What is your home gym like?


Yellow Belt
For those of you that also martial art train at home (+ go to a dojo), what have you done in terms of a work-out area or gym at home? Do you just do it in a room at home or have you removed cars from the garage and turned it into a full time home dojo.

Just curious what others have or are doing.

My plan is to convert my 2 car garage into a full home dojo if I can. Buy some nice mats and have a work-out area with weight set and other workout equipment and an area with mats to do martial arts, etc...

If you have a home dojo, how about posting some pictures for us to see.

I converted 1/3 of my three car garage into a workout spot for me and the family, since I own and operate my school, it is solely there for us alone to do extra traing on the weekends and for a few close friends. We have matted the floor and hang bags and it works for me.
What is this word...gym?

j/k....I have a weight set and some mats down for teaching private lessons, and that sort of thing...but if I am working out I am usually at the dojo...we have a deal with a fitnes center too so I can use there facilities
I just recently rearranged my basement by removing 2 small rooms, which opened up one whole side of my basement, giving me a workout space that is about 45 feet long and between 8 and 11 feet wide (depending on a part of the foundation that sticks out, and a closet I left intact in what had been a bedroom. I covered the floor with puzzle mats. I'm still working on the ceiling (taking down acoustical tile so I can rewire a few things - then it's going to have drywall put up), and then I need to paint it.

I have a wavemaster and a very minimal set of weights, as well.
I don't have a lot of space to myself so i have to improvise... i've got a few puzzle mats i put down on the living room floor once my housemate goes to bed (i'm a night owl) and i do floor exercises and free weights then. I also have access to the local Aikido dojo cause a mate of mine caretakes the building, so i go there a fair bit too. Oh, and the local park as well, the childrens play equipment there is really good for dips, chin-ups etc. I really need a bag though...at the mo i'm saving up for a decent bag and mitts to hang in the garage. Then i'll be set!
For those of you that also martial art train at home (+ go to a dojo), what have you done in terms of a work-out area or gym at home? Do you just do it in a room at home or have you removed cars from the garage and turned it into a full time home dojo.

Just curious what others have or are doing.

My plan is to convert my 2 car garage into a full home dojo if I can. Buy some nice mats and have a work-out area with weight set and other workout equipment and an area with mats to do martial arts, etc...

If you have a home dojo, how about posting some pictures for us to see.

I personally feel that the longer we have trained the more we need a place that we can retreat to. DonÂ’t get me wrong the dojo should be the main training place but I always felt that you needed a quite place away from distractions. It helps you to keep in touch with that inner self. A mirror, some open space, some weights to specifically train certain body parts for martial arts. My cellar works best for me early in the morning.
For those of you that also martial art train at home (+ go to a dojo), what have you done in terms of a work-out area or gym at home? Do you just do it in a room at home or have you removed cars from the garage and turned it into a full time home dojo.

Just curious what others have or are doing.

My plan is to convert my 2 car garage into a full home dojo if I can. Buy some nice mats and have a work-out area with weight set and other workout equipment and an area with mats to do martial arts, etc...

If you have a home dojo, how about posting some pictures for us to see.


I am single.

So I have planty of room in my house, and I use the Living room in my house for privates. Ansel Adams Pictures on the wall. A double Papa-san Futon that can moved into the dining room.

I have a back year that I can also use in we need outside work.

For mat work I use the class time, as we have some nice matts at our co-op.
I built my my own Dojo on my property. Initially it was to be a horse barn for my daughter. I built in into the side of a hill to keep the horse section cool/warm seasonally...the second floor is my workout area and the top floor was to be my music area (my wife hates my guitars, etc. in the living room). It is 20' x 30' that contains a total gym, bow flex, roman chair, treadmill, stationary bikes, standup bag and various hand held striking pads...It is my only place of training now ( I no longer attend my old Dojo) I try to train daily, if I don't do a pre-work morning routine then I do one when I get home. For me personally, I need to keep the memory going...it is amazing how easily I can start to meld forms together....I definitely miss all the comaraderie of the Dojo but we all have to make sacrifices...I forgot one thing I have....I "planted" 6x6's into the ground in a 5 point star pattern plus one in the center that are buried at different heights. Each is about 30" from the next closest and I use it for balance/leg development. Basically, I do blocking sets mixed with some strikes. This is just to mix it up so the leg work doesn't get to boring..... The only problem I have is timing....I have to coordinate with the mosquitoes...in my area at dusk you can't go out....like the old movie line: "Stay off the Moors"........

Oh by the way....my daughter never got the horses...she decided that going off to college and horses at home wouldn't be a good thing.....
I have a 12 x 12 room which has puzzle mats, a kwon-go (makiwara for you Japanese/Okinawan stylists), full-length mirror and a wavemaster. I have a TV w/VCR but it is on the floor rather than on a shelf. I use this for my own personal training.


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