Greeting all,
For me this is a very easy question. We have VERY clear direction at our dojang. Obviously, this is a more complex question, once we get down to the details. I'll give our general philosophy and a breakdown:
#1 - RESPECT - Nothing can happen without it. A student does not belong in our class unless they understand respect. For the art, the fellow students, themselves and all they come into contact with.
#2 - DISCIPLINE - With discipline, classes are much more productive. Focus increases, and lessons are learned better.
#3 - SELF DEFENSE - With this emphasis, all other attributes will come, such as techniques, sensativity, conditioning, etc. as this is an all encomnpasing component of our training. The common denominator is that all our drills, exercises, forms, etc. are geared with self defense in mind.
Here is a more detailed breakdown:
Since our martial art is so comprehensive, any given lesson will include training in empty hand combatives (ie: kick boxing, grappling, trapping, joint locks, etc.) and or traditional and modern weapon skills (ie: knife, staff or firearms). There is a 4 point approach to the training. What this means is that the art is constantly covering 4 methods of teaching. They are:
01- Basics - This includes all fundamental techniques such as stances, blocks, punches, kicks, etc. Also included in this category are all types of self defense sets. Another part of training that is considered as basics are the often overlooked mental aspects of training. One must have the proper frame of mind in order to be most effective in any self defense situation. Therefore many mental training skills are emphasized.
02- Forms - Forms training teaches the very beautiful empty hand and weapons sets, and the many applications of the movements. More importantly, Forms practice will develop fluidity of movement in each student. They will emphasize power, speed, timing, balance, lines, and angles. Grace and many elements not necessarily viewed as fighting tactics as well as many conceptual movements are contained in Forms training, that one will use over and over.
03- Drills - Training with the many drills will help to develop conditioned reflexes. By covering so many different types of scenarios, the body will begin to move freely, and the thought process is minimized. The goal is to learn to apply the basic techniques, done with correct form and power, in the appropriate spontaneous moment.
04- Sparring - Lastly, we have Sparring. Not to be confused with fighting. Fighting is all about surviving and not necessarily showing compassion for the opponent. Sparring sessions are mutual learning sessions that are to be done with safety and little by little, less and less co-operation from your partner. As one gets more comfortable, then one can really step up the intensity and pace. Many different types of sparring are practiced, so as to cover as many self defense scenarios as possible.
The combination of these 4 points of training will help to develop a sound martial artists, with strenght in character and a very well rounded and effective fighter.
With brotherhood,
Grand Master Michael De Alba