XMA/Tricking opinions


Yellow Belt
Sep 3, 2010
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So, what are your opinions on "Tricking kicks" and XMA in general? Personally, i love to watch these kicks and they actually motivate me to work harder.
My opinion of "tricking" is similar to that I have when watching gymnastics; if they're done well I can admire the athleticism required to perform them. That's really the extent of it, however.


I love the physical ability and skill of the people who practice XMA, but calling it martial arts is a misnomer.
Great to watch. Wish I could do it. Just like anything it takes skill and athleticism to do. If it is all you do then great but even they will tell you that they are not a fighter or artist of the Martial Arts.

However there are a few that are Martial Artist as well. We do not teach tricking at all, but we do have a couple of black belts that go to tricking gyms on their own to learn the stuff. They practice what we teach when in the dojang but on their own time, just like everyone they have their own fun.

So to say they are all not Martial Artist is not true. What they do is not a Martial Art by any means but some are both.
Why is it called 'tricking'? it has connotations of being a trick ie a con or scam.
It's too 'showbissie' for me, I like gymnastics that don't pretend to be martial arts.
Why is it called 'tricking'? it has connotations of being a trick ie a con or scam

In this sense, tricking is not used to mean scams. Think of it as like a skateboarder, using the basic ollie jump. Once he adds the kickflip, he has done a trick. (i.e. a jump roundhouse kick turns into the trick 540 round kick)
I think that the kids who do it are gifted athletes, and it's as close to practical self defense as most martial arts these days. The kids are healthy, strong, fast and agile, and running away is often a solid tactic. While I don't think a 520 tornado kick is going to land in self defense, the dexterity involved in being able to do it will come in handy.
XMA is awesome when a really skillful taekwondo demo guy performs. Then it is always exciting. Crazy combos and kicks from insane positions.
I love something between taekwondo demo and XMA.
Anyway I don't like when guys with no kicking expierience try to perform in XMA competitions, it just doesn't look good. But come on, who doesn't like Steve Terada ;)
Just like "Wrestling" it can be impressive and fun, but it is gymnastics and play rather than something meant for combat.
Love to watch it, and I sure wish I could get airborne like that, but at my age, it ain't gonna happen.
I have a friend who teaches TKD at a place that also houses a huge gymnastics program. The gymnastics demo team folks do a lot of tricking in their show, but not one of them has ever taken an MA lesson. Yet, they call it MA in their show! Seems much more like gymnastics than TKD or any other MA to me.
Fun to do for the youngsters, but is useless martially. Don't believe me? Have someone run and throw one of those flying, spinning kicks against you while you stand with a kicking shield. Push with the kick shield against the kicker as they launch their attack. They will go flying back in the opposite direction since you have the advantage of being grounded.
My two mexican cents. Those flanboyant kicks are super, I widh I could do them cause it's my understanding if I can do them then I can do the simple and efective kicks (the ones that counts for self defense or even torunaments) very well.

I really agree with Manny, if one is able to throw high jump or tornado round kick, he most likely has the ability to throw a strong regular round kick.
I really agree with Manny, if one is able to throw high jump or tornado round kick, he most likely has the ability to throw a strong regular round kick.

Hate to be a bore, but it's not being able to throw the tornado kick that makes your regular round kick good. There's no casuality there. Rather it's the fact that you are strong and flexible, which puts you in good stead with either kick.

The time spent practicing these tricks could be used elsewhere, including more conditioning work. Of course, if you just want to practice some fun kicks, have at it.
Its application in combat to me is irrelevant! Anyone with a modicum of common sense will understand that XMA's combat applications are limited.

Having said that XMA tricking takes allot of skill and athleticism and that is very impressive. The amount of training that is needed to perform these moves must be quite extensive.

I am impressed with anything that is done well!!!
I really agree with Manny, if one is able to throw high jump or tornado round kick, he most likely has the ability to throw a strong regular round kick.
I agree. Early on in my tkd my round kick was quite weak and slow. I then learnt the tornado kick and at first struggled with it but after heaps of practice I could throw a good tornado. When I went back to regular round kicks they were heaps stronger and heaps faster. The same reason I train high kicks, if I can throw a fast and powerful high kick then my lower kicks will become even faster and even more powerful.

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