X-ray specs in Airports!

Well, as long as they can afford to pay the going rate to see my magnificent butt naked, it's okay. :)

Seriously, I remember that being an issue last year. I thought it was shouted down to the point we'd never see it become an issue again. I guess not. Given that even with this technology, it is possible to smuggle metallic objects aboard a plane, I still can't see how the loss of privacy is justified. If it was the be-all end-all of all things, I may feel differently, but it's not. It's just another "we need to do something and this is better than anything else we've come up with" idea that will not accomplish what it's meant to. And piss off many otherwise would be potential passengers in the process.
I see the need to detect explosives and ceramic weapons, but...I don't like it.

How much does each exposure raise one's lifetime cancer risk, I wonder? Maybe it's low compared to the extra exposure from flying itself.
Well, according to the article, none, because it doesn't penetrate the skin. Which usually means none, until we discover otherwise...
Somewhere along the line I also saw that the press photos are much more blurry then what they actually get.

As for radiation, I got a hard time believing there is zero exposure, perhaps nothing internal, but what about on the skin?
I don't see how there could be zero exposure either.

Surely someone willing to die for their cause wouldn't mind suffering some, ahem, discomfort and hide the explosives where X-rays can't reach?
Andrew Green said:
As for radiation, I got a hard time believing there is zero exposure, perhaps nothing internal, but what about on the skin?
Good question, but I'd hate to rely on them for the answer.
can they really do that? i mean they would have to atleast tell you they are looking at you naked right? ugh no way when i fly i was some 50 yr old airport working seeing my body in that way...its wrong its icky and the only person i want to see my like that is someone i know on a very personal level and it sure wont be that person.

Yeah and what about the risks, it cant be totaly safe either its xray and that has to have negitive effects . This is an all around bad idea ill be walking or driving where every i go if it comes to this
What percentage of flights have been hijacked in the past 10 years? 0.001%... I'd bet my guess is far too high...

I think I got a better chance of getting run over by a bus then I do at being on a plane that gets hijacked.
BrandiJo said:
can they really do that? i mean they would have to atleast tell you they are looking at you naked right?
Tragically, "they" can do what ever "they" want. And no, they don't have to tell you. They've been using them in select locations already. Do you know all the locations? Me either. Honestly, I think if they do go ahead with this, most people would rather not know.
If it is safe medically, then it doesn't really bother me.

Id be more worried about a gun getting on my plane than I would about some random airline worker seeing an outline of my wang.

Maybe I am just less modest than most.
Andrew Green said:
What percentage of flights have been hijacked in the past 10 years? 0.001%... I'd bet my guess is far too high...

I think I got a better chance of getting run over by a bus then I do at being on a plane that gets hijacked.
Yes, but on 9/11 only two hijacked planes caused thousands of deaths in NY. The plane that went down in PA killed only those on board, while the one that hit the Pentagon killed caused many on-ground casualties...but the two in NY had a very large effect. It's not quite as simple as just worrying about the traveler, I think.
ginshun said:
If it is safe medically, then it doesn't really bother me.
Safe radiation? I'm suspicious.

Fly Naked, as someone suggested? There is such an airline, isn't there?

I doubt it's being tested on unsuspecting passengers...is it?

When will we take advantage of the X-Ray specs technology sold in comic books already?
And just think of the poor bastage that has to operate it. I mean, yea, for every attractive person you get to see naked, you've got to (gulp) look at 20,000 people that look like me! ewww.

Gives a clock work orange a whole new meaning....
You too can do this at home!

All you need is a Sony Hi8 Camcorder with Nightshot and an IR Passthru lens.

The lenses are availibe online.
I am not qualified to remark in this area but my understanding with this equipment was it measured a spectrum of light that naturally comes off your body, they had just found a way to filter it. This should make it safe in theory.

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