Can You Stand Still?

Yous are all missing the point, This is what seperates Wing Chun from Wing Chun Kung Fu, its Very unique to WC,

Quote- Others walk the plank, I walk the line, Ip Man

Please have pity on us senile fools for not getting YOUR point ... sad to think we had the wrong ideas of what WC, Wing Chun or Wing Chun Kung Fu is for the last 40+ years. Hope you guys/gals don't mind me dragging you'll into this.
Please have pity on us senile fools for not getting YOUR point ... sad to think we had the wrong ideas of what WC, Wing Chun or Wing Chun Kung Fu is for the last 40+ years. Hope you guys/gals don't mind me dragging you'll into this.

IP MANS POINT, gals/guys lets just ignore Ip Man who ever he is,
I imagine I'm the only one on this thread who doesn't know what 'stillness in the stance' is and I'm assuming it wasn't started to inform me so why start a thread, make some snarky comments and then say you won't say what this 'stillness in the stance'!
I'm left scratching my head in puzzled amusement at the OP.
I imagine I'm the only one on this thread who doesn't know what 'stillness in the stance' is and I'm assuming it wasn't started to inform me so why start a thread, make some snarky comments and then say you won't say what this 'stillness in the stance'!
I'm left scratching my head in puzzled amusement at the OP.

I was Testing the Talent out there, No one has a idea , and im not suprised,
I was Testing the Talent out there, No one has idea so i rest my case,

Okay, now I'm on firm ground. 'Testing the ground' isn't in the spirit of the 'friendly marital arts conversations' we like to have around here, we like to discuss and learn things not throw down challenges to see how much anyone knows, it isn't friendly, it isn't respectful and it often leaves egg on the face when you find people do know more than you or won't play your games. It's also against the rules here. I don't practice WC but I was interested in the title and wanted to learn some more, what I learnt however was that someone thinks they know it all and they think no one else does, that's a shame because I actually wanted to know about the techniques not read posts putting others down. The other posters I know from other threads and I have respect for their views especially when it's their art! So now you've fed your ego and think you are the king of the hill perhaps you might like to reread the rules for here and start a more respectful thread...or not bother at all with us.
didnt mean to offend anyone, If one was a true Wing chuner then they would have clicked straight away, The people who know what im talking about
wont post cause its the very high end of SNT, and who have worked hard to achieve it, and are not willing to give it up and neither am i,

Im not looking down on anybody here, i only see level,
I can not speak for Wing Chun but stillness in standing practice isn't really a secret in Chinese internal arts. Its finally getting it that takes time with practice.

There are some concepts that are important in performing standing meditation correctly such as relaxing, rooting, sinking, alignment, letting go.
Alot of it is not easy to express with words but having the teacher guide you to getting the right feeling is what is important.

Anyway just my opinion.
didnt mean to offend anyone, If one was a true Wing chuner then they would have clicked straight away, The people who know what im talking about
wont post cause its the very high end of SNT, and who have worked hard to achieve it, and are not willing to give it up and neither am i,

Im not looking down on anybody here, i only see level,

Nah... that's just avoidance........ I'm still waiting

Let us start here...define stillness

Any true CMA person will be able to answer that one
Standing practice is not unique to Wing Chun , but the Wing Chun stance and method of generating force is.
One of the meanings of Siu Nim Tau is "Sense from the brain" , with correct and diligent practice of Siu Nim Tau we begin to develop this sense from the brain.

This force is called "Nim Lik" (mind force) this type of force requires three main components to work properly , the correct Wing Chun stance , "Tei gong"(slight contraction of the muscles surrounding the anus) and relaxed muscles.

Strength is not required in Wing Chun because this type of force does not come from muscular strength , it comes from the brain.
"Nim Lik" stabilizes the Wing Chun structures so that even while the muscles are relaxed they will not collapse under heavy pressure from an outside source.
The only way to cultivate this force is via the vehicle of Siu Nim Tau practice.

By the way SUINIMTAO you don't have any secrets , because there are no secrets , only disciplined consistent training.

Just for the record I was trained by Master Jim Fung who also possessed "Nim Lik", he was the top student of Sigung Tsui Seung Tin.

It is Tsui Seung Tin's method you are espousing , he is known for teaching the internal method of Wing Chun.
What you are taking about is nothing new to me , and nothing that has not been discussed here in the past at great length with other people on this board.
Standing practice is not unique to Wing Chun , but the Wing Chun stance and method of generating force is.
One of the meanings of Siu Nim Tau is "Sense from the brain" , with correct and diligent practice of Siu Nim Tau we begin to develop this sense from the brain.

