USAT trouble again


<center><font size="2"><B>Martial Talk Ultimate<BR
MTS Alumni
Apr 9, 2004
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Grand Prairie Texas
Here is a link to an article about USAT and there 501c3 and donation, link draw your on conclusion about everything but all I will say is if they are on the suspension list why did nobody say sonething? Like I said do not know if any of this si true just pointing people to the article and they can make up there own minds.
Here is a link to an article about USAT and there 501c3 and donation, link draw your on conclusion about everything but all I will say is if they are on the suspension list why did nobody say sonething? Like I said do not know if any of this si true just pointing people to the article and they can make up there own minds.


USA Taekwondo, Inc is the National Govorning Body under the united state Olympic Committee for Taekwondo. 1 OLYMPIC PLAZA, SUITE 104C COLORADO SPRINGS CO 80909

Registration Status: SUSPENDED AS OF 11/13/2009
Last filing was for the year 2007
6-16-103. Definitions. As used in this article, unless the context otherwise
(1) "Charitable organization" means any person who is or holds himself out to be
established for any benevolent, educational, philanthropic, humane, scientific, patriotic,
social welfare or advocacy, public health, environmental conservation, civic, or other
eleemosynary purpose, any person who operates for the benefit of the objectives of law
enforcement officers, firefighters, other persons who protect the public safety, or
veterans, or any person who in any manner employs a charitable appeal or an appeal
which suggests that there is a charitable purpose as the basis for any solicitation.
"Charitable organization" does not include the department of revenue collecting voluntary
contributions for organ and tissue donations under the provisions of sections 42-2-107 (4)
(b) (V) and 42-2-118 (1) (a) (II), C.R.S.
(2) "Charitable purpose" means any benevolent, educational, philanthropic,
humane, scientific, patriotic, social welfare or advocacy, public health, environmental
conservation, civic, or other eleemosynary purpose, any objective of law enforcement
officers, firefighters, other persons who protect the public safety, or veterans, or any
objective of sponsoring the free or subsidized attendance of persons at any event.
USA Taekwondo Article of Incorporation :
USA Teakwondo;
Section 3.1 Purpose, The corporation is organized and shall be operated exclusively for charitable, scientific and educational purposed within the meaning of the section 501C3 of the Internal Revenue Code.

6-16-104. Charitable organizations - initial registration - annual filing - fees.
(1) Every charitable organization, except those exempted under subsection (6) of this
-4- section, that intends to solicit contributions in this state by any means or to have
contributions solicited in this state on its behalf by any other person or entity or that
participates in a charitable sales promotion shall, prior to engaging in any of these
activities, file a registration statement with the secretary of state upon a form prescribed
by the secretary of state. Each chapter, branch, or affiliate of a charitable organization
that is required to file a registration statement under this section either shall file a separate
registration statement or shall report the necessary information to its parent charitable
organization, which then shall file a consolidated registration statement.
Rule 12. Application of Registration Requirements to Internet Solicitation
12.1 Entities that are domiciled within Colorado. An entity that is domiciled within Colorado and uses
the internet to conduct charitable solicitations in Colorado must register with the Secretary of
State, unless it is exempt from the registration requirements pursuant to section 6-16-104(6),
C.R.S. This is true without regard to whether the internet solicitation methods it uses are passive
or interactive, maintained by itself or another entity with which it contracts, or whether it conducts
solicitations in any other manner.
12.1.1 An entity is domiciled within Colorado if its principal place of business is in Colorado.
USA Taekwondo Website;
At the top of the website you will also see a tab (donate)
It is clear that the USA Taekwondo is soliciting donations on their website and that their principal address is located in the State of Colorado therefore violating Colorado law by not being in good standing.
The following is a list of charitable organizations that have had their registrations to solicit contributions in Colorado suspended. These charities cannot legally solicit contributions in Colorado, either directly or indirectly (6-16-103(11.5), C.R.S.), until they comply with the registration requirements of the Colorado Charitable Solicitations Act.
The Charities Program staff has made repeated attempts to notify these charities of the registration requirement and has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of this information. If a charity on this list has asked you for a donation since the suspension date shown, or you have reason to believe a charitable organization has been listed here in error, please contact the Charities Program staff at
[email protected]

# 711 USA TAEKWONDO, INC is on the List that have had their registration to solicit suspended.

Above was the attached complaint sent to COS secretary of State

Recoiltkd article

I have to be honest, I am not that well versed in the National affairs of TKD in your country, but this does remind me of the negative infighting & nasty bickering that had a tremendous amount of dirty mudslinging in the mess Gen Choi created & left us when he passed away in 2002. Today in retrospect, many of my colleagues are now stuck in going forward together, because of the way many decided to go forward in the past (2002). The end result is that the ITF is splintered & will most likely splinter more, eventually becoming something that is no longer significant on the world stage in any meaningful way.

