Why not be your own Master of your own style

Marginal said:
No, they're not doing the groundwork to reinvent anything. They're just trying to teach people specifically how they like to practice the arts they've already studied. It's futile. Differing body types, smarts etc all change how someone will practice/fight.
You missing my pun.

Say the wheel is the body mechanics and design on how to perform. You have arms, legs, etc., the physical the same pattern-wheel.

The spokes may differ in quantity (like techniques).

No matter how it is done, it still rolls the same.
Well, heck, I'm the master of my own style....of teaching.:)

I teach things my way. I do things the Kukkiwon way or as close as I possibly can.

Certainly everyone even after a brief taste of the martial arts will come to enjoy (and therefore likely emphasize) certain elements to their training. In that respect everyone has their own "style." And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. They are doing themselves a disservice though (IMHO) if they don't push themselves to work on those aspects they find are more difficult.

Now, do they need to copyright a new name, create a website, join a (Hokey) Sokey paper mill and proclaim themselves "master of time/space/dimension"....I don't think so...

Miles said:
Now, do they need to copyright a new name, create a website, join a (Hokey) Sokey paper mill and proclaim themselves "master of time/space/dimension"....I don't think so...

Sokey papermill...:)

Master of ____________(insert here) or (time/space/dimension):)
terryl965 said:
MACaver I do not like him doing this, But he has been study Shotakon, Jujitsu, Tae Kwon Do,Judo and Mauy Tai kick boxing... Holds the Rank of Black belt in all,
There are no belts in muay thai. It is impossible to be a muay thai black belt.
Hello, Anyone one can claim to start a new style or martial art system. There is no regulations or laws regarding this.

We all see it and hear everytime about someone claiming a new style or art.

This is something we just have to accept. Like any business starting up....it's the same. Anyone can start any kind of business. That is a part of our freedom in America.

It is learning several new languages to create your own language? It is still the same. It's a language.

Beef stew - everyone can teach there recipe, and if he move on and learn from other teachers and combines what he feel works and call it Beef stew- Fu It's OK....it still a beef stew......I must be hungry.....Aloha
Ubermint said:
There are no belts in muay thai. It is impossible to be a muay thai black belt.
True, but one can earn different colored shorts.

still learning said:
It is learning several new languages to create your own language? It is still the same. It's a language.
Ah, Esperanto!
arnisador said:
True, but one can earn different colored shorts.
Was this a joke?
If not... In Thailand or any context of ThaiBoxing in anywhere there is no rank (except ranking lists for fighter) given in Thai Boxing or Muay Thai.
Maybe in AMerica everything is posible but for example here in Finland (where the circle of Ma is so small) if some one would give out ranks like belts or different coloured shorts to his/her studets he would be laughed out from the country. :)
still learning said:
Hello, Anyone one can claim to start a new style or martial art system. There is no regulations or laws regarding this.
This is true, but(forgiveme for answering with a question) with so many styles out there and with so many different ways of doing things already, why would you want to? I have enough to learn now having taken up TKD about a year ago. By doing this I have come to understand that there is a whole bunch that I still don't understand. Shoot, I am still trying to learn all that I can about my primary style. I just don't have the time to spend forming a new style, even if I wanted to. I have been supplementing my primary style with concepts and items from other styles(vertical punch from I-ryu, kata from other styles, etc.) for several years, but I have no desire to "create" a new style. I am however concerned about when my Chito-ryu stops being Chito-ryu and becomes something else.

If somebody comes up with something that is truly unique then I would say go for it, but until that happens there is just to much out there for us all to learn. If you are out there and you are thinking of making up your own style you need to step back and ask yourself why you are doing it before going on.

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