How Tall Are You?

How Tall Are You?

  • Over 6 Foot

  • 6 Foot Even

  • Below 6 Foot

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Last night I showed a friend of mine some of the stuff I've been
taught since I started kenpo 9 months ago. It was big time
awkward, because he's taller than I am, and it made me realize
how I was the tallest guy in my class. So now I'm curious as to
how tall m.a. types are. I'm 6 ft, which is SUPPOSEDLY average.
It makes me wonder why everyone in my class is short!
It is my contention that the MA's were designed by and for folks that were between 5' and 5'5" tall. I am 5'5 1/2" tall, so I fall in the 'taller' end of the spectrum. Just something that I read somewhere.:asian:
Lance Hyatt
I'm just a smidge under 6'

I can hang weights from my feet if you want :D
I can hang weights from my feet if you want
I tried that one time--too painful, and it didn't work!! :eek: :eek:
Lance ( stretch ) Hyatt
Average height for what -- male martial artists or males in general? I didn't think 6' was the average male height, so I did a little web searching. It's a little hard to find a nice, simple, straight answer because they say the average height can depend on various factors. But, the sites I looked at seem to say that the average male height is more like 5'9" (69" or about 1.75m). I'm about 5'8" so I'm pretty close to that average, but a fair bit shorter than your chosen 6' average. Maybe you're actually somewhat taller than the real average which is why most people in your class seem so short? In my class, most of the people seem to be relatively close to my height (well, the couple of women are somewhat shorter than the rest of us). There are only two guys who are clearly much taller than the rest of the group.
What I was referring to was that the men and women who developed these technique's were between 5 and 5 1/2 feet tall, I believe. At 5 feet 5 inches tall, I'm not average as far as caucasian males go. However, I think that I am about average heighth for an asian male. Some are taller, some are shorter.:asian:

Lance Hyatt
I'm only 5'7 but I've learned to live with how tall I am, I'm just
glad I'm not under five feet....then it would be extra hard for me..

Thank You


"The bigger they are the harder they fall"
Originally posted by Dronak

Maybe you're actually somewhat taller than the real average which is why most people in your class seem so short

I didn't mean to imply anything negative. I got my info from
word of mouth. If you read otherwise from a reputable site, then
I stand corrected. :)
Oh, I know. I didn't mean my reply to sound like it was defensive or anything either. I just didn't think the average height was that tall, so I looked around for some info. I'm not sure if the sites I found the 5'9" number on would all be "reputable" or official in some sense, but it did seem like that number was coming up more than something like 6'. You can take a look around if you like and see what you find. I just did a quick search, so better search terms might get better restuls. BTW, the number for women was like 5'4" IIRC, but I could be wrong of course.

My height's fine with me, it's good for ballroom dancing, my main social activity, because most of the women (sometimes with heels) are around my height, give or take a few inches, so neither one of us towers over the other. A large height difference makes dancing together a bit harder, you have to adjust your hold more. Being of an average height, I normally don't run into that problem. :)
I'm average height for a female 5'6" I don't find sparring taller guys really intimidating.. though I know most of them use their height to strike the headgear.. grrrs.. hahaa.. well I guess I would too if I was towering over someone :)
well I read somewhere that the international average male hight was 5'8" and the US was 5'11". don't recal where I read that though.

as far as martial arts, in my JKD class there are only a hand full of fighters under 6' maybe 4 including me out of 20 people in the class (including instructors). but alot of it has to do with arm length, posture, and style. Alot of people think I'm 6' just bescause I stand up straight and most people slouch a bit, in class fighting style affects alot, for example one of my freinds is 6'1" with fairly long arms, he's kinda a heavy handed long range fighter and it's hell to come inside of him when boxing, but other guys 6'3" and 6'4" are easyer because they aproach the fight in a diffrent manner. One used to practice wing chun(don't know if he still does or not) and he tries to come inside and neglects the long boxing range so I can land jabs, the other fights more linear wich makes it easyer. and of course on the other hand some of the shorter fighters I can't lay a hand on..
Originally posted by Kirk

Last night I showed a friend of mine some of the stuff I've been
taught since I started kenpo 9 months ago. It was big time
awkward, because he's taller than I am, and it made me realize
how I was the tallest guy in my class. So now I'm curious as to
how tall m.a. types are. I'm 6 ft, which is SUPPOSEDLY average.
It makes me wonder why everyone in my class is short!

That's because you're a freak of nature :D
5,10".............most of the time i feel about 10 feet tall, till the wife walks in and then im an impressive 3 foot 2"
Originally posted by LanceWildcat1

It is my contention that the MA's were designed by and for folks that were between 5' and 5'5" tall. Lance Hyatt

Maybe it is because most of the people at the time the older arts were invented were about that size.
People have been progressively getting taller over the last 100 years due to diet, medicine, the industrial revolution (more food-less starvation...for some anyway).

Martial arts were designed for weaker people to protect themselves from bigger or stronger people.
Why would a bigger or stronger person need a MA?.............they wouldn't........they could easily beat a weaker smaller person and would have no reason to need any MA.
Well let me ask my cousin the gorilla. :D

Now to explain the above, I am 6'3" or 190.5 cm, and about 275 lbs. or 125 kgs. My Cousin is the reflection in the mirror. ;)

From my perspective, I am average. Although, I see few, in reference to the whole population, men taller than me and even fewer women. Yet, when I see someone taller it is cool to me. Especially, the taller women.

No to discuss the down side. Did you ever try to buy clothes? They charge you more for that extra 'X' in your size. Many times you have to go to the big and tall stores to buy clothes. BTW they are not big AND tall. Most of the clothes are either big or tall not both.

For cars, ever try buying a car, and looking to see that over 50% of the market you can not ride in the car for more than a few minutes, let alone drive the car. For example the Dodge Viper, while shifting my left knee pushes the light switch on the dash to the off position. :eek:

Couches, chairs, tables, etc, ..., all seem to be designed for the average or to accommodate the average to smaller. Just my opinion. I am sure it is different form the other point of view.

Now, Martial Arts, When I have to fight an opponent and break his center, this means that many times I have to get my center below his/hers. This is not always easy.

So, I train to fight / defend against everyone.

But in my experience those of 6' or greater are not the average nor the normal height.

Have a nice day

I wonder at what age you stop growing? I think people grow at
differant rates.

Thank you

Originally posted by Rich Parsons

I am 6'3" or 190.5 cm, and about 275 lbs. or 125 kgs. ....................

No to discuss the down side. Did you ever try to buy clothes? They charge you more for that extra 'X' in your size. Many times you have to go to the big and tall stores to buy clothes. BTW they are not big AND tall. Most of the clothes are either big or tall not both.

Tell me about it I am 6'3'' and 225lbs, and live in a country where 5'10'' is considered tall and 180lbs. is huge.
I cannot buy one single piece of clothing in this country..............not even socks!
Originally posted by RyuShiKan

Tell me about it I am 6'3'' and 225lbs, and live in a country where 5'10'' is considered tall and 180lbs. is huge.
I cannot buy one single piece of clothing in this country..............not even socks!

My Heart goes out to you my brother. :(

Get a care package sent from friends back home is the only suggestion I have at the moment. :confused:

I just go home once or twice a year with 2 empty suitcases and stock up.