Vote today!



For those in the US there is an election today, go out and vote please.
We always take the kids too to reinforce the message that they should do this when they're older. In California they used to have kids ballots for them for practice.
Which election is this for?

The U.S. House of Representatives and a variety of state-wide and local offices, varying from state to state and locality to locality. For example, some states are electing their governors though mine is not.
Originally posted by arnisador

We always take the kids too to reinforce the message that they should do this when they're older. In California they used to have kids ballots for them for practice.

That a good idea. I'm 17 and go nuts with all the people who don't vote. I'd love to cast a ballot but all these people who can, choose not too.
Originally posted by Elfan

but all these people who can, choose not too.

Hail hail!!!

As I put it DON'T complain if the only choice you made was not to make a choice at all!!!

Now where is Micky Mouse for Govnor on this thing here.....

Pssst......hey got any chads???
Feel lucky that the vote you cast today counts.

Here in Oregon the non voter has more power than the voter.
It is required by law that any money issue must have 50% of
REGISTERED voter approval.

There is no excuse not to vote in Oregon either. We only have vote by mail. No polling places. Our ballots are mailed to use two weeks prior to election day. This includes presidential and special elections.

Talk about voter apathy.
Some people tell me that voting is a privilage. Personaly I have always seen voting as a responceablility of the citizen in this country. To put is another way; I do not belive that voting is some thing I get to do, I belive that voting is something I must do if I am to consiter myself a responceable member of society.

Depsair Bear
I not only see voting as a responsibility...

I see EDUCATED voting as a responsibility.

It doesn't mean jack if you show up to the polls not knowing anything about the candidates or the propositions. You'd be better off staying home.

That said, I feel that its our responsibility as American citizens to educate ourselves about the issues, and to go to the polls and cast our votes accordingly.
In many parts of the country ... November 8, 2005 is an election day.

Do you know if your community is holding an election?

Casting a ballot is a civic responsibility. Please vote.

Mike - (out of town today, but voted absentee last Thursday).
The Texas vote has some interesting implications this time. It should be quite lively.

Not me. I can't vote here where we're visiting, and nothing's happening back home where I could vote absentee.