What is your Favoright martial art weapon?



Greetings All,

Here is a question for you; What is you favoright martial art weapon and why?

Things to consiter; cost, carrying legality, concealability, applicability in street use, elegance, fun, tradition, etc......

At my dojo we have recently started to train with the cane, I am rather impressed with it as a weapon. And the ablity to carry it anywhere is a great bonus. But I think I enjoy the WMA war sword a little more in practice. Who knows.....

Despair Bear
From the practical side, I find 'stick' work to be most versitile. Bo/Jo training can easily be adapted to broomstick, poolcue, plunger, etc. Cane techniques fit right in. :)

Knives you can run afoul with local laws on concealed weapons.

Favorite weapon? Easy 1. Sword. :) To me, its the most fun to train, even though its current "practical" usage is nil. But again, alot of the FMA stick work lends it self very well to sword work, with some minor mods.

Hmmm....sword cane....best of both worlds. :D

Practicality, -0-.
Fun, -10-.

My wife and I cut our wedding cake with one!
Fave that I've had no formal training in: katana

Fave that I've had training in but will get strange looks if I walk around with them: sai

Fave that I can carry: ASP baton (glorified stick)

Fave that I can carry if I pay the $100 bucks or so for the permit: Browning Hi-Power 9mm

Fave I could probably get away with carrying, but it got broken: Gerber Gator Serrator folding knife

:boing1: :boing2:

I like my fists. Oh, I like my elbows too, and my knees, i use my head sometimes.

And luckily I carry most of these things with me when i go out.
Tanbo (eda koppo) :D Small, compact, not considered a weapon....and adds the effect of jointlocks and strikes 10 fold if used properly.

A close second would have to be jo.
Originally posted by Cthulhu
Fave that I've had no formal training in: katana

I studied iaido years back and this remains my favorite. But the arnis baston is fun too.
The reason katana isn't my favorite.... it's very difficult to "play" with a katana. You swing, they open up, they die, you clear the blade and go home. There's too much of a level of permanency to it. (though it is #3 on my list)
With the sword, Ya gotta do it Monty Python Style for it to be more fun....you know, from MP and the Holy Grail....the black knight bit....arms, knees, legs, etc. Take youre time, enjoy yourself.

I swear, everyones in such a hurry. :D
I like staff...Probably because that is what I am best at...
Originally posted by Mind Boxing
I like staff...Probably because that is what I am best at...

It's amazing how many different styles there are for it! Chinese doesn't look like Japanese which doesn't look like Okinawan, and so on.

As an aside, yesterday's local paper reported a woman practicing with a sword in a park was stopped by a police officer. She spoke no English and so didn't understand his instructions to put down the sword--he had to draw his sidearm before she did. No charges are being filed--she was visiting from China for her son's college graduation and the police marked it down as a communication problem. I remember when I used to walk home from iaido practice with a sharp sword hoping no one would ask me what I was carrying (or better yet that someone would try to mug me at knifepoint).

Mr. Hartman will remember as I do crossing from Michigan to Ontario in a car full of weapons and being questioned by the border guards. I was asked where I was from and responded "America", drawing a surly "North America or South America?!" response from a Canadian guard who obviously felt that Canada was part of America also. Traveling with weapons can be a pain. Returning to the original question, however, I've been known to stick a folder or balisong in my pocket if walking late at night, just in case.
Arnisador -

I love those border checks!

"Are you carrying any weapons?" - customs officer

<awkward pause, glancing nervously toward back seat>

"Umm, no?" - Tim and I

"Ok, go ahead" - co

<sigh of relief>

REALLY gets the heart rate going, better than Tae Bo!
Originally posted by Icepick
I love those border checks!

"Are you carrying any weapons?" - customs officer

<awkward pause, glancing nervously toward back seat>

"Umm, no?" - Tim and I

"Ok, go ahead" - co

<sigh of relief>

Yes, I've been there. Honesty is not clearly the best policy in that case, when one is carrying sufficiently many weapons to overthrow the Canadian government.
Hey,it only takes a sling shot to over throw them. They are all too busy watching hokey games to notice.

I'll have you know that a cheesed off Canadian is nothing to laugh about! We're pretty laid back but just try and take our beer or hockey away and we will do a "Snow-mobile-by!" It's like a drive by but we just whack you with a hockey stick so it's almost fatal but not quite.

I'll tell you about the Canadian Military secret! We keep the gun in ottawa and the bullet in Vancouver. That's right, we only have one of each so we're saving it for a big war. Otherwise we just beat people down. Damn it! We'll pull that submarine out of the West Edmonton mall and commission it if we have to!

Oh man, you have me all worked up!
single knife
double knife
single stick
double stick
In this order
I want to mention that due to the "wonderful" weather we're having here in Buffalo...I've found yet another use for a sword..... Ice Cutter! :) Its been very useful in carving a path to the road, 1'x1'x1' block at a time. :)
My favorite of the practical weapons is my Kubaton. My favorite non practical weapon for the street is my Bo staff. Or anything I can get my hands on.