Valentines day... Who is going training?


Blue Belt
May 7, 2012
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It's Valentines day today, who is going to brave the day and go training instead of spending time with their partner? Haha ;)

Luckily I had already discussed today with my better half yesterday.... We agreed to go out for a meal on Sunday when it's quieter and this morning we exchanged cards and presents...

So with that, I'm going training tonight for two hours - even though I could really do with a night off...
I've never done Valentine's Day. I think it's just a way of shops trying to make money. When I was married we never did it. I have no problem training and neither did my wife
I teach on Thursdays so yes, I will be at class although I expect it to be smaller.
We have been married for 28 years and have always recognized Valentines Day. Most years just a good dinner and a hug (wink, wink). I'm cool with celebrating the spirit of the day put I am not going to waste bunch of money on it commercially. Since tomorrow is Friday we may go somewhere for the weekend to celebrate.
I consider keeping the better half happy a form of training, in and of itself. In fact, I might go so far as to say that it is the most important training I do... it is certainly the trickiest and most nuanced training. That said... yes, I will be training tonight. Though it is yet to be determined if my training will take place at the dojo yet.
My wife is from China and I was told days ago not to waste money on a card or any of this Valentines silliness..... tells me the same thing every am free to train
My wife had to work until 8:30 pm, so I had to be home with our daughters. I took them out for a nice Valentine’s date - Red Robin. :) They’re 6 and 8, so their idea of nice is a bit different. My 6 year old said she was going to choose McDonald’s but wanted to go somewhere nice because it’s Valentine’s Day. :)

I let them choose the place, brought them home some flowers, stuff like that. They’re the little loves of my life.

Sure it’s a stupid made up holiday. But my family’s my priority. The dojo and other things can wait; they’ll still be there the next day. We usually avoid the restaurants on Valentine’s Day because the crowds. I usually cook a nice dinner and we’ll typically do a restaurant on another night
It's Valentines day today, who is going to brave the day and go training instead of spending time with their partner? Haha ;)

Luckily I had already discussed today with my better half yesterday.... We agreed to go out for a meal on Sunday when it's quieter and this morning we exchanged cards and presents...

So with that, I'm going training tonight for two hours - even though I could really do with a night off...
It was never an issue for me - the Hobbit grew up in the USSR, and has no real interest in Valentines day (except for the great discounts on heart-shaped boxes of chocolate afterwards). So I was off teaching corporate training classes...alas, no MA training for me.

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