words from the mouth



now "sticks and stones can hurt your bones, but words can hurt you", well words can get u hurt. now i know violence is the last resort, but when it is enough to teach the guy a lesson. if talking out of trouble doesnt work, and walking away doesnt work...shouldnt voilence be the resort now??i mean im talking about verbal harrasment, i think beating someone for what they say isnt right but what is the resolution for a non-stop motormouth??
i simply walk away and ignore it. if they put their hands on you then that is a different story.

motormouths are just that. a bag of hot air. and when all is said and done, i know i did the right thing.... heck with my MA background, i might have just saved his life.
First of all martial arts is deadly would you won't to kill someone
because what they said to you was offensive. They may hurt your
feelings but you can take their life. I know you said you will only
use a little bit of force but for some that is too much.

Take it easy on people who do not know, smile at them and walk
away because you know what you can do to them.

Thank You


"what is more deadly then ignorance"
"i mean im talking about verbal harrasment, i think beating someone for what they say isnt right but what is the resolution for a non-stop motormouth??"

The problem with "beating someone for what they say", is that unless they physically touch/hit you, you are commiting assault and battery. IF, HOWEVER, they put their hands on you first, THEN IT BECOMES SELF DEFENSE!!!! The law looks at these two scenarios differently. In the first, you get prosecuted-in the second-the other person gets prosecuted!! There can be a fine line of difference here that could make the difference in a court of law.
That's right Lance wildcat, who won'ts to be on the run from
the government for kicking someone head in.....

Thank you

Solid tiger

"If time goes fast everything around you do too"
I forget who he is, he's in "The Journey", colored gentleman, has done alot of bodyguarding for celebs (hopefully a kenponaut will drop the name) :)

Anyway, he was in a bar and had 1 of these 'tough guys' trying to goad him into a fight. He was ready to go when a companion asked him "is this guy any challenge, or will you wipe the floor with him?". He replied 'wipe the floor'. His companion asked "since you know you can take him, and you know he's FOS, its not worth getting up for'. (I'm paraphrasing from memory)

Point is, why fight if you dont have to? If you know you can take em, and that hes just hot air, why risk the legal stuff?

Personally, I believe an experienced martialartist can handle a few insults and slights and just walk away. I believe we're better than to swing over the small things. (and remember, its all small stuff).

if someoene is mouthing off at you mouth off back at them..

I duno I have never been in a fight of anykind, not even an elementry school wrestling match ;) (actualy in middle school a small middle schooler did attack me once but I was about a foot and a half bigger than him and it realy didn't hurt :p)

actualy when someone gets me realy pissed I'm more likely to insult them than to want to hit them.
Most 'verbalists' only can fight with their tongues.. trying to intimidate someone via words.. sure words can hurt one's sensitive feelings.. but hey.. if that's all it is.. then I find the easiest method is .. Leave the scene. Verbal battles most likely will ensue into a physical altercation .. but one must first think of the ramifications.. "Is it worth the outcome?" Why am I going to potentially put myself into a situation where I may be injured or on the other hand.. Injure the other person.. Am I just lowering myself to their level?

Pride is something we all have.. some utilize being a bully because they are compensating for their lack in social skills in other arenas of their emotional makeup.. they are cowards if they choose to be that way...

just my opinion :)

I ignore them people like that. They aren't worth wasting words on.
Originally posted by fist of fury

I ignore them people like that. They aren't worth wasting words on.

I can't believe you said that! I'm so insulted! That's it, I'm coming
down there and kicking your tail in! :D
thanks for all the replies.. u guys are smart ppl.
Just get out some Duct Tape.. that should do the trick... hehehehe:D
If someone is mouthing off like that, I just tell them "Shut your hole, man. You're not worth my time or jail time." Then I walk away :D Always works, because they are like "huh? What's that supposed to mean??" By the time they figure it out, I'm gone hehehehehe
Originally posted by Shinzu

i simply walk away and ignore it. if they put their hands on you then that is a different story.

I agree.

Originally posted by Shinzu

heck with my MA background, i might have just saved his life.

You're a killer are ya.........:D

BTW, nice website. I noticed you are using the old Bugeisha Karate Gi advert. for your intro......looks nice, but do they know you are using it?
Originally posted by karatekid1975

If someone is mouthing off like that, I just tell them "Shut your hole, man. You're not worth my time or jail time."

Seems kind of argumentative to tell them to shut their hole. I would think that would give them something to rebound off of and make things worse.

I was told to just say something like "Is that so?" Then when they say "yeah" you reply with "I see" and then go away.
In this way you are not disagreeing with them nor are you being confrontational.
Originally posted by LanceWildcat1

IF, HOWEVER, they put their hands on you first, THEN IT BECOMES SELF DEFENSE!!!!

Not always and it varies from state to state.

Look at it from a Judges view point.
2 guys in the court room, the other guy is all beat up and you are fine, you are a trained martial artist and the other guy may or may not be.
How did the fight start? Someone said some verbal abuse. I bet most courts would say the MA guy should have known better and walked away at the first sign of trouble. I read some states have very tricky and specific laws about what actually is and is not "self-defense", some require you to do "everything possible" to avoid a fight. Things like calling for help, making an attempt to run away etc. If you fail to do these things you can and most likely will be charged with assault, and because you know some MA you are in worse trouble.
RyuShiKan wrote:

"Seems kind of argumentative to tell them to shut their hole. I would think that would give them something to rebound off of and make things worse."

It worked for me :) If ya act like it don't bother you, they'll get bored and go away anyways.
i shy away from any confrontation these days. you just dont know who or what can happen. if it becomes a matter of life or death, then that is a different story.

but from my point of view most, if not all agravated arguments are not worth the trouble. to much could be lost for both parties.
my solution for motormouths...

talk back. use really big words that they don't know. they'll get confused, shut up, and begone. I have a stock library of "thesaurus" words in my head that I save for just such purposes, usually when someone is following me around trying to hand out a tract.
Lets see...

"Don't make me make you have to hurt me" (that was good for a 15 ' head start once....

"I'll punch you in the fist with my face."

"Oh, youre gonna kick my ***....like thats a challenge".

Course my favorite was to puff up like a certain balding has-been pro wrestler and just give em my best pro-wrestler impression. Guy was rather drunk, and got very confused when I not only didn't back down, but kept refering to the guys in the back (we were in a parking lot). Was definately glad when he walked away. Could have gotten ugly..I found out later the guy'd been nailed for assault a few times...heh...whooo. :)