Your neighbours

Do you know your neighbours?

  • I know many of my neighbours

  • I know a/ a couple of my neighbours

  • I don't know any of my neighbours, but would like to

  • I don't know any of my neighbors, and don't want to

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May 17, 2004
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The Canuckistan Plains
Recent polls suggest the members of Martial Talk would like to see more polls, so here's one.

Do you know your neighbours? I think that our society would be a better place if we all did, but I don't live in a very good area, and don't care to know many. Mind you, they're probably not all bad people.


Columbia Martial Arts Academy
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May 27, 2004
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Not BC, Not DC
My immediate neighbors (next door, both sides, immediate rear and right across the street) are all retirees and wish, I'm certain, that I would take my ever-loving screaming brats away forever.

I live on a main drag, too, so that's a...well...drag. Around the corner are eastern bloc immigrants that love to bully smaller kids, beat them up and steal their money, belongings, bicycles, shoes, etc.

So, no...I don't really know my neighbors, much to my dismay in some cases and in different degrees in others.


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Jun 20, 2003
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Cleveland, OH
I've actually been thinking about this alot. I currently live in an apartment and I know one of my four immediate neibour families, but have met them all at least in passing. I am aquainted to that one and about four others in the building and the neiboring buildings. I am friends with none of them, and can say that it is my fiance's good manners and pleasant demeanor that has got us even this far (I am a bit of a hermit, unless I am among friends). When I lived at home years ago with my family, I knew and was aquainted with almost every family on the block, and myself or one of my family members were friends with at least 50% of those aquaintances. My family was aquainted with 50% of the entire neiborhood and friends with atleast 25% of those.

My fiance' and I are planning on buying a residence after we get married next year. She would like to stay in the suburbs and live in a development. I on the other hand would like to move a little farther out and own a larger chunk of property away from others. Her thoughts are easy travel to shopping and entertainment, and nearby friends and facilities for any future kids. My thoughts are that I don't want to be around anybody that ticks me off (which is a lot of people, as it is my opinion that most of the people in the world are dazed and stupid). This is compounded by the possibility of a condo which is lower cost and low maintanance, but requires rather intimate contact with neibors and less space for my stuff.

In closing I would like to state that I am not antisocial (as I hope my behaviour online shows), nor am I hard to get along with, but I do have little tolerance for unpleasent things so close to my front door (screaming children all day, loud music at late hours, trashy outdoors areas, undiciplined or controlled pets).


[font=&quot]The week that we moved into our new house, we went through the immediate neighborhood and introduced ourselves. We make it a point to stop and chat with the neighbors when we are getting home from work etc.

Had a problem with our dog barking, got a warning from animal control, so I went door to door apologizing and left my cell number. Additionally, I’ve found that many of us share the same friends and even found out that my neighbor had been stalked by my girlfriend’s co-worker. [/font]


Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Jun 20, 2003
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Cleveland, OH
Spud said:
[font=&quot]The week that we moved into our new house, we went through the immediate neighborhood and introduced ourselves. We make it a point to stop and chat with the neighbors when we are getting home from work etc.

Had a problem with our dog barking, got a warning from animal control, so I went door to door apologizing and left my cell number. Additionally, I’ve found that many of us share the same friends and even found out that my neighbor had been stalked by my girlfriend’s co-worker. [/font]

You sound like the type of neibor I wish I could count on being around me when I move. Props.


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
Apr 16, 2002
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Somewhere Wild,Wonderful and Wicked
When Seig and I lived in an affluent *snobby* neighborhood (he grew up there and knew all the neighbors, but after moving out and returning years later most on his street had changed), I was merely acquainted with people on either side, but had no idea who they were. When we moved to 'the city' a year ago, into an OLD residential neighborhood, We met our neighbors on both sides immediately and was I ever astounded when we got Christmas cards and 'gifts of homemade breads' delivered to us :)
We were moving some furniture in one day about 9 months after we lived here, when an older guy from down the street came over to help.. Totally wild :)
We are going to be building our house out in a new wooded (Small development-14 homes total each on 2 plus acres) and right now there will be 3 houses built, so it's going to be 'Interesting' to see what kinda neighbors we get~!!

Just this morning we were 'chatting' with one neighbor over the fence *G*



Black Belt
Jun 15, 2004
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OULobo said:
I've actually been thinking about this alot. I currently live in an apartment and I know one of my four immediate neibour families, but have met them all at least in passing. I am aquainted to that one and about four others in the building and the neiboring buildings. I am friends with none of them, and can say that it is my fiance's good manners and pleasant demeanor that has got us even this far (I am a bit of a hermit, unless I am among friends). When I lived at home years ago with my family, I knew and was aquainted with almost every family on the block, and myself or one of my family members were friends with at least 50% of those aquaintances. My family was aquainted with 50% of the entire neiborhood and friends with atleast 25% of those.

