10 year old black belt


Purple Belt
Oct 13, 2002
Reaction score
I am starting karate soon but my question is this. At the kempo school my daughter attends there is a 10 year old black belt. How is that possible? Could he be a jr black belt? I mean, I'm sure he's good,he helps teach but there's a big difference between an adult and a child,no? I know he could kick my butt though.
We just had 1 promoted in our school as well. I think he might be 11 or 12 but that's beside the point. Their requirements are a lot less than the adults for obvious reasons. The little guy promoted in our school has been there for 6 yrs. now. He also has two older brothers as well at jr. black. Once he moves into the next curruculum he'll need to learn a lot more basics, forms, sets, and a ton more techniques. Does this help.
Jason Farnsworth
You said what I was trying to say. The requirements being different. It's amazing at my daughters school the black and brown belts are so young. We'll see how I do soon.
Yeah, it seems that it's a lot of kids taking the martial arts anymore. Mostly from like 6 to about 17 maybe. The thing about kenpo is don't get discouraged. And the big must is, you have to ask a lot of questions if you don't understand something.;)
Good luck,
Jason Farnsworth
Is Isshin-ryu, one cannot become an adult Black Belt until the age of 16.
my daughter is 8. she started last month and is a yellow belt going for 1st stripe on thursday. she loves it so I figure I'll try too. I can do everything she can because after I run her through the drill, she runs me through it too.
1 month and she has obtained yellow? :p

I think the guy I was talking to at my belt is 2nd degree white and has been there for like a month or two.
it all depends on the teacher how soon someone gets a belt(obviously) some like to give yellow out real early some after a few months(got mine in 2 months) and one kid i met at a tournament didnt get his untill 1 year after he started. Some have differant philosophies in how they train others are out for money, both have verying times in when they giveo ut belts. Nothing anybody never knew before but i felt like sayin' it.
a black belt should be 10 yr old rather than 10 yr old black belt...
boys will be boys untill they grow up... :D

I tend to be very conservative in my belts promotions. It takes anywhere from three to six months to get yellow from me. I have one of my adults that has been with me almost 18 months and he is getting his purple next week.
Just a little FYI Rachel... black belt doesn't mean anything about how tough or actual combat ability someone has. Thats an old myth. So wondering if a child can kick your butt just because they wear a black belt is kinda silly.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
I absolutely despise the practice of granting children high-level rank. You ought not be able to become a blackbelt until you're at least of legal age.
actually I made a mistake. My daughter started in mid August and has a yellow belt going for first stripe
Originally posted by Sharp Phil
I absolutely despise the practice of granting children high-level rank. You ought not be able to become a blackbelt until you're at least of legal age.

Gotta agree. Personally I would make 18 a requirement. Don't care if anyone else likes it either.
Originally posted by GouRonin

Gotta agree. Personally I would make 18 a requirement. Don't care if anyone else likes it either.

I have to agree as well. They really need to know and understand the knowledge that has been passed onto them. I started at 15 and would have liked to have started earlier but actually now I think it was a better choice to come in later. It helped in learning the material easier.
Jason Farnsworth
I have to agree as well. They really need to know and understand the knowledge that has been passed onto them. I started at 15 and would have liked to have started earlier but actually now I think it was a better choice to come in later. It helped in learning the material easier.


Though im still 15.....ill be 16 next month.

A freind of mine is 16 and he just received his black belt over the summer, he has bin training for about 7 years now. To me, he seems black belt worthy(though he didnt so fair so well when he got to nationals, he did very well at provincials), but thats just me.
Originally posted by Carbon

1 month and she has obtained yellow? :p

I think the guy I was talking to at my belt is 2nd degree white and has been there for like a month or two.

What art?
the kids a jr black belt. so when he moves to the next level, what belt will he be?
Originally posted by muayThaiPerson

the kids a jr black belt. so when he moves to the next level, what belt will he be?

Usually they don't move on to another belt until they move into the adult class, whereupon they usually either keep their jr. black until they get the adult full black, or they go to an equivalent belt in the adult program (in our school it's first blue).