I think Puunui is correct when he says that for Kukki TKD, what happens now will affect TKD & TKDin for the foreseeable future. I would caution all to remain loyal to the tenets of TKD & only speak (or write) with positive intentions. Not too much will ever come from negative, except negative. When you attack the other side, you only hurt all of TKD & get mud on all martial arts. TKD leaders should reject what is wrong & try to do what is right for TKD, not what is right for them, their agendas etc. True leaders will put TKD 1st!
I have to be honest, I am not that well versed in the National affairs of TKD in your country, but this does remind me of the negative infighting & nasty bickering that had a tremendous amount of dirty mudslinging in the mess Gen Choi created & left us when he passed away in 2002. Today in retrospect, many of my colleagues are now stuck in going forward together, because of the way many decided to go forward in the past (2002). The end result is that the ITF is splintered & will most likely splinter more, eventually becoming something that is no longer significant on the world stage in any meaningful way.

I think Puunui is correct when he says that for Kukki TKD, what happens now will affect TKD & TKDin for the foreseeable future. I would caution all to remain loyal to the tenets of TKD & only speak (or write) with positive intentions. Not too much will ever come from negative, except negative. When you attack the other side, you only hurt all of TKD & get mud on all martial arts. TKD leaders should reject what is wrong & try to do what is right for TKD, not what is right for them, their agendas etc. True leaders will put TKD 1st!

What will hurt TKD is the Board of directors not following Colorado Law when it comes to their non-profit status. Ignoring the issues will only put the organization in deeper than they already are. The members need to be aware that we have a board that has failed , it seems clear they do not have the makings or experience to be Board members! If anything will hurt the USAT it will be their own ignorance and dereliction of duty.
There are many stupid things that the USAT has not followed, however taking a risk with your non-profit status should not be one of them.
What will hurt TKD is the Board of directors not following Colorado Law when it comes to their non-profit status. Ignoring the issues will only put the organization in deeper than they already are. The members need to be aware that we have a board that has failed , it seems clear they do not have the makings or experience to be Board members! If anything will hurt the USAT it will be their own ignorance and dereliction of duty.
There are many stupid things that the USAT has not followed, however taking a risk with your non-profit status should not be one of them.
Board that has failed. Funny how certain people did their best to push USTU out so that this board could take over and show the Seniors how it is really done. Now that they see the fruits of their labor, or more to the point the weeds that they grew, they are upset and displeased. ~sigh~ Oh well, the bed has been made....
I have to be honest, I am not that well versed in the National affairs of TKD in your country, but this does remind me of the negative infighting & nasty bickering that had a tremendous amount of dirty mudslinging in the mess Gen Choi created & left us when he passed away in 2002. Today in retrospect, many of my colleagues are now stuck in going forward together, because of the way many decided to go forward in the past (2002). The end result is that the ITF is splintered & will most likely splinter more, eventually becoming something that is no longer significant on the world stage in any meaningful way.

I think Puunui is correct when he says that for Kukki TKD, what happens now will affect TKD & TKDin for the foreseeable future. I would caution all to remain loyal to the tenets of TKD & only speak (or write) with positive intentions. Not too much will ever come from negative, except negative. When you attack the other side, you only hurt all of TKD & get mud on all martial arts. TKD leaders should reject what is wrong & try to do what is right for TKD, not what is right for them, their agendas etc. True leaders will put TKD 1st!

Well when you have a corrupt NGB doing the affairs of the sportside of TKD, what do you expect. The USAT has told it members without reason to go **** off, we do not need you. They are the ones doing it wrong not people that actual do TKD the CEO has never ever taken a class and has no true clue what it is to have tenets because he is only here for the money. Sorry but if you do not know or understand what has been going on for many years in the sport than maybe just maybe you should not judge us. KaratemomUSA love alot of your post but puunui way of thinking one KKW TKD is great but KKW TKD is not WTF TKD, two different ways of thinking.
Well when you have a corrupt NGB doing the affairs of the sportside of TKD, what do you expect. The USAT has told it members without reason to go **** off, we do not need you. They are the ones doing it wrong not people that actual do TKD the CEO has never ever taken a class and has no true clue what it is to have tenets because he is only here for the money. Sorry but if you do not know or understand what has been going on for many years in the sport than maybe just maybe you should not judge us. KaratemomUSA love alot of your post but puunui way of thinking one KKW TKD is great but KKW TKD is not WTF TKD, two different ways of thinking.
No Sir you are right. I am simply not informed enough to comment at all. That is why I refrained from giving advice & just shared that the ITF's internal struggles became so nasty, that working together today is most difficult. That was my only caution.
My point with what Puunui stated I agreed with from only a general sense & standpoint!

