USA Coach punches Canadian in face after fight at US Open

That was shocking! I agree that the coach who punched the competitor should have been arrested.
I think arrested is a bit of an overreaction. I'm sure that there are administrative penalties that will be applied, and rightfully so. But seriously guys. This is TKD. The punch probably didn't even hurt! :D

Just kidding! Seriously, though, it didn't look like anyone was injured. He should be punished, but arresting the guy seems overboard to me.
Just kidding! Seriously, though, it didn't look like anyone was injured. He should be punished, but arresting the guy seems overboard to me.

According to one of the people that witnessed it: "I am not sure if Kael broke his nose but they were definitely shoving gauze up his nose to stop the bleeding."
I can honestly say I do not think I could have controlled myself as well as the Candian coach did if My competitor was attacked by the other coach.

I commend him for his proffessional behavior.

UNBELIEVABLE. Both fighters were a bit "uncontrolled" but for a coach to do that.... wow.

Not sure the age brackett, but