What kind of fighter are you?



What kind of fighter are you? Or what kind of fighter do people say you are?

As an example, one of my buddies says I am what he calls a Bruiser, and I guess I would agree with him. I primarily use my hands and I am not that great with my feet. I love to use elbows and knees when in close. I do not bruise or bleed easily. I can take a punch, or a kick pretty good, which I had better because another one of my downfalls is that I usually take a few too many shots to the midsection. I am a headhunter, and I have a lot of power and upper body strength. Although I am a little on the slower side, I am calm when fighting and usually give more than I take. Overall I would say I am a counter fighter, unless I get hit in the teeth or the nose, then I tend to go through a shot period of aggression. I could stand to build my endurance because I wind pretty easy, especially when I am ground fighting. I do not train for point fighting and always train as realistically as possible. I guess if I were to fight like an animal I would say I would be most like a Bear.

The reason I am curious about this is that I have read a lot of your posts and feel that for the most part I have gotten a feel for some of your personalities. But this is also a Martial forum and even though I may never meet any of you, I don't know what type of fighter most of you are. Not that I want to fight anyone, but fighting is a part of the Martial Arts. Regardless of style, we all have a fighting personality.
What are the definitions of the fighter categories?

- Ceicei
There are none. There would probably be about as many catagories, as there are Martial Arts styles. But here are some types I have seen. But if you can, come up with your own. And list what you think are your weaknesses and your most positive attributes. What makes you a unique fighter?

The Thug. - strong, hot headed, and very macho. Lacks heart.

The Talker - Talks a big game, but can never deliver. Always has an excuse.

The Wall - What they lack in offense, they make up for in defense. You just can't seem to hit them.

The God - Excellent defense, excellent offense. Their only downfall is their Ego.

The kicker - Self Explanitory

The puncher - Self explanitory

The Machine gun - Doesn't stop punching or Kicking. Usually tires themselves out if they don't put the other person out quickly

The Wrestler

And the list could go on forever................:asian:
Ok, I'll bite....

I'm fairly aggressive. If given a chance to go a round of sparring, I'll jump for it. However, when I spar, I tend to try to rush my opponent and get on the inside. If I can't, I'll try a kick, feint, punch combination. I do tend to become quite impatient and because of that, sometimes not too careful with protecting my space. My first instructor has learned that clobbering me a good one is usually enough to really make me learn to protect my space and to force me to slow down. My current instructor has not had to do it that way now. (Maybe I learned something?)

When working techniques, I like to make firm contact. I have been called a "lion" sometimes because I like to snarl when doing fast technique drills. Unfortunately, being matched with a partner that does very light or no contact moves drives me nuts (they generally tend to be other females).

I am quiet because I do not talk very much. I observe and imitate those whose skills I respect. I like to experiment with moves, "what if I do it this way?" I like to challenge, "Why do you do it that way? Show me." This forces my instructor to actually demonstrate it on me to show how and why it works--just doing in the air and telling where the moves are supposed to go isn't enough for me.

I am tenacious. I will keep on working on certain techniques and forms until it is considered "very good" or better. But I can slack at times if I feel I am not being pushed enough and am ignored.

I am stubborn. Sometimes having learned a certain way from one instructor can make it difficult for me to learn the same thing in a another way from a different instructor, even if it feels "incorrect" to me. I have to humble myself enough to accept the difference and try to make it work.

I love to study and take it seriously. I will read and re-read books written by Mr. Ed Parker and Mr. Bobby Lawrence (I don't have very many other books on the subject of Kenpo). Even if some points may be something I disagree with or dislike, I will look at them and analyze and consider their merits. This may require me to put aside my bias or pre-conceived viewpoints to try to understand, and this can make me have to admit to myself my foibles.

In many ways, I am a risk-taker and will try new things. In other ways, I won't even try (unless I am persuaded by someone I respect, not by one of my peers). Sounds contradictory, but it depends upon the activity.

I am of the philosophy that there is no one right way to do things when it comes down to the nitty-gritty and can fight dirty if I need to (and have had to in the past).

What kind of a fighter does this make me?

- Ceicei
the leopard

I am small and like to use quick attacks that retrat just as fast till I get behind my opponet . Then its distroy him . I'll bite claw and use anything that works.
Knees and legs are a favorite target as well as the back of the neck
Not really sure. I look like a bruiser. I'm big and laid back, so people are usually surprised by my speed and flexibility. I usually counter more than I initiate. I try to play my cards close to my chest so that my opponent has to keep guessing. I feal like I'm pretty rounded in my techniques, I like to mix it up with hand and foot combinations.
Awesome posts guys, those are just the types of answers I was hoping would be posted.

What kind of a fighter does this make me?

Ceicei, in my opinion that would make you a formatable one. :D
and if you would want my opinion, I would say you are a soldier. Always down for a fight, and smart enough to learn from those around you, picking up what would be usefull in combat. But at times a little to aggressive..............Oh my god, I am sounding like a fortune cookie. :shrug:
a bad one. i get hit in the head and fall down alot.
I look like a big friendly teddybear, but I've been in about thirty serious fights and put some forty people in the hospital before I realised this wasn't the smartest way to live. I have an Anti-Social Personality without the Disorder - which means that, while I'm not a hazard to myself or society [the disorder], I look out for number one and do not care about others [especially strangers] when cornered [the ASP]. To protect myself I use any means available - knives, ashtrays, barstools, trashcans...

After I retired from this negative 'way of life' I took up aikido and kobujutsu which, while positively channeling my violent nature, added skill and awareness.

I had a motorcycle accident in 2002 that injured my right leg enough to make running or kicking a dicy proposition, so I'm afraid when cornered - I might attack with more force than needed and pound someone's head through a lamppost to avoid injury to myself.

