
Rich Parsons

A Student of Martial Arts
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Oct 13, 2001
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A Quote from Kaith Rustaz,

his Signature:

""Intense pain is a wonderful thing. Your life flashes before your eyes, things that are the most important to you become crystal clear. You start to begin to learn the meaning of life.

If you're gonna take a baseball bat to a Horseman, finish the job. Because there's one rule of gang fighting. See, we are the original gang and we're the most vicious in all of history. They send one of yours to the hospital, you send two of theirs to the morgue.""

I would like to discuss this. The second sentence is true. When dealing with brute force and mentality if they hurt you at least two of them must never come back.

The first sentence, I would like to comment on. When you have you life flash before your eyes, what becomes crystal clear is that you want to live and you will do what it takes to continue to live.

Just my comments.

Thanks for the inspiration Kaith


:D :asian:
Yep...intense pain brings many things into focus...until the morphine kicks in and then things get a bit numb.


OH !!! You're talking about life and death...sorry...
I tend to find my inspiration in the lyrics of certain metal bands (Running Wild for example), The Art of War, and a -very- select few wrestlers. The SIG quoted above, that I am using as of this posting came from part of an interview with Arn Anderson. Arn didn't have a gimmick. He was old school, just went out there and busted some heads. When you look at Arn, you find something way too many athletes no longer have...and that is integrety, and a good work ethic.

Arns carrer ended back in 1997. But his interviews always had something in them to latch onto, that shred of 'truth'.

Some facts on him:
* On October 28th, 1993, in Blackburn, England at the Moat House Hotel, Arn got into a hotel room brawl with Sid Vicious / Psycho Sid / Sid Eudy. Arn received approximately 20 stab wounds from scissors to various parts of his body.

* In early April 1997, Arn went in for surgery to fuse the vertebrae in his neck as well as having and laminectomy. Things had gotten so bad that he was suffering paralysis in his left hand.
The surgery was a success although the problems were worse than the doctors originally thought. However, coming back would be too risky. On the August 25, 1997 Nitro, Arn announced his retirement from active competition. "...for all of you people out there that have ever bought a ticket to see Arn Anderson wrestle, whether ya' love me or you hated me, you know that when that bell rang you got all I had that night.".

* Major Injuries: Neck (1989), Groin (1992), Neck (1996)

* Even though a 14 year veteran who had paid his dues, Arn did not reduce his schedule. While many of superstars of today have contracts that limit the amount they have to work, Arn traveled the country night after night plying his craft.

* No gimmicks. Arn never wore face paint, never had a goofy outfit. What you see was a reflection of the man outside the ring.

Some further quotes:
"Adversity introduces a man to himself."

"You don't jump a dog in his own backyard and you don't mess with family."

"Nobody gets rich working 40 hours a week."

"People don't ask how you won, they ask if you won."

"There has been one rule of thumb all through professional wrestling that has always held true: When a burglar breaks into your house, you don't squirt him with a waterhose, you pick up something and you bash his brains out with it."

A soliloquy by Arn after the nWo attack on him in the Disney parking lot where his arm was injured and he shared an ambulance with a pre-nWo Marcus Bagwell, who was also attacked:
"Intense pain is a wonderful thing, Gene Okerlund. Your life flashes before your eyes, things that are the most important to you become crystal clear. You start to begin to learn the meaning of life. Last week when they stuffed me in that ambulance and I looked across and I saw Flair, Sting, Woman, Bagwell and myself, I realized that we were people brought together not by philosophy, but by necessity. And I started to think, new world order, new world order, where have I heard that?
And I remembered in the Good Book it says, 'When the new world order is put into place it signals the beginning of the end of time.' Well, WCW is our world, it's where we live and breathe. And if you want to destroy it, Hogan and The Outsiders, you've already made a mistake that jumps off the page. If you're gonna take a baseball bat to a Horseman, finish the job. Because there's one rule of gang fighting. See, we are the original gang and we're the most vicious in all of professional wrestling history. They send one of yours to the hospital, you send two of theirs to the morgue."

It is the above quote that I paired down to make my current sig. Few people ever have the 'opportunity' to experience a pain of that magnitude. It is almost medatative. It is so intense, that it blocks out all distractions.