This force is called "Nim Lik" (mind force) this type of force requires three main components to work properly , the correct Wing Chun stance , "Tei gong"(slight contraction of the muscles surrounding the anus) and relaxed muscles.

Strength is not required in Wing Chun because this type of force does not come from muscular strength , it comes from the brain.
"Nim Lik" stabilizes the Wing Chun structures so that even while the muscles are relaxed they will not collapse under heavy pressure from an outside source.
The only way to cultivate this force is via the vehicle of Siu Nim Tau practice.

By the way SUINIMTAO you don't have any secrets , because there are no secrets , only disciplined consistent training.

Just for the record I was trained by Master Jim Fung who also possessed "Nim Lik", he was the top student of Sigung Tsui Seung Tin.

It is Tsui Seung Tin's method you are espousing , he is known for teaching the internal method of Wing Chun.
What you are taking about is nothing new to me , and nothing that has not been discussed here in the past at great length with other people on this board.

Yes that is the protocol, I know its commen knowlage thoughout our lingage, But theres a fine line between proforming in correctly and not,
You Know all this yet can not tell me the basic princible of Standing stillmor how you MAINTAIN it,
Yes that is the protocol, I know its commen knowlage thoughout our lingage, But theres a fine line between proforming in correctly and not,
You Know all this yet can not tell me the basic princible of Standing stillmor how you MAINTAIN it,

You see this is the type of crap I hate about chinese martial arts , people try to complicate things and make them sound all mysterious.
Trying to make something very simple sound very complex in some sort of bid to put themselves on a pedestal.

When Sigung teaches he doesn't rave on about stillness , he just says Tei Gong , back straight , relax , focus to the centreline.

The basic principle of standing still is to RELAX and CONCENTRATE , its no friggin secret.

This is an excerpt from the man himself.
"In order to be successful , one must be able to relax the muscle of the whole body , to infuse the spirit into the spine so that it is maintained straight , to contract the anus , and to concentrate the mind during the training.

It is not easy to tell if the learner is correct by just looking at the figure.
When one is getting towards successful, he begins to feel the existence of "Force of Idea".
If he has great belief that he possesses the "Force of Idea" and has really given up the exerting of force in his moves , he has achieved the state of complete relaxation".

So stop complicating things and acting like some sort of guru who holds the only true path to enlightenment.
You see this is the type of crap I hate about chinese martial arts , people try to complicate things and make them sound all mysterious.
Trying to make something very simple sound very complex in some sort of bid to put themselves on a pedestal.

When Sigung teaches he doesn't rave on about stillness , he just says Tei Gong , back straight , relax , focus to the centreline.

The basic principle of standing still is to RELAX and CONCENTRATE , its no friggin secret.

This is an excerpt from the man himself.
"In order to be successful , one must be able to relax the muscle of the whole body , to infuse the spirit into the spine so that it is maintained straight , to contract the anus , and to concentrate the mind during the training.

It is not easy to tell if the learner is correct by just looking at the figure.
When one is getting towards successful, he begins to feel the existence of "Force of Idea".
If he has great belief that he possesses the "Force of Idea" and has really given up the exerting of force in his moves , he has achieved the state of complete relaxation".

So stop complicating things and acting like some sort of guru who holds the only true path to enlightenment.

That sounds about right, Dont disagree with that,

Sooooo... tell me how does one use the mind concentration to focus towards the centerline?

to infuse the spirit into the spine so that it is MAINTAINED STRAIGHT (and still)

Does Connect The Dots mean anything to you or any body else?
That sounds about right, Dont disagree with that,

Sooooo... tell me how does one use the mind concentration to focus towards the centerline?

to infuse the spirit into the spine so that it is MAINTAINED STRAIGHT (and still)

Does Connect The Dots mean anything to you or any body else?

No it doesn't.

Look, you have people who are interested in your style, who wish to learn more about it even if they don't practice it and all anyone is getting is this pseudo mystical stuff with overtones of 'grasshopperitis'. You aren't the grandmaster and the people here certainly aren't your students so can't you just type good English? If it's secret keep it secret, if not have a friendly discussion.
Great you're getting involved but you're not going to make your time here useful testing people out.
The dots might mean the various points to attack on the centre line of our opponent, head to toe. I'm sick of the guessing games zzzzzz