For the O/P... I'm really tempted to say that my primary style is John Do, as its anonymous.
Anonymous,... get it...I crack myself up...
More intellectually serious... what I'm primarily up to now is Tomiki Aikido, spun very aikijutsu in flavor, which I'm continuing to work on smoothing out and lightening up as that really is more effective once you understand it. I'm doing that as the body gets older and breaks down and this sort of lighter, more fluid approach is more … Hmm... survivable for the long term physically than, say.. my Muay Thai. MT is very much a young man;'s game, but I still have the skillset sitting there.
Like Gerry was saying, you can plug things into a movement/distance slot, just like he took the regular boxing work and put it in where NGA had stuff he didn't like. That's what I di with the MT boxing training, sliding that into my traditional, original TKD training. Where MT had its kicking techniques, I added the older (to me) TKD kicks int here as alternates, which handed me another set of fight options useable at need.
So now I've got this weird amalgam of BJJ/Judo for the grappling work at very close range, TKD/HKD, Muay Thai for close-in but not grappling areas/zones, and a snappy/fluid aikijutsu thing for longer range stuff where other people might find the long striking techniques/principles... basically what happens is determined by the distance at which I find myself from the opponent.