When and what to eat before test


Thundering Hammer

I will test be testing for my black belt soon and wanted to know what and when to eat before the test. I never really thought about it before but this is the BIG test and will be a couple of hours of pain, torture and exhilaration. Any suggestions? Thanks.
Originally posted by Thundering Hammer but this is the BIG test and will be a couple of hours of pain, torture and exhilaration. Any suggestions? Thanks. [/B]

When your instructor goes to kick you in, try and see if you can pull off "Deflecting Hammer" and if he complains then just tell him that it was a reflex action.

Seriously. Hydrate yourself with a sport drink before and during the test. (If possible) Anything with carbohydrates a few hours before the test. Hot air blown popcorn will provide a good carbo boost and you can eat it up until the test even.

I think black belt tests are one of the most stupid-@ss dreams that people bring to the martial arts but heck, if you're gonna do it then when am I to stop you? Good luck!
Gou had it right in terms of what to eat, but I would start the carb packing the day before, and I prefer pasta over popcorn - unless it has lots of nasty real butter on it and I am watching Jennifer Lopez. No, but seriously - 24 to 36 hours is an appropriate time frame to start upping the carbs, then on the day of the test, hydrate Gatoraide, PowerAid, whatever, plus lots of water. Don't drink major amounts the night before unless you want to be up and down all night ... you probably need rest more than fluids at night. Day of the test, I want to make sure I have taken in enough sodium and potasium for the amount of work I expect to do. If you are testing outside, in the summer, in Texas ... I highly recommend lots of sodium and potasium for a day or two before the test.

This is what works for me, but you may have your own preferences. You know your body best.

That preps your body ahead of time and allows it to get ready and have the resources it might need.
Remember to get som sleep, and dont work out hard a day or two before (this depends on how you work out ).

Thanks for the suggestions. I'm definitely going to drink H2O. I didn't think of Gatorade. I'll have to get my family to make a big pasta dinner the night before.
I think it's good idea to keep up the hydration throughout the test, the days of being a wimp cause you need a drink are/should be gone. Every 15 min or so (provided you are not in the middle of doing something) have a couple of mouthfuls of gator-aid. What I found also kept my energy up was eating strawberries during the test.

Red meat not processed or overly cooked. Aids in aggression.
Drink during a test??? Maybe ... but eating strawberries????? Generous instructor indeed.

Part of some tests include you reaching the "Wall" that you hear marathon runners talk about. Certainly only a time or two during your entire Martial Arts career, but still - this can be another way of finding your own limits - whether it is sparring til you drop or doing all your basics, forms, techniques, sets, weapons, self-defense basics, and then getting to spar, and spar, and spar. I is up to the instructor to determine the level of intensity and gauge how far to push you. I obviously came up in a school that pushed you increadably, physically.

Red meat = aggression. Royce Gracie said that he ate red meat at least one a week while competing. That it did increase his aggression or testostore levels (not to mention iron intake.) If you eat meat (red) on a regular basis, don't worry about this. If you do not eat it regularly, you probably don't want a hamburger or steak sitting in your stomach right before a test. It is harder to digest than some other things that provide what you need, available carbohydrates, for energy and more specifically the complex carbs give you duration when you run out of simple carbs. (Do I have that right or is it the other way around? No I think this is correct, PASTA IS THE WAY TO GO if you like it.)

Pick up an issue of flex magazine. I know it's a bodybuilding magazine but it's full of hydration, and eating habits of the pro. bodybuilders. There are just pages and pages of do's and don'ts in the issues. I believe they cost about 4 bucks so it's not too much of a big deal. Well happy reading.
Jason Farnsworth
You've got some good advise on what to eat before a test.

However it's been MY experience;

"If one enters a test with an OVER confident point of view might have "crow" to eat after".:rofl:
Cecil Jackson
Drink during a test??? Maybe ... but eating strawberries????? Generous instructor indeed.

Nothing Generous about it, when you are off to the side and not performing who is going to control what you do to make yourself perform better. When you are called you go and do your thing, but when you get a break you do what you have to, to recharge. For a grading instructor to deny a student these options would be akin to torture. We put ourselves through the grading by choice, so when we are on the mat then, yes, we get pushed to the limit, but when we are granted a breather there shouldn't be rules placed on what you can and can't drink/eat to keep your energy level up.

Now of course this is all within reason, I'm not talking about having a 1/2 hour nap, eating a steak dinner, showing up back on the floor with a mouthful of berries. You do these things discreetly.

Originally posted by Michael Billings

Drink during a test??? Maybe ... but eating strawberries????? Generous instructor indeed.

Red meat = aggression. Royce Gracie said that he ate red meat at least one a week while competing. That it did increase his aggression or testostore levels (not to mention iron intake.) If you eat meat (red) on a regular basis, don't worry about this. If you do not eat it regularly, you probably don't want a hamburger or steak sitting in your stomach right before a test. It is harder to digest than some other things that provide what you need, available carbohydrates, for energy and more specifically the complex carbs give you duration when you run out of simple carbs. (Do I have that right or is it the other way around? No I think this is correct, PASTA IS THE WAY TO GO if you like it.)


They aren't the only ones:rolleyes:. If you have pastsa with nothing else there is a risk of crashing. Pasta is made with a fair amount of sugar. If you did your research better you would know that carnivores are very aggressive. IE Kenpo's Tiger just for an example. Why do you think that is? It has nothing to do with anything sitting in your stomach- don't eat right before and don't overeat. That will cause problems and possibley make one tired in the process from over using resourses for digestion. Protien feeds muscle.
Just commenting I'm not an expert, but I do speak from 30 years of Martial Arts testing under my belt. Don't really think he has to worry too hard about carb crashing. Lots of nutrition book including a handful of good body building, bicycling or runners magazines that provide some good reasearch and practical advise.

Originally posted by Michael Billings

Just commenting I'm not an expert, but I do speak from 30 years of Martial Arts testing under my belt. Don't really think he has to worry too hard about carb crashing. Lots of nutrition book including a handful of good body building, bicycling or runners magazines that provide some good reasearch and practical advise.


Thanks for the note Michael it was smooth and shows you are a class act.

If you did your research better you would know that carnivores are very aggressive. IE Kenpo's Tiger just for an example. Why do you think that is?

Hi Rainman,

It may be a circular argument but I would say that carnivores aren't aggressive because of WHAT they eat, but becasue they HAVE to be, otherwise they don't eat!

Actually, if you look at lots of carrion eaters (vultures, condor) they aren't tempermentally aggresive despite having diets essentially similar to more predatory carnivores.

That being said, I had a steak and rice the night before my black belt test.

Actually I eat normally to what I usually eat..... but man Lamonthas me wanting to hang with him.... but trade the rice for KFC mashed potatoes and gravy!!

