Promotion of Tim Hartman by WMAA Board.


Jeff Leader

On behalf of the Advisory Board of the World Modern Arnis Alliance, it is my privilege and pleasure to announce that the Board has promoted Datu Tim Hartman to the rank of 7th degree black belt (Lakan Pito), effective 31 January 2003.

This promotion comes after considerable deliberation by the Board as well as consultation with WMAA members and outside experts regarding not only Mr. Hartman's suitability for promotion but also the best way to proceed with high-level promotions in the absence of an accepted promotional authority at the highest levels of the art. The promotion is in recognition of his physical skill and additionally his contributions to spreading the art and organizing the WMAA and its curriculum.

The Board extends its congratulations to Datu Hartman.

Jeffery J. Leader, PhD

for the WMAA Advisory Board:

Charles E. Dulin
Paul Janulis
Jeffery J. Leader (Chair)
Ingmar Johansson
Sal Todaro
Let me add my personal congratulations to my instructor and good friend Tim Hartman on this well-deserved promotion.
When I was sitting with Tim tonight eating chicken wings and drinking beer his words were, "Wanna pass me the napkins?"

A man of few words obviously.

Congratulations Datu Hartman!!

This promotion is truly earned and in keeping with the timeline of previous promotions given him by the Professor. He has done more than his share to promote and carry Modern Arnis well into the future with the solid foundation of the World Modern Arnis Alliance.

I believe congrats are also in order to the World Modern Arnis Alliance, it's Advisory Board and Members for doing the right thing at the right time. Their commitment to move foreword is admirable.

:cheers: :cheers:
I also would like to add my congrtulations to Datu Hartman on his promotion.

I respect the way the WMAA board awarded this promotion. It is nice to hear that the martial arts community was involved.
Heartfelt congratulations- sometimes good people are rewarded in life, it's good to see.

I would like to offer Datu Hartman my congratulations on a well-deserved promotion!

Congratulations on your promotion. Wear it well and continue the good work in the future.

Dan Anderson
PS - "Thela Hun Ginjeet" - figure that one out. :D


WMMA Steering Board - Congratualtions on this event.

I just want to be present to take a swing for Tim's Receiving of the Cane. As there are five on the board. I think that leaves room for two more to each have a swing. I am putting my name in for the horrible but taking one for the team job. :D

Keep up the good work everyone

Train Well
Originally posted by Rich Parsons
I just want to be present to take a swing for Tim's Receiving of the Cane. As there are five on the board. I think that leaves room for two more to each have a swing.

We've reserved a four-hour block of time for this event at the upcoming WMAA camp in May. I'll put you on the list. Will that be rattan or a hardwood, like bahi?
Originally posted by arnisador
We've reserved a four-hour block of time for this event at the upcoming WMAA camp in May. I'll put you on the list. Will that be rattan or a hardwood, like bahi?

You guys are so funny. Not.
You mean this year it won't be "Welcome to the camp, this is Bob, heres a stick, please smack him as you enter?"

Cool! :D

Seriously, Congrat Tim!
Congratulations to Datu Hartman, and the WMMA!

Looking good