My fiance' and I are planning on buying a residence after we get married next year. She would like to stay in the suburbs and live in a development. I on the other hand would like to move a little farther out and own a larger chunk of property away from others. Her thoughts are easy travel to shopping and entertainment, and nearby friends and facilities for any future kids. My thoughts are that I don't want to be around anybody that ticks me off (which is a lot of people, as it is my opinion that most of the people in the world are dazed and stupid). This is compounded by the possibility of a condo which is lower cost and low maintanance, but requires rather intimate contact with neibors and less space for my stuff.

In closing I would like to state that I am not antisocial (as I hope my behaviour online shows), nor am I hard to get along with, but I do have little tolerance for unpleasent things so close to my front door (screaming children all day, loud music at late hours, trashy outdoors areas, undiciplined or controlled pets).
Wow!, this ^^^ is me. . .word-for-word. I just moved to a place that is a nice residential neighborhood and there's a bunch nice people--and some pretty hot single chicks, so we (my roomate and I) were thinking of throwing a block party. Just go around and invite everybody in the immediate vecinity to come and hangout in the yard, eat some BBQ and drink some beer. Just set up the grill on the corner, some coolers and picnic tables on the lawn, and most people just have to cross the street. That way, they can come over, we can all meet and have a good time, but I don't have to let these people in my house, because their house is less than 50 yds. away.


Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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My Neighborhood is about 40+ years old. I have some people around me who have been in their house since it was built.

All the way around me I know all my neighbors, and they do not like me as I am the young guy in the neighborhood who owns that Bike, and other things. ;)

I have had some nice discussions with my neighbors though. Next door lady, (* Retired and widowed, I watch to make sure I see her from time to time *) who brought cookies and had a choice to leave them on boxes in the garage, or on either car, teh beat up 93 Grand Am or the much newer 2000 convertible. Guess where she left them ,:rolleyes: , She likes it that I stay on my side of the fence, and would talk to me until I got a motorcycle, now she thinks I am going to hurt her. The other side of my house, is a guy who is still working, and likes his yard fenced in and Appreciats that I take care of mine as well. The ones behind me, are happy that I do not complain about thier kids in their back yard making noise. Wow, in the middle of the day. Te other lady is retired and volunteers with the township and is worried about her dog when it is out because he barks at me while I am out. I just say hi to it and her, and keep doing my yard work. The guy across the street, came over after the Widow had a new drain put in. This required that they did across my yard to the nearest storm drain. The crew threw some seed down and straw, and now weeds were coming in. He came over the "Talk" to me about my yard and how I need to get her to fix it since it was for her drain. I explained that teh county has the right of way, and that it is not ehr fault and the county beleives they have done enough. I was reseeding and fertilizing and even called professional such as Chem Lawn. It was not fast enough for him for he was afraid the weeds might cross the street into his yard. :rolleyes: Being retired all day long all he has to worry about is his lawn. Well by the end of last summer, it was looking better, and now it is almost completely back a couple of hand size patches still need filling in. Yet, over the winter he went south and did not tell me. No one came over to clean his driveway, check his house, or make it look like someone was home. He came back, and came over to talk to me about my yard, and how it still needs work. I replied that I have come a long way and was still working on it. Then I told him that since we are such great neighbors, I did not appreciate him going away for 6 months, and not letting me know. How was I to know if there were crooks in his house or not. PLus it put my house at risk for if they saw his house had no trakcs or not cleared out, they might hit others while in the neighborhood. He was shocked that I would be upset about such a little thing. I told not to be upset, and that this winter I could check his house, or drive in his driveway so that way I know it looks like someone has been there. He has not crossed the road once since this conversation. He has just waved. I assumed that since he was concerned about his house and teh neighborhood he would not mind me being concerned as well.

oh well we shall see how this turns out.

Now on a side note there about 300+ homes in our neighborhood, and I am lucky to get 30 to 40 Trick or Treaters on Halloween. I think I moved in to the crazy person's home ;). I give out multiple candies of good size, and tell the kids to tell their friends. Slowly I am making progress.


kenpotex said:
I know a few of them, not as well as I would like to...the girl next-door for example...never mind
Sounds like you want to do more than get to know her.


May 17, 2004
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The Canuckistan Plains
Awesome. This is exactly why I started this thread, to hear the stories of the MT community. I know you guys better than my neighbours. Nice story Rich. Thank you for sharing that.


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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I knew the neigbor to the right of my house well, but he was recently transferred to Texas, and I have not met the 6 families that moved into his home.

I know the people behind me, from the time I went to ask the woman to have her kids stop throwing rocks at my window, and she threatened to sick her dog on me.


