What's going on in France?

bushi jon said:
Maybe I should have said this. France is burning because of their creation of a sub class of people. If France would not handed out so many freebees they would not have so many restless people on the dole. France started cutting back its welfare system(for lack of better terms) a few years back which created hard feelings toward the Gvt and the people that do with out hand outs. Leaving me to make this statement unregulated imigration and substandard ways of living create bitterness. It happens here it is happening there thus we have people acting badly and a whole group of people making excuses for them!!!!! I am a cncerv but i am also a believer in the truth.

You're right about the problem being France's treatment of an entire class of people (I hesitate to use the term 'sub-class') being a root cause, but I think you're really stretching into unsupported speculation by blaming it on some kind of welfare system.

Also, nobody's making excuses for them. The people rioting should be arrested, prosecuted and thrown in fail if found guilty, perhaps even expelled if they aren't citizens. But you need to understand the difference between excuses and underlying causes. Trying to identify underlying causes of situations like this is not equivalent to making excuses. Unfortunately, this type of mistake is a common theme of conservative vitriol against liberals.

Throwing the rioters in jail, while satisfying and necessary, won't solve the problems that led to the riots in the first place. Neither will handing out money, of course.
Talked to my friend in France the other day, and she said that it seemed like the majority of the population in major areas don't seemed at all concerned and are just ignoring it and going about business as usual...
bushi jon said:
The problem is people are making excuses for bad behavior. Most of the people that are causing the trouble are young immigrants that came to France for a better life through hand outs then when they realised the land of milk and honey did not appear before there feet they became bitter.It is my understanding(as wrong as it may be)that the french made it real hard to attract employers(high taxes,35 hour work week, long paid lunches) and when you do that the imigrant will always be on the losing side for the better paying jobs. The French Govt needs to rethink the way they run there country. I would like to remind people the single worst thing we did here in the states was to create welfare programs because we created a sub class of people that expect the govt to give them hand outs
Exactly my point...The very programs designed to punish businesses, also drives them away...leaving everyone standing around shaking their heads and asking "Where did the jobs go?" :erg: They probably went where they could be competative. Socialists never understand economics, and they never will. They think they can always riot their way to prosperity.
qizmoduis said:
You're right about the problem being France's treatment of an entire class of people (I hesitate to use the term 'sub-class') being a root cause, but I think you're really stretching into unsupported speculation by blaming it on some kind of welfare system.

Also, nobody's making excuses for them. The people rioting should be arrested, prosecuted and thrown in fail if found guilty, perhaps even expelled if they aren't citizens. But you need to understand the difference between excuses and underlying causes. Trying to identify underlying causes of situations like this is not equivalent to making excuses. Unfortunately, this type of mistake is a common theme of conservative vitriol against liberals.

Throwing the rioters in jail, while satisfying and necessary, won't solve the problems that led to the riots in the first place. Neither will handing out money, of course.
There's also a difference between a "reason" and an "excuse". Riots seldom have reasons behind them. There are often small primers that set off chain reactions, but ultimately, just like a soccer riot, this kind of riot reaches the level where it simply has a momentum far beyond any reasoning. I would be willing to bet that that vast majority of rioters are doing so purely as entertainment, a chance to burn and destroy with anonymity. How do I know? Because that's what most rioters do. Anyone ever caught up in this kind of mob mentality will understand. The way to end the riots is to force the rioters to start thinking as individuals. No amount of "reasoning" will stop it, as, once the group think begins, reasoning goes out the window. Force the rioters to think as individuals by making it risky and painful to continue rioting. They will disperse.

THEN you discuss the social issues.