what is everyones


Yellow Belt
Nov 14, 2005
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daily workout routine? or how often do you train and what is everything you do to help keep healthy and in shape?
Hello, Square here? ...and round all over?

The biggest problem is which is stronger...the mind or your body?

For those who excercise on a regular routine...their mind controls the body!

If you do not train often/excercise daily...you rather sit/eat/rest/sleep and do nothing more than anything else....than your body controls the mind!

Does this make sense.....for me my mind is still talking to the body...so for Body 9...Mind 3.....I don't know if I am winning or losing? Depend on which side is for you?

The body does tell the Mind "your own business" .........Aloha
ido my tkd stretches after my coffee in the morning. drink a glass of water and do 100 side bends sometimes i'll do sit ups, not always. afternoon: all my stretches agian and 300 center punches on the punching bag followed by 100 front snap kicks alternating so its 50 per side. same thing in the evening if i don't make a class but i ussually make a class a day other than the ones i teach. i'm not the healthiest person by any means though. i don't watch my diet and drink plenty of caffine and a few red bulls every day. i would say my endurance is affected by all the sodas and caffine.

with respect,
Currently on a cycle of.

Monday (Upper chest conjugate/Biceps heavy)

A. Incline bench press
4 x 6-8 reps

B1. Low-incline dumbbell press (stop short of lockout)
3 x 10-12 reps

B2. Incline cable flies
3 x 10-12 reps

C. Low-pulley crossover
3 x 8-10 reps

D. Bench press
1 x 100 reps (take pauses if needed)

E. Barbell curl
5 x 5 reps

Tuesday (Quads/Hams)

A1. Back squat
1 x 15, 1 x 12, 1 x 8, 1 x 20

A2. Romanian deadlift
1 x 12, 1 x 10, 1 x 8, 1 x 15

B1. Leg press
3 x 10-12 reps

B2. Gironda leg curl (leg curl with an elevated torso, as in a push-up position)
3 x 10-12 reps

C. Leg curl
1 x 100 reps

Thursday (Biceps conjugate/Upper chest heavy)

A. Barbell curl
4 x 6-8 reps

B1. Reverse preacher curl
3 x 10-12 reps

B2. Hammer curl
3 x 10-12 reps

C. Machine curl 2/1 technique (lift with 2 arms, lower in 5 seconds with 1 arm)
3 x 5-6 reps per side

D. Preacher curl
1 x 100 reps

E. High incline dumbbell press
5 x 5

Saturday (Back/Triceps)

A1. Barbell rowing
3 x 6-8 reps

A2. Fat-man pull-ups
3 x max reps

B1. Weighted chins
3 x 6-8 reps

B2. Lat pulldown
3 x 10-12 reps

C1. Decline EZ-bar triceps extension
5 x 6-8 reps

C2. Rope triceps extension
5 x 12-15 reps

Ab work is performed after every workout.

4mi run on off day.
Monday Plyos, Grip

Tuesday Log Clean/Squat/Light Farmers/Sled

Wednesday Treadmill Sprint workout or Back Pedal (prefered), grip

Thursday Thick Bar PP/Press/Press - mostly strict

Friday Plyos, grip

Saturday Tire Flip/Heavy Farmers/Power Clean

Sunday Log Press/PP behind Neck/Lockout stuff

Sled, Sandbag, etc, etc, whenever I feel up to it. All kinds of other stuff thrown into the mix depending on the day and the feel.

I throw some shot, hammer, disc when I get the chance as well. And what day isn't a grip day.
I do stretching at least three times a week. I work my tkd forms daily. Great workout practicing forms.
I workout 3 days a week.




I usually alternate between heavy weight/less reps and lighter weight/more reps.

Ab work is included at the end of every workout. As for the cardio, I'm not a big runner, but when I do run, its usually more of a jog. When not running, I'll walk at a good pace for 30 min. This is usually done on a treadmill. The road that runs through my condo complex is a 1/2 mi. around, so when I'm walking outside, which is usually done with the dog, I'll go around a minimum of 2 times to a max of 5. I do this at least 3 times before heading out to work, so I average at least 3 miles broken up.

I currently weightlift 3 days per week, full body, and do cardio 3 - 4 days per week. usually biking up and down hills.
I do karate (or teach) 5 - 7 days per week.

My downfall is not enough rest which is equally important as exercise. :)
Monday: Hapkido from 6-7, Karate from 7-9
Tuesday: Hapkido from 5-6, karate from 6-8:30
Wednesday: Karate from 7-9:30
Thursday: Hapkido from 5-6, Karate from 7:30-8:30
Saturday: Karate from 11:30-2:00.

I also walk to karate and hapkido a lot - the two schools are like one BLOCK from each other, but they are a mile or so from my house. I probably walk 10 miles a week. I also go to the gym sporadically and run a couple miles.
JC2005 said:
daily workout routine? or how often do you train and what is everything you do to help keep healthy and in shape?

Well...I usaully train every other day, I would type my routine out but I change it every other day too.