1st Dan...

At what age did you recieve your 1st Dan Black Belt?

  • Less than 10

  • 11 to 20

  • 21 to 30

  • 31 to 40

  • 41 to 50

  • 51 to 60

  • 61 to 70

  • 71 to 80

  • OMG greater than 80!!!

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You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to rainbows again.

did I already give you rep for passing and a congrats?

I donr remember doing so...
for what? your the one who put in years of work and effort to achieve something most cannot.

Alzheimers at 16 - what am I coming to....
beauty_in_the_sai said:
I was 17 when I got my black belt in tkd. I was so happy when I got it that I cried. The year between my red belt black stripe and my black was the longest year of my life. LOL
My friend in England is going for red belt black stripe next month. Im not sure if it's the same time schedule between ranks there as well. So if all goes well, she could test for black belt next May or June. As for me, my training is on hold until the Fall after things calm down at work. So maybe in 3.5 or 4 years I'll reach that exam. Im stalled at orange right now. But Im in no hurry to reach black belt. IMO I still have alot to learn. Best regards, Steve
Satt said:
Also, I would like to hear from the older ones at what age you started.
That would be me. lol. I've trained in different MA's since I was a teenager, but I was 42 before I ever received a BB. I don't test in the other arts I practice.
I was 21 when I recieved black in Hapkido.

I was 46 when I received black in Kenpo.

Bill Parsons
Triangle Kenpo Insitute
Have not yet reached Black .. and I am 40 now .... I don't think I will be testing before my birthday in August ... more likely, either January '06 or July '06 ... At which time I will be 41.

I was 19 when I started in TKD and I tested for 1st black when I was 27, I tested for 1st black in Presas Arnis under Hock Hochhiem and 2nd black (TKD) when I was 34 (back in 1995). Then in 97 I tested in Modern Arnis for 1st black as well under GM Remy Presas (I was 37).

I was 42 when I received my 1st degree in shaolin kempo. I am presently 44.
Well, I don't have 1. dan yet, but today I heard that I would test for it sometime during autumn. Depending on when exactly the test is going to be, that would make me 37 or 38 :) I started under sensei when I was 33, so around 4 years to shodan for me.
I was 24 when I tested for I Dan... a disturbingly long time ago!
Hmmm. Interesting question. I have studied some sort of martial art since 1969... but I was never interested in belt rank. I started with Shorin Ryu in my early 30s. It wasn't the system so much as the sensei that attracted me. I received my 1st dan at about 42.
I was raised in Shotokan, learning techniques when I was as young as two. I got my shodan in shotokan at 8, but I wasn't allowed to wear the belt until I turned 13. My sensei felt it would discourage allot of kids and upset a bunch of parents who expected their kids to be black belts in a couple of years.

Since I was a unique situation, and I needed something to incourage me he tested me for shodan and I passed, but his rules was no one can test for shodan until 13 minimum. I was the only exception.