Your kung fu name

mine is 'Legendary Dragon Fist' ... I like that LOL
"Swallow Arm" for me.

I guess I need to do some curls.
I got "shadowless arm" :shrug:
Don't know if that means I'm scrawny or if I'm too fast to cast a shadow, yeah, that's the ticket...
Ahem....'Phlegmatic Phoenix Claw' for me.

I'm still coughing up stuff from my bout with bronchitis. I wonder if there's some relation? How did they know about that?!

My daughter's KF name is 'Spastic Phoenix Crotch'

:D :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :D

I'm not going to call her that until she moves away!
I put in my given name (Dot) and I get "Shadow Fox" which is great. :D

I put it in "KenpoGirl" for fun and I get ...... "Retarded Fox". :shrug:

I don't know what to say. Wait!!! Yes I do.... Call me Dot. ;)
Originally posted by KenpoGirl
I put in my given name (Dot) and I get "Shadow Fox" which is great. :D

I put it in "KenpoGirl" for fun and I get ...... "Retarded Fox". :shrug:

I don't know what to say. Wait!!! Yes I do.... Call me Dot. ;)

Suprised ya didn't emphasize that either way .... you're a fox! :p
Originally posted by Kirk
Suprised ya didn't emphasize that either way .... you're a fox! :p

Oh What a Sweetie. :ladysman:

Thanks Kirk. :kiss:
'Phlegmatic Phoenix of the East'

For Master of Blades and Joseph came out as

'Phoenix Arm of the East'
Rich Parsons = 'Jade Death' Parsons

Richard Parsons = 'Shadowless Death Spear' Parsons

Rich or Richard = 'Phoenix Arm of the East'

I like the first one. :D :rofl:
I came out as "Invincible Arm" Ford

but if my parents had chosen one of the other ways to spell my name I would be

"Spastic Slug Claw" Ford :shrug:

Think I like the first one better. :p
Kayla Brady: 'Phlegmatic Fox' Brady

KatGurl: 'Golden Arm God(dess) of the East'

the usual name I'm called: spaz

Using just "Chris"
it's Shadow Tiger Taylor...

Or using Christopher, it's Legendary Arm Taylor.

I think the second leads to far less potential bad jokes.
lol using my full name i got: "retarded mantis crotch" Hale

using my MT name on here i got 'Phoenix Arm God(dess) of the East'

i like the second one best lol