus a bit more on that.
I'll be at one shooting school, maybe Paul Howe down there near Nacogodoches.

Lots of work on bo and staff skills.

And some fun with the Krav Maga boys.

I want to get "fighting fit." I have not been there for some time. I am very seriously considering going out on my own and opening my own gym. This would allow me to move eveything into oen location under my direct control, I am ready to go away from the YMCA. I feel that this would allow me to really get down to the type of training that is very vacant in Eastern Kansas and start turning out better martial artists while helping people get fit. Maybe I am being an idealist or maybe even sounding arogant, I hope not on either. I am just ready to clean up myself and the training that has become a little lax.
I want to be at 185 or so and be ready to compete at National this year. I would also like my school to grow and for my training to continue to get better each month. As some of you know my health as been a factor for the last couple of year andI am finally feeling better.
My main goal and probably the most difficult one is going to be to shed about 10lbs. Cardio and diet is going to have to take priority.

I know just how you feel. Last year, I started MA training again, dropped nearly 40 lbs. and started jogging up some local hills for cardio. Then I began lifting again and gained about 10 lbs. back without increasing my waist--I'm just a bit stronger.

So this year I plan to drop about 10 to 15 years from my age and will try to gain two inches of height. I'd hope to become handsome too, but hey, I'm a realist.

Oh, I also plan to seriously stick with my Wing Tsun and Escrima, and have begun practicing bit of rapier fencing for fun. Remember, its not the goal, but the path that matters. Best wishes for the New Year!
I'm sure we've all talked about training goals that we would like to begin. Sometimes they actually do get put into motion and other times they don't.

2009 is only a short time away. Thought it would be cool to discuss some of your goals that you would like to do for the upcoming year! :)
First and foremost for me I want to pass my blue w/green stripe belt test. Ive been training very hard the past couple months to prep myself for it.

2.) I want to start the instructors program and learn to teach.

3.) I want to shed 30lbs and get in better shape

like many others my 2008 goals fell way short this year i plan on getting in the best shape i can and i plan on making it to class more often.
My goals in the next year are simple

I want to get a certain GM/Head of System to grant me the privilege of training more in her system and to start training some of my students under the banner of her system.
YEP> I am learning more and wanting to teach it officially
If all goes well I will finally test for 2nd Dan...It was put off in Nov when I injuried my back...
I'm making headway with my goals. I started using the elliptical on Sunday. It will be a good while before I work up to two hours of cardio. I can stay on the thing about 27 minutes. However, I'm going to drag my Schwinn Airdyne into the living room next to the elliptical. My husband decided to use the Airdyne as a clothes rack (it's all his fault, lol). Anyway, I can get over an hour of cardio in one session.
1) Improve physical conditioning - made huge steps in 2008 (dropped 30 lbs, started running & weights); want to keep the momentum going

2) Bring in new members through a variety of approaches (with chief instructor's blessing)

3) Improve seminar & public speaking skills

4) Nidan