2003 WMAA Camp Buffalo

Quick Question O' Renegado,

Will this be a heavy metal banquet or will there be James Brown music as well?

The Godfather Of Portland, Dan
Originally posted by Dan Anderson
Quick Question O' Renegado,

Will this be a heavy metal banquet or will there be James Brown music as well?

The Godfather Of Portland, Dan

All are welcome!
I am looking foward to hearing about how the camp went.

I wanted to make a public apology to all the WMAA members for me not being able to attend the camp this year. I sent my regards through Tim and Rich, but I was in the middle of a major transition at my work that didn't free me up to leave town this year.

I am still training, though, and I am still active. I will be looking foward to seeing all the wonderful and skilled people that I missed at future events.

Hope to hear how thing went very soon.

Paul Janulis
We missed you!

The camp was excellent. Well organized, fun and with lots of great material from all the instructors. I met some familiar faces and some new ones and got some good workouts in. I had the opportunity to spend a good bit of time with GM Bong Jornales and his wife Wendy and I have to say they are just great people with great personalties that match their impressive skills. I enjoyed Dr Gyi better this year because he didn't choke me out like he did last year. His knife classes were blunt and realistic and right to the point. Ha!

The banquet was great with good food and quite a few sentimental moments. The instructors demos as well as the kids and the dancers made for an enjoyable evening.
Janice and Tim did a fabulous job and I'd like to thank them for all their hard work.

I also had some rockin, hard banging workouts with Dan Carr that were awsome. Plenty of high speed, hard hitting and lots of chatter. It doesn't get any better than that.

I had a great time!!!

I have to agree...the camp was a blast!

GM Jornales's sessions were incredible, plus the demos he and his wife did Sat night were very impressive. The Capoeira group blew folks away with their musical art.

There were a good number of folks there, on the average about 30 people on the floor at any given time by my counts. I had chances to chat at length with Dan Anderson, GM Jornales, Chad, Paul Dawdy, Dr. Gyi, and many other folks.

Also, this year after the camp came to its official close the tradition continued of my sparring with Rich Parsons. This year we expanded it to also include Arnisador and Ace. I've come to a conclusion....blocking with head bad. :D As usual, i'm sore, bruised and eager for more! :)

To those who didn't make it in this time, theres 2 more planned for this year. And, next year looks to be even more incredible. From the selection of instructors, to the depth of knowledge, to the little touches here and there, the WMAA camps continue to impress me, and renew my desire to train.

Paul, we missed ya!
The WMMA Camp

I had a great Time. It Rocked !

There was a nice little get together Thursday Night by some of the instructors and students, just to chat and work out on questions. I think this was a good idea.

The Camp Officially opened with Guro’s Paul Dawdy and Chad Dulin teaching Anyo Anim (* Empty hand form six *) and the applications. As I had prior to this camp never done Anyo Anim, I think I have a good idea of the techniques and the applications. I enjoyed their instruction.

Guro Jeff Leader, went over may of the Stick disarms, and even called up other people to explain other and different variations of the techniques. I know he shared the floor with Senior Master Dan Anderson and myself. As always Jeff was and is humble. :)

Guro Dan Carr, taught Locks & Controls. I really enjoyed this non-lethal approach and applications of these techniques. Thanks Dan!

As Kaith has said, Dr. Gyi taught a great pocket knife, and it was really straight forward. He also taught a nice yoga class at the end of the camp.

GM Bong Jornales, gave a great demonstration at the banquet and a lot of instruction. Now, if I can only remember it all :) to practice. I really liked his double stick work.

Datu Tim Hartman increased everyone's knowledge with his Stick and knife and single stick applications of Palis Palis and also with applications and counters to techniques out of the Tapi-Tapi Drill.

I also had a chance to see the certificate presented to Tim by the Board of the WMAA for his Promotion back in January to Lakan Pito. It was nice to see that Dr. (GM) Gyi and GM Bong Jornalis both signed and endorsed the decision of the Board.

Basically fun was had by all, and if you were not there then you missed a lot. Including, myself trying to due a Capoiera Technique or two after the local troop Capoiera Mandinga did an excellent demonstration. It was a sight to see, or at least I was told it was. ;)


I enjoyed the sparring. Thanks ! :)


We Missed you! You silly Little Rabbit! Yet I and others understand life does throw us curves and we must go with the flow. :) :D

Thanks! :Asian:

Sal and Chad,

Thanks Guys! :asian:

Jeff the Check is in the Mail ! :p
I enjoyed seeing everyone & was glad
to be part of such a great Event.
The rest of you are ok too.

I must say I enjoyed meeting some new friends as well as hanging out with the old.
Chad, you are great, can't wait to have you up here for a Canadian Camp. Thank you for your paitience, your help, and your friendship. (oh yeah, the beer too)

Tim did way more than he should have, just cause he is that type of guy. Thank you again. I will never be able to express how great it was to see the Capoiera demo, it was better than any dessert.
And Tim's classes were perfect Modern Arnis. Basic to start with, then one counter after another, incredible flow.

Janice, make sure you take that Holiday. No, seriously. Go!
We all love you.

Thank you Dr. Gyi for not killing me, several times over. Hehehe, loved every minute of it.

Bong, Wendy. Two great people, awesome Martial Artists, and a perfect couple. You were both too kind. Awesome demonstrations, and I loved the classes.

Dan, thank you for being my roomie, and listening to me as I missed the Professor. You are too fun, and too kind.

Rich, I feel like you are the brother I never had (or wanted - just kidding) Guys, this dude is waaaaaay under rated. Can not wait to train again.

