i started doing kenpo fresh out of prison like 6 1/2 years ago , i started with american kenpo and went all the way to up purple belt then moved to guadalajara mexico and started taking kenpo there at another school but the kenpo technique combinations and names were diffrent katas were diffrent everything changed except the tools of kenpo , i got mt black belt last year in october and since then i have come back to the u.s. and hung out with my american kenpo buddies i show em my katas and they trip out wierd look on there faces ? why is that ? since then ive started practicing the rest of the ed parker techs. except 4 the katas and also i practice various tracy kenpo techs. i go down to the boxing gym and take judo martial arts has changed my life but i wanna know was up with my kenpo , i dont care really i ll prove my kenpo in the streets i first enetered juvenile hall at 13 years fighting is not the problem here just wanna know whats up with my kenpo cause some make it seem like if aint american kenpo certified then it aint real kenpo ?