Something strange!.....



Like yesterday something really strange happened to me, one guy was confronting me and I was listening to what he had to say and he moved slightly to the side and towards me, and I immediately hit him in the neck not hard enought to cause injury but enough for him to say, 'that hurt.' I didn't even think about it once, it just happened. I only realised like half an hour afterwards what had happened. I kind of questioned myself.

Can anyone else relate to this?...

Originally posted by adrenaline
Like yesterday something really strange happened to me, one guy was confronting me and I was listening to what he had to say and he moved slightly to the side and towards me, and I immediately hit him in the neck not hard enought to cause injury but enough for him to say, 'that hurt.' I didn't even think about it once, it just happened. I only realised like half an hour afterwards what had happened. I kind of questioned myself.
Can anyone else relate to this?...

seems to be some pent up aggression, have you ever tried sex?
Ya I've done something like that before, feat like crap afterwards. :-(
Originally posted by Elfan
Ya I've done something like that before, felt like crap afterwards. :-(

Wrong hole maybe?
Like yesterday something really strange happened to me, one guy was confronting me and I was listening to what he had to say and he moved slightly to the side and towards me, and I immediately hit him in the neck not hard enought to cause injury but enough for him to say, 'that hurt.' I didn't even think about it once, it just happened. I only realised like half an hour afterwards what had happened. I kind of questioned myself.

Been there, done that (a few times) little different senarieo but the same idea. it can be seen as non correct by most people
Its a good way to lose friends or get to the front of a line in a store but then so is passing gas.
What the...your sounds like it went off while you were cleaning it!
Isn't that a symptom of Terrett's Syndrome? :D

I have acute selective Terrett's !! :rofl:

sometimes it feels like i might if someone makes a fast movement at me to counter hit . Or throw..... i tell everyone that no fast movements around me , My body will hit you without my consent.
Originally posted by Judo-kid
sometimes it feels like i might if someone makes a fast movement at me to counter hit . Or throw..... i tell everyone that no fast movements around me , My body will hit you without my consent.

You're one messed up kid. Coming from me, that means something.
Some days... it's like I realize I'm the world's biggest bad-***... like my whole body is a taut engine of destruction just waiting to maim and kill anyone who looks at me funny or drops a spoon during lunch. I'm just... so incredibly cool... can anyone else relate to this?

Good grief.

Trollin', trollin', trollin'...
If what you are saying is that some guy was ranting at you and then he made a sudden movement towards you, then I understand that you were concerned that you hit him without thinking about it. It can be an awkward period when your old flight/cower reflex turns into a fight reflex, but don't forget that flinching or turning and running away which may have been your old reflex reactions, are not necessarily any more rational than your new reflexes.

I've jumped in before thinking in highly stressful situations, and in each case I've realised that I did something sensible when I had time to sit back and reflect on it afterwards.

By envisioning scenarios along with sensible responses, I believe you are less likely to do something on reflex that you will later consider stupid.
I though ma training was supposed to cultivate discipline and self control, lol,,,you can`t go round hitting people at random, even if they`re getting in your face like that, walk away,,, and then if they follow you can hit them;)
You miss understand, this only happens if i already feel threaten inside and i am in a unsure envoment, I am not saying if you jumped around me i would hit you infact i wouldnt do anything, But when i become worried or am really zoned out its like auto attack or somthing. Its like if you jump at me from around the corner and i am really not expecting it you might get a punch then me yelling what the heck.
That "auto attack" mode -- is that done with just the joystick, or do you have to press some of the controller buttons, too?
Sharp Phil - I dunno why........But you are a very funny guy....