I don't drink or use drugs, because altering my perception makes me violent. I rarely get aggressive, but if people turn aggressive or hostile toward me, I can get violent pretty quick. And without warning.

But, as I tend to avoid the situations where my violent nature might be called upon, I rarely get into scrapes or conflicts anymore.
Hard topic, but I like it and Ill give it a try. I think I am a defensive fighter but others might disagree because I always start out with a stiff fast jab and quick spot kicks to the mid section and upper thigh. While this may seem agressive I dont belive it is. Those are not dedicated or powereful moves, they dont leave me open,nor would they take someone out quick. They are safe moves, thats why I say Im defensive, and others say I attack alot. I think an offensive person trys to take you out quick and with powerful moves,rushing in with flurry after flurry. I feel my opponent out with my fastest moves jab,spot round house,spot front kicks to see if I have the speed advantage, or if I can get them to lower their guard with the fast lower kicks, so I can pop them with the jab again. This tends to frusterate my opponent, wich makes them want to rush in to hit me. This is when I put my more powerful moves into play. I like to hit my opponent with power moves as them are trying to hit me,interupting there attack. One good example thats happens quite often to my benifit is someone will come in closing the distance very fast, throwing a flurry, left right left right,hook uppercut ect. Then I start to retreat, just as I feel they think they have me on the run I will lean my head back out of the way and throw a fast and powerful cresent kick at there head. While they are in the middle of the completely offensive attack, its hard to block a leg comming at your face when your punching and not trying to defend your self. However my way dont always work against the seniors at my gym, but thats the beauty of martail arts, you never stop learning. Thats basicly the way I fight, the best I can put into words. What kind of fighter am I??
Originally posted by KenpoTess
I'm known as 'The TessManian Devil' Why? I have not a clue.. Guess my opponent's will have to answer this one for me ;)
That sounds kinda scary to spar someone known as the tessmanian devil. Kind of an intimmidating nick name.
Originally posted by Reprobate
I look like a big friendly teddybear, but I've been in about thirty serious fights and put some forty people in the hospital before I realised this wasn't the smartest way to live. I have an Anti-Social Personality without the Disorder - which means that, while I'm not a hazard to myself or society [the disorder], I look out for number one and do not care about others [especially strangers] when cornered [the ASP]. To protect myself I use any means available - knives, ashtrays, barstools, trashcans...

After I retired from this negative 'way of life' I took up aikido and kobujutsu which, while positively channeling my violent nature, added skill and awareness.

I had a motorcycle accident in 2002 that injured my right leg enough to make running or kicking a dicy proposition, so I'm afraid when cornered - I might attack with more force than needed and pound someone's head through a lamppost to avoid injury to myself.

I don't drink or use drugs, because altering my perception makes me violent. I rarely get aggressive, but if people turn aggressive or hostile toward me, I can get violent pretty quick. And without warning.

But, as I tend to avoid the situations where my violent nature might be called upon, I rarely get into scrapes or conflicts anymore.

I am Survivor.

I joined Martial Arts to learn some control and how to control others without breaking them and sending them to the hospital.

I went through some stages.

No Control, just hurt them.

Try to use control without hurt ing them and getting hurt. Sometimes bad myself.

Using Control to hurt them and limiting the damage they could do to me.

To Hurt them first, and hurt them hard, just short of breaking them. I woudl occasionally still get hurt.

To Hurt one or more real bad right now. People stop to think about it when you tell them that some one is going to go down and their leg is not going to work and the other's head is going to in a wall. Boom most of it happens, the rest step back and either pull their guns, or run.

Now I have always started with, "Hey can we talk about this?", or 'Can we just walk away?". Yet this does not always work. "Can I buy you a beer?" This does not always work. Violence is going to happen.

Now I agree that I am no longer in those jobs that propmote this violence or going to places that have issues or violence. Yet, when you are all dressed up and some punks start some Crap and you just reach (* Seemed like it *) and took ones' head knocked it into a wall and grabbed another one and asked him if his insurance was paid up? as you were torqueing his head and applying pressure to an eye ball. People stop and think quick,"oh Man, I have made a mistake". You let them go and they leave. Why? Because they thought you were easy and they lost.

Just my thoughts and opinions.

(* Safe for society? *)
I guess this is in relation to sparring is it?

I suppose I'm an opportunist, I wait until someone makes a mistake and then expolit it! MWAHAHAHAHA!

I also sweep people a lot, just because it's so de-moralising to end up on the floor, people never have any real fight left in them after that!

Originally posted by satans.barber
I guess this is in relation to sparring is it?

I suppose I'm an opportunist, I wait until someone makes a mistake and then expolit it! MWAHAHAHAHA!

I also sweep people a lot, just because it's so de-moralising to end up on the floor, people never have any real fight left in them after that!

Soooo true. Being knocked on my butt by a nice sweep makes me feel really stupid.
This is a great thread! I am mostly a defensive fighter with my students, however, if I am sparring someone with equal skill I force myself to be the agressor. Basically in either situation I am the really little guy who has energy for days and never stops moving. I have a black belt student who has 2 nicknames for me. In any type of training he calls me the Iron Man because he has never seen me give up or get tired (even though as I get older I feel tired alot). He also calls me the srapper in sparring I guess because I fight more with heart than good technique. Thats just i good way of saying that I may not have the bst technique in the world but I make up for that with spirit.
Hmmm. If I had to name it, I guess Id call it

The Deciever

I try and make simple, small movements, or do things in a manner that disguises my true intent.

ie. If I wanna take down your legs, I would put my hands in your face, or strike you in the neck/face/nose so you are not thinking about, or able to see the attack to your legs.
A fighter getting older, missing a step, or two, but don't get enough work at it, yet, Self Defense is my main emphasis anyways.:asian:

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