Whom on MT have you met?

My instructors, arnisandyz and AldonAsher, but that's kind've cheating. I've also met Palusut, LeoDaher, and DRAVEN, I believe. I know there are more Florida people here, and I should try to track more. I don't have many opportunities to travel outside of FL, so it would be some time before I met any MT members from elsewhere. Probably when y'all retire and migrate down here. :)

Chronuss said:
and who's on your wish list, Dot? :)
Hmmm let me see...... My Wish list of people I want to meet is long.

All you guys at MMA, including Edhead ;)
and jfarnsworth I include him in your group. :)
Ricardo, even if he's a meanie
Brian Hunter
Dan Farmer
tunetigress (a fellow Canadian)

LOL I've probably forgotten someone. But that's the majority of you guys. And of course I haven't added the GoldenDragon himself because we are aquainted. :D
KenpoGirl said:
Hmmm let me see...... My Wish list of people I want to meet is long.

All you guys at MMA, including Edhead ;)
Yay! I feel special! I want to meet you too Dot! :)
Chronuss said:
...the MMA flock seems to have a following. :)

*flogs the flock into line* ;)

Let's see.. I've met..

Goldendragon -Mr. Dennis Conatser
Jason Farnsworth
Elfan -Chris Burroughs
KenpoJoe -Joseph P. Rebelo
KenpoChip-Chip Gobs
Sandor Urban
TechnoPunk-John Boyer
Edhead- Erin

Non Board
Mr. Frank Trejo
Edmund Parker Jr.
Ms.Diane Tanaka
I know I'm forgetting some.. for that I apologize..

I would love to meet Everyone I come into contact with here.. And if anyone is in the area April 10th - Mr Conatser will be up from Phoenix, Az for our Seminar.. :)
I have Met:

Tess, Seig, Rusty, Tess, Edhead, Chronuss, Fuzzy, Thanatos, and Jime, who always lurks and never posts.
Technopunk said:
Tess, Seig, Rusty, Tess, Edhead, Chronuss, Fuzzy, Thanatos, and Jime, who always lurks and never posts.
Don't forget Tess! :boing2:
Did you guys spar?? Maybe you were so quick Tess, that he thought there were two of you?!! :lol: :boxing:

I have just met Bart- who graciously let me join him for one of his classes- nice guy, knows his sticks!! Oh- wait a minute- I have also met Kenpowolf.......but that was before I joined MT......went to the same studio as I did at one point in time in the past.

Off Board I have met:

Huk Planas
Frank Trejo
Craig McCoy

Wish I could have met: Mr. Parker himself- never had the chance.
Goldendragon7 said:
Let's See, I have met in person.....

Mike Seigel - Seig
Tim Hartman - Renegade
Bob White
Michael Billings
Tess Seigel - Kenpo Tess
Jason Farnsworth
Doc - Ron Chapel
Ricardo Castillo
Derek Ence
Colette Sipes - Momma Coke
Les Sipes
Rob Broad
Dan Farmer - Sigung 86
Sandor Urban - Sandor
Dan Anderson
Jeff Kyle
D. Cobb
Jason Bugg - jbkenpo
Wes Idol
Josh Ryer - True2Kenpo
Pete - Stick Dummy
Joe Rebelo - Kenpo Joe
Burt & Laura Eskirderian - BehenLaura
Dave Simmons
Katie Simmons
Ron Whipple - Warrior Sage
Todd Durgan - sumdumguy
Kenny Gonzales - KennyG
Gary Catherman - KaliCombat
Billy Lear
Chad - Chronuss
Doug Hall - cdhall
Dot Kelly - Kenpo Girl
Abby - The Rusty One
Kathy -
Kyle - Floppy
Jani Garland - Fuzzy
Alex Garland -
Kyle Imus -
Warrior Mamma
Lisa - Pakhet
James Maxwell - Hollywood1340
Aaron Neuhauser - theneuhauser
Matt Hefter - Ronin
Judy - Warrior.Momma

ex. M/T members

Clyde T. Obriant - Professor Kenpo
Brian Hunter
Kirk Otto
Doug Nemeth - Gou Ronin
Jeez, I feel left out. Don't you think sitting in the back of a car, listening to you recite an entire Gallager routine in 1987, counts as having met you? :popcorn: :vu:

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