Jeff, good class, thank you for the time we chatted.

Dan Carr, thank you for your classes, and for help in teaching.

Jack Latorre, you are Lothar. Keep in touch, we need to bring you up to the great white north soon too.

Kaith, Susan, than you for being you, both of you. Talk to you both soon.

Those who missed, missed a lot. Those who were there, hope you had as good a time as I.

See you all soon.

A. Paul Dawdy :)
I will admit to driving up with some reservations; burnout on top of everything else going on in my life.
Man, I am glad I went.
Thanks Tim for taking the initiative. More thanks to Janice for helping everything come together just right.
Paul kind of hit the highlights, but I want to stress that the instruction was awesome.
Dan Carr shared a lot with me off the mat; great ideas and great career guidance.
Dr. Gyi never passed a moment without honoring Professor and his art; that is a truly awesome thing in a martial artist of his stature.
Wendy and Bong were a dynamic pair and just great people.
Jeff always found a few minutes between sessions to work some more and share some more.
Rich always had something to add, and it always made a good thing better.
And Jack was a tremendous addition to the bill.
I really appreciated Dan Anderson's enthusiasm, and his patience in working with my students. Dan, thanks also for the words off the mat; it helped.
Most importantly I want to thank my students Sue and Tony, and all who worked with them. They were overwhelmed with teh experience and had a great time.
Originally posted by Roland
The rest of you are ok too.
. . .
Janice, make sure you take that Holiday. No, seriously. Go!
We all love you.

Well, as usual Janice was up and running Monday Morning.
She should take a nice long relaxing vacation :), Along with all
the behind the scenes, issues, directions, certificates, printers, bills, forms, food, and playing hostess, this young lady did me a favor of hemming a pair of gi pants for me. :asian:

Thank you is not enough!

Originally posted by Roland

Rich, I feel like you are the brother I never had (or wanted - just kidding)

Paul, Paul, Paul, the Brother you never had nor wanted :D, I think I resemble that remark. :) See you later :D

Originally posted by Roland

Guys, this dude is waaaaaay under rated. Can not wait to train again.

Paul, I thank you for the complement. I have worked hard for my knowledge, yet I could not have done it with out the teachers and others I worked out on a regular basis with. Such As Manong Ted Buot, Master James Power, Ian Kershaw, Mike Power and Mike Cribbs, most recently, and from my past Master Jeff Owens and Master Joe Dorris. Of Course with Remy Presas at Camps and Seminars and when ever he was in town. Once again Thanks :asian:

Hmmm, I see here that Dan Ansderson was a busy boy. He also spent an evening talking with me, we had fun drinking $1.00 Draft Honey Brown Ale and chatting about everything. ;)

(* Edited - Split Paul's (Roland's) Quote to not sound arrogant and to address his comments :) *)
Originally posted by dearnis.com
. . .
Most importantly I want to thank my students Sue and Tony, and all who worked with them. They were overwhelmed with teh experience and had a great time.


Tell Tony, I had fun with the double stick work :) During GM Bong Jornalis sections.

Also Tell Sue, she left a huge bruise on my arm where she Punyo'd me with her cane. She is such a Brute :D

I hope to see both of them again in October. :cool:
Howdy Folks,
Dittos on all the comments about the camp. Bong, had to be truthful about not remembering you when you came the Pacificic Northwest in the '80s. "I was too full of myself." In retrospect, what a wasted opportunity. Your skill was missed. Wendy, loved working with you and the two of you sone like Marie and I - a good pair. Great happiness to the both of you. Chad, great to get with you this year. Last year was a bit of a dim memory but this year I got to know you and my offer will always stand if you come out my way. Tim Dawdy - great roomie. thanks for not snoring like Rick (also a great roomie) did last year. Dan Carr, GREAT material. Heck, I hope I remember all of it. Jeff, thanks fo the kind words in the office after the camp. What else would I do? For all of you who didn't make it - well, you missed out. There you go - all the news that's fit to print.

Dan Anderson

PS - Rikki (don't lost that number) As usual, your company is valued and valuable despite the late hour and inexpensive beers.

PPS - Jaye - my elder sister - ditto minus the late hours and the beer.
All I can say is thanks. It takes the host, the instructors and the participants to make an event go well. I won’t comment on the hosts (Janice and I) but I can comment on the rest.

I feel that they did a wonderful job. They ALL had good patients and communication skills.

They demonstrated open minds and a willingness to learn.

This event was successful because of everyone’s efforts not just one.

Thank You,

Tim Hartman
World Modern Arnis Alliance.
I’m proud to announce the addition of two new camps on the WMAA events schedule. This is very exciting seeing our organization growing at the rate it is. We also have the dates for our 2004 world conference. The information is as follow:

East Coast Fall Camp
October 17-19, 2003
Wilmington, Delaware

Instructors include:
Datu Tim Hartman
GM Anding De Leon
Guro Rick Manglinong
Guro Rich Parsons

Contact: Sal Todaro or Chad Dulin
Phone: 610-543-2624
[email protected]
[email protected]

Mid-West Fall Camp
November 1-2, 2003
Detroit, Michigan

Instructors include:
Datu Tim Hartman
GM Bong Jornales
Guro Rich Parsons
More TBA

Contact: Paul Janulis
Phone: 248-722-1634
E-mail: [email protected]

World Conference
April 30 - May 2, 2004
Buffalo, New York

Instructors include:
Datu Tim Hartman
Guro Rick Manglinong
Dr. Jeffery Leader
More TBA

Contact: Datu Hartman
School: 716-675-0899
E-mail: [email protected]

There will be more information to follow.

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