Bush: We don't torture (?????)


Sr. Grandmaster
MT Mentor
Aug 21, 2003
Reaction score
Chattanooga, TN
Seems that he forgotten all about Iraqi prisoners already... geez :rolleyes: gotta LOVE the guy huh?
PANAMA CITY, Panama - President Bush on Monday defended U.S. interrogation practices and called the treatment of terrorism suspects lawful. "We do not torture," Bush declared in response to reports of secret CIA prisons overseas.
Bush supported an effort spearheaded by Vice President Dick Cheney to block or modify a proposed Senate-passed ban on torture.
"We're working with Congress to make sure that as we go forward, we make it possible, more possible, to do our job," Bush said. "There's an enemy that lurks and plots and plans and wants to hurt America again. And so, you bet we will aggressively pursue them. But we will do so under the law."
Cheney is seeking to persuade Congress to exempt the Central Intelligence Agency from the proposed torture ban if one is passed by both chambers.
Oh boy! Cheney wants us to have the reputation of torturing prisoners. Guess there's no other way to get information out of them.
Gonna get medieval on their asses.
It's hard enough to have pride in being an American (which I am most assuredly... geez contradicting myself aren't I? :rolleyes: ) with our sorrid history as it is, i.e. treatment of Native Americans over 100 years ago (and today), slavery, etc. etc. but now we join the ranks of other countries where it might be legal for our "intelligence agencies" to inflict un-necessary harm and anguish on prisoners to gain further intelligence. Gee, don't we have mind altering chemicals to do that already? <sarcastic>
lol.....and the Clinton Administration lied.....which is worse lying about oral sex....or all the weapons of mass destruction...

Every country tortures prisoners to get info....i don't care what they say...
BlueDragon1981 said:
lol.....and the Clinton Administration lied.....which is worse lying about oral sex....or all the weapons of mass destruction...

Clinton got a Hummer.

Bush blew them up.
BlueDragon1981 said:
lol.....and the Clinton Administration lied.....which is worse lying about oral sex....or all the weapons of mass destruction...

Every country tortures prisoners to get info....i don't care what they say...
well.. clinton ****** a woman
bush ****** a couple of countries
including his

***Edited to comply with Martial Talk profanity policy - Flatlander*****
We are witnessing the re-definition of the word 'torture' to fit the administration's needs. Torture is now the set of all abusive interrogation techniques the U.S. doesn't use.
Andrew Green said:
Clinton got a Hummer.

Bush blew them up.

Seems you folks have forgotten all but one detail about the Clinton administration. Clinton was involved in wars on three continents. It is ironic he launched an attack on Iraq the very week that Congress held impeachment hearings. What's furthermore, it was the ineffectual response to al-Qaeda during the Clinton administration that has lead to our current situation.
Solidman82 said:
I'm so very glad I live in Canada.
There's some folks in France who would have said the same thing until recently.
Yeah, but we don't pop up in the news very often for things like riots or terrorism or our prime minister making a really stupid comment. Or at least I'm not paying very much attention.

I feel mostly safe here.
Solidman82 said:
Yeah, but we don't pop up in the news very often for things like riots or terrorism or our prime minister making a really stupid comment. Or at least I'm not paying very much attention.

I feel mostly safe here.
I love Canada. Great hunting and fishing.
sgtmac_46 said:
I love Canada. Great hunting and fishing.
And camping....

but their Beer Sucks, and someone needs to teach them HOW to play Hockey.

Your Brother

(C'mon guys, can't a brother kid?))
Here is another reason why President Bush needs to be impeached.

The President's statement is false.

If one supports the Bush Administration, one supports torture.

The Vice President is still pushing to exempt the CIA from current policies of the United States and language of United States Law. With recent news that the CIA is operating hidden prisons, there is no reason to not connect these two items; the CIA is torturing prisoners in these secret prisons.
Solidman82 said:
Yeah, but we don't pop up in the news very often for things like riots or terrorism or our prime minister making a really stupid comment. Or at least I'm not paying very much attention.

Well, yeah but while Chretien was in charge no one understood most of what he said, so even if he did make a really stupid comment no one would have known :D
Exactly! I know what we have to do to Bush now. Make him speak all of his announcments in Spanish.
sgtmac_46 said:
Seems you folks have forgotten all but one detail about the Clinton administration. Clinton was involved in wars on three continents. It is ironic he launched an attack on Iraq the very week that Congress held impeachment hearings. What's furthermore, it was the ineffectual response to al-Qaeda during the Clinton administration that has lead to our current situation.

The Clinton administration, like all administrations, did its fair share of global mayhem. However, to claim the current situation is the fault of the Clinton administration is a gross oversimplification. What Clinton did pales in comparison to what the Bush regime has done and continues to do. We have a group of monsters running this once-great nation.
Phoenix44 said:
Clinton's been out of office for 5 years.

Yeah, that's what I thought too.

Although, it is sometimes hard to tell when Don Roley, sgtmac_46, and 7starmantis are typin'.
michaeledward said:
If one supports the Bush Administration, one supports torture.

So... if you support someone, you support 100% of their policies/actions and cant disagree with any of them?

Hmm. Hmm.


As I have plenty of issues with the current administration, and things I agree with, I dont buy that statement one bit but if you wanna play that game we can pretend that I am a Bush Lover, and as such, you may Call me an advocate for torture then. Where's me red hot poker?
Phoenix44 said:
Clinton's been out of office for 5 years.

So are you suggesting we ignore the past... no benchmarks to measure on, comparsons to make, etc?

Or are you afraid that when Clintons administration comes up, (ande others before him) you have to face the fact that Bush isnt the only president involved in some of these types of actions, so you try and bury the comments with an "It's in the past" attitude, rather than adressing them?