I understand that every fight takes it's toll on each fighter but in reality a division of 157 is only 8 fights (7 if you are one of the 99 that would have a 1st round bye in a division of 157), which over the course of an 18-20 hour day would not be that many. The hardest part would be fighting and then waiting several hours for your next warm up and fight over and over again throughout the course of such a long day.
Dunno much about the MAC vs. USAT. I do know why many Korean born instructors do not like the USAT very much.
Imagine that you are a 7th dan who has seen and done it all. You register your top students for a national qualifier but can not coach them. You do not have a level one coaches pass to get on the floor because you run a school and can not take the time to go to a seminar, taught by one of your juniors, so that you can get one.
Or imagine that you are a 6th dan who has coached and competed internationally but run into the same problem (Even though you were a one time resident athlete at OTC for 5 years).
How about a 9th dan who had to pay for a spectators pass at Nationals (saw it happen folks).
Now I am all for keeping spectators in their seats and making sure that the coaches know the rules. I have seen many coaches that belong out there and many who should get ejected for their behavior. We are human beings. We make mistakes from time to time. But let those who have legit exp out there.
Oh more thing :
The USAT will never have the support of the Korean-born/American instructors until they have one of their own on top of the organization.
Well said. These were my GM's problems regarding all this. My Gm was about 7th dan when he cut all ties to these organisations , in the end he was just fed up with it. I wasnt a part of the club when he left but from what Ive been told the club functions heaps better now without all the politics , seminars (run by his juniors) , changing of curriculum , coaches courses etc etc.
Here is some more regarding everything, enjoy.

To whom it may concern:

USA Taekwondo has paid $5,000.00 to the MAC in appreciation for their
efforts in last February’s Special Testing held by Kukkiwon in Las
Vegas. No funds were paid to any other entity or person from the MAC
by USAT. No compensation of any kind was made to Joon Pyo Choi or
Hong Kong Kim by USAT for their services.

Some expenses in very small amounts were reimbursed to those
individuals for monies they had already paid out of pocket in
conjunction with the event. This was strictly reimbursement of some
meal expenses.

USAT incurred a great deal of expenses hosting this event and when
time and labor are factored into the equation we made a very small
amount of profit on the event. The extraordinary amount of time spent
responding to Kukkiwon and the applicants’ questions regarding the
grading of the exam and the delivery of the certificates has proved to
be a burden that has fell almost entirely upon USAT and has made the
event an extremely labor intensive endeavor.

David Askinas, CEO
USA Taekwondo
.........The extraordinary amount of time spent responding to Kukkiwon and the applicants’ questions regarding the grading of the exam and the delivery of the certificates has proved to
be a burden that has fell almost entirely upon USAT and has made the
event an extremely labor intensive endeavor.

David Askinas, CEO
USA Taekwondo

Ok, This I would have to agree with. I can vouch and will say, the only person who helped me and personally responded and found answers was Mr Askinas.
I had some questions and concerns. Both before and after. I wrote both David Askinas and GM Choi and GM Kim. The only one who responded to the first email and the only one who responded at all (several were sent to GM Choi and Kim) was David Askinas. I can honestly say he responded to my emails with answers, and continued an open dialogue until the issue was resolved. Keep in mind.... I am NO ONE. I am not a national team member, nor do i have 300+ registered USAT members. I am non existant, and he took the time to help me, and got me the answers.

Cant vouch for much else, but this part I know. USAT took most of the burden for that endevour and I dont see anyone volunteering for that mess again.
I'm assuming it was and is more sensable to do it at the US Open, as GM Choi suggested, so maybe it is gonna happen then.

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