Black Belt
Sep 17, 2003
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Longmont Colorado
I just bought a house with a pool. It's amazing how instantaneously popular that makes you. We've already met quite a few of our neighbors, MOST of whom are nice, to their credit without apparent motiviation. They also took a very noisy July 4 housewarming party with grace and no complaints. The jury's still out but everything seems positive so far. The only negative is the teenage girls behind us always fishing for invites into the pool. I'm thinking they're like vampires--once they're invited in, there's no getting them out!

I take it as a good sign I've had more interaction in 2 weeks at this place than in 4 years at the old one.


May 17, 2004
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The Canuckistan Plains
Technopunk said:
I knew the neigbor to the right of my house well, but he was recently transferred to Texas, and I have not met the 6 families that moved into his home.

I know the people behind me, from the time I went to ask the woman to have her kids stop throwing rocks at my window, and she threatened to sick her dog on me.
Maybe you need to get a pool! /\ /\ /\


MTS Alumni
Feb 11, 2003
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flatlander said:
Maybe you need to get a pool! /\ /\ /\

Im happy with my hottub, thanks. Now if only I could find the teenage girls who want to use it...


Ok... ok... 20 year old girls.



Black Belt
Sep 17, 2003
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Longmont Colorado
They were out on the Fourth, bouncing on a trampoline in bikinis with a sprinkler on in the yard to keep them cool. A buddy nudged me and said "I didn't know they filmed the man show next door."

They're way, way too young for that to be more than just anecdotally entertaining.

Sounds like you live in my old neighborhood, Technopunk.

kenpo tiger

Senior Master
Jun 5, 2004
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Rich, Interesting that your neighbor didn't feel it necessary to let anyone know he was a snowbird, yet he's Mr. Environmental re: your lawn. He needs a hobby or to volunteer, don't you think?

I know who my neighbors are. They know my sons and my husband - think I'm the daughter (love that!) I work so they rarely see me.

One neighbor took great exception to me driving a convertible. She apparently has a handicapped child and he is her very public cross to bear. It enters into every conversation or tirade she has with anyone. Called me a blonde ***** before we were even introduced. I hadn't met her prior to stopping to say hello and wave to a group of them waiting for the school bus. Am I missing something here? Hello, trying to be neighborly. Anyway, I have a child who has a lifelong, incurable disease - diabetes - and most people don't know that. Why? Because I took him to the best doctor I could find and he (we) have learned to deal with it. I usually don't discuss it with anyone because it's not about me - it's about him. I am nothing but sympathetic when it comes to kids - especially those who have a lot like that to deal with. But - I AM unsympathetic to a parent who uses that child as a cudgel on others to deal with her guilt.

Whew. Sorry guys. She's the exception. My new neighbors are wonderful - two little boys. The family across the street keeps to themselves for the most part. My other next door neighbor is elderly and relatively quiet - nasty dog, but he's old and my puppy makes him crazy. I've lived in this neighborhood for 24 years - good schools and, for the most part, really nice people.

Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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kenpo tiger said:
Rich, Interesting that your neighbor didn't feel it necessary to let anyone know he was a snowbird, yet he's Mr. Environmental re: your lawn. He needs a hobby or to volunteer, don't you think?

I know who my neighbors are. They know my sons and my husband - think I'm the daughter (love that!) I work so they rarely see me.

One neighbor took great exception to me driving a convertible. She apparently has a handicapped child and he is her very public cross to bear. It enters into every conversation or tirade she has with anyone. Called me a blonde ***** before we were even introduced. I hadn't met her prior to stopping to say hello and wave to a group of them waiting for the school bus. Am I missing something here? Hello, trying to be neighborly. Anyway, I have a child who has a lifelong, incurable disease - diabetes - and most people don't know that. Why? Because I took him to the best doctor I could find and he (we) have learned to deal with it. I usually don't discuss it with anyone because it's not about me - it's about him. I am nothing but sympathetic when it comes to kids - especially those who have a lot like that to deal with. But - I AM unsympathetic to a parent who uses that child as a cudgel on others to deal with her guilt.

Whew. Sorry guys. She's the exception. My new neighbors are wonderful - two little boys. The family across the street keeps to themselves for the most part. My other next door neighbor is elderly and relatively quiet - nasty dog, but he's old and my puppy makes him crazy. I've lived in this neighborhood for 24 years - good schools and, for the most part, really nice people.

KT, Yes it is funny how much he cares about his lawn and the look of the neighborhood, and yet when he is gone it kind of is not in his mind ;).

Hmm Convertible equals BB and has somehow caused more pain to their child? No logic in there at all. I drive a convertible and you get better vision to see thsoe around you, and pay more attention. ;)

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