Wouldn't you agree that in times of crisis, confusion or corruption, whatever, that the steps taken today will have impact for the future?
I think Puunui wrote what happens this decade will have an effect on the future, which I think he described as the next 50 years.
Now I was using the ITF example & his KKW/south Korean TKD example to simply say that the mess in the USA can only be solved being positive & hopefully the process will be led by those that put the interests of TKD & TKDin 1st & do it as a service to the art many say they love & has given them so much, not for power, money or ego. This deadly trio has done terrible damage to good since time began

I only hope that goodness prevails & I am sorry that I can't do anything to help, as I am just not that informed at all
puunui way of thinking one KKW TKD is great but KKW TKD is not WTF TKD, two different ways of thinking.

I do not understand what point you are trying to convey. I never said "KKW TKD is not WTF TKD".
I see the ideas from my post about 'one taekwondo' (it's a business) coming to roost. I suspect that what we're seeing is similar to the leadership issues faced by some well-known corporations in the last decade--leadership in their own world serving themselves.

I also think the economy will help bring this to a head. I see there are only 3 regional tournaments this year instead of five, with Buffalo the only one east of the Mississippi. With nationals on a coast and pay-to-stay, it will be intersting to see what happens to participation.

I wouldn't be surprised to see a bunker mentality from the NGB: let's just get through Olympic team selection and the Olympics. That would be like increasing speed in iceberg-filled waters when you're steering the Titanic. Hope it ain't so.
Board that has failed. Funny how certain people did their best to push USTU out so that this board could take over and show the Seniors how it is really done. Now that they see the fruits of their labor, or more to the point the weeds that they grew, they are upset and displeased. ~sigh~ Oh well, the bed has been made....

I think the difference is that the pioneers thought mainly about creating and moving Taekwondo forward, which included unifying under a common name, certification and curriculum. Without that, we couldn't go forward towards the Olympics. Then people who followed disagree with that, not realizing that disunification efforts will lead to disunity, which in turn will lead to the loss of the goal of unity, which in the Olympics. But then, many of the disunification "Don't tell me what to do, I can do whatever I want" types don't really care about that, so what does it really matter, to them, from their perspective? Unlike the pioneers, they are thinking about themselves, and not about Taekwondo.
I wouldn't be surprised to see a bunker mentality from the NGB: let's just get through Olympic team selection and the Olympics. That would be like increasing speed in iceberg-filled waters when you're steering the Titanic. Hope it ain't so.

That's been the mentality of USAT for a while now. And when the Titanic hits that iceberg, the ones who will get hurt aren't the seniors, because they are the ones with the lifeboats. In fact, the seniors at USAT have already gotten into their lifeboats and sailed off, knowing the inevitable awaits. It's not whether USAT hits the iceberg; it's when.
USAT is still showing up on the IRS' website as a 501c3. If USAT lost its status in CO, it may have been because they failed to file an annual report or similar required form. That is negligence at the very least...
Board that has failed. Funny how certain people did their best to push USTU out so that this board could take over and show the Seniors how it is really done. Now that they see the fruits of their labor, or more to the point the weeds that they grew, they are upset and displeased. ~sigh~ Oh well, the bed has been made....

Sorry I was always told the the USTU folded due to owing $ 1 million in back taxes to the IRS and had to file for bankruptcy. This created the lack of previous board members wanting to or wanting the risk of being in the new NGB for fear of future personal financial liability?

People who stood to loose referee and coaching certification and life time membership investments would not have supported pushing out the old board it was financial miss conduct? That is not my personal feeling that is what I was told by people who knew.

I think mr. Puuni would have factual information on this if he cared to share. It would seem that the USAT did not learn from that example and is going down the same road.

It worries me when I hear someone like Puuni say that KKW and WTF could also fall apart sometime in the future and many of us could face the same situation with the fall of USTU one day waking up and your certifications are no longer recognized and the new organization under the gize of wanting to improve education says you have to start at square one and spend a butt load of money?
Sorry I was always told the the USTU folded due to owing $ 1 million in back taxes to the IRS and had to file for bankruptcy. This created the lack of previous board members wanting to or wanting the risk of being in the new NGB for fear of future personal financial liability?

That is certainly NOT what happened. What happened was Jay Warwick signed a contract on behalf of USTU with Century, who his friend Herb Perez was working for at the time. Herb urged Jay to have Century sponsor USTU, and Jay did it. Problem was, I don't believe that Jay had permission from the officers to do it. The USTU Secretary General Soon Ho Kim hated Jay because he felt Jay was stealing his powers, powers that rightfully belonged to the Secretary General, not the Executive Director. Secretary General Kim saw that as an opportunity to get rid of Jay and so he convinced the officers to let Jay go.

