Well, Time to Introduce Myself

Crimson Ghost

White Belt
May 29, 2006
Reaction score
Horror Hotel
Greetings. Guess I should stop lurking and Introduce myself. I am The Crimson Ghost ;). Been studying various methods of combat since I was a kid, starting out with plain ole Greco-Roman(Being the runt of 4 boys ya GOTTA learn to wrestle!), eventually through my uncle mixing in some Judo, and through my father Tae Kwon Do. Had to give up TKD as it personally became impractical due to my Powerlifting ambitions, which didn't mesh with the needed speed and flexibility it takes to be good at the Art. Picked up Boxing which i've since practiced for about 5 years.Not yet well rounded, maybe someday.

Flash foreward to currently. Powerlifting ambitions now tucked away and retired, a new plethora of goals have been set. One of which is to dedicate a balance of my fitness persuits between weightlifting for purely health reasons and once again return to Martial Arts, also for Health reasons and for the challenge. Not to mention regaining speed and flexibility would be nice. ;)

Now that the obligatory MA background stuff is outa the way, let's get on with the other stuff. I'm 24, a College student(AutoCAD and gen. math right now with the aim of learning Mechanical Engineering as well as Fire Sciences), as well as a Trades Apprentice(Even more schoolwork). Hobbies are sports, muscle cars, training, 4X4's, music(Especially Hardcore/Punk Rock, where my name comes from), tats, ect. Glad to be a part of your forums.

BTW, the Arts i'm currently looking to take up are Kajukenbo and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu.
Greetings and Welcome..My kind avitar and name...
Welcome to the forum! Enjoy your stay! :)

welcome to MT! Nice to see another intelegent new member!
Welcome aboard! Looks like you have quite a resume when it comes to grappling arts, and we look forward to hearing about your experiences.
Welcome to mt and remember not to drink that water. It makes you sick. lol

You said you are doing fire sciences. What exactly do you do/watn to become if you need to take that class?
Thanks again all!

Grenadier, thanks. My experiences while interesting, are just part of my path to learning and improving. Compared to others who LIVE and compete Grappling/MMA/Wrestling/Judo ect, my resume is pretty plain IMO.

KenpoSterre, I am taking Fire Sciences in the hopes of possibly if I work hard enough becoming a Firefighter. The flipside, Mech Engineering, is my backup plan. ;)
Thanks again all!

Grenadier, thanks. My experiences while interesting, are just part of my path to learning and improving. Compared to others who LIVE and compete Grappling/MMA/Wrestling/Judo ect, my resume is pretty plain IMO.

KenpoSterre, I am taking Fire Sciences in the hopes of possibly if I work hard enough becoming a Firefighter. The flipside, Mech Engineering, is my backup plan. ;)

Oh cool! At first I thought you were learning to make thigns out of fire and I was like "What?????????" But that makes sense. Firefighters are cool.