When Jay Warwick left USTU, his good friend Jim Scherr who was or was going to be USOC Executive Director, got really upset and he made the decision to get rid of all the Koreans in USTU, for what they did to Jay. Soon after Jay Warwick left USTU, USOC started sending letters to USTU saying that it was an "unstable organization".

About a year later, USOC made a determination that USTU was not using the $300K in USOC grant money for athletes (which we were, because that is what paid for trips to International Events), and ordered USTU to repay the $300K or face decertification. The demand for repayment was timed such that USTU had very little operating revenue, in the fall of each year, because membership dues and other funds already came in for the year and there was no tournament revenue. They demanded payment, knowing that we could not repay the money.

In January 2004, USTU agreed to a "remediation" whereby USTU would be "temporarily" run by USOC and the organization rehabilitated. Instead, the USOC gutted USTU, and completely changed the organizational structure from a volunteer run organization to a staff run organization. They did the same thing at USOC, getting rid of all of volunteer leaders at that level and instead made it so a USOC staff person, the Executive Director, rank the show. They then wanted to make all of the USOC NGBs into the same model, and USTU was chosen as their test case.

One of the first things that they did was kill the OTC Resident Athlete program. Next they attempted to get rid of the state associations. These two moves showed that USOC was not interested in remediating USTU but instead wanted to gut the organization and have it so USOC would have almost complete control over it, through their USOC appointed bureaucrat Executive Director.

Problem is that the USOC staff people did not know or understand Taekwondo as well as its complex web of relationships that held the organization together and made it work. Instead, they relied on the advice and guidence of one of the only Taekwondo people that they knew, Herb Perez, who was an USOC AAC member back when Marty Mankaymer was USOC President.

In the process, most of the seniors left the organization and took their students with them. Most just stopped attending all national events, although some of their American born students migrated to the AAU. USAT lost about 80% or more of the USTU membership, and the organization limps along with about 5-8000 members, down from 40-50,000 during the USTU days.

Because there are less members, USAT raised prices to keep revenues up. This caused even more members to leave.

We also lost our referee infrastructure. USTU used to certify about 1000 referees per year. I don't know what the numbers are now, but it probably 10-20% of that.

Seven years later, we are where we are, on the brink of bankruptcy and financial failure.

By the way, I predicted all of this way back in the summer of 2004, and was severely criticized by all the angry pro USAT/anti USTU types who felt happy and vindicated that they brought down the USTU. Most of those pro USAT/anti USTU types have now become anti USAT. There they are, people like Ronda, who now find themselves without a life jacket dumped into the ice cold Nordic Sea, doing their best to aim the Titanic into an iceberg. I sit here and say, why bother? The Titanic will hit the iceberg no matter what you do, just like I said it would back in 2004.

That is what happens when your disregard your seniors and put inexperienced people into positions of power for which they have no business being in. Of course it is going to kill the organization.
It worries me when I hear someone like Puuni say that KKW and WTF could also fall apart sometime in the future and many of us could face the same situation with the fall of USTU one day waking up and your certifications are no longer recognized and the new organization under the gize of wanting to improve education says you have to start at square one and spend a butt load of money?

I don't know if that is going to happen. I do think that Taekwondo is in danger of losing its Olympic status, as well as the Kukkiwon evolving into something other than it is now. I think there is still hope, but that hope diminishes with each passing day, due to what is going on internally in those organizations, as well as listening to the viewpoints of the people on MT. I think to myself, even if we manage to stave off death and destruction this time, for a short while at least, it is only a matter of time. Inevitability weighs in against us.
It's been a tumultuous run so far. Hopefully I'll still be here in 30 years to see. The only thing I'm confident of is that there will be drama and unexpected turns.
USAT is still showing up on the IRS' website as a 501c3. If USAT lost its status in CO, it may have been because they failed to file an annual report or similar required form. That is negligence at the very least...

You are correct, 501c3 is a federal; We are talking about Colorado Law and any charitable organization that solicits donations in Colorado are required to follow that law and file anually. They are on the suspended list , any one on the suspended list of charities cannot legally solicit contributions in Colorado, either directly or indirectly (6-16-103(11.5), C.R.S.), until they comply with the registration requirements of the Colorado Charitable Solicitations Act.
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Better watch out Terry, you might lose your post whore status to Glenn before long. :erg: 500 posts in 24 days. :jaw-dropping: Jeeeeesus. Get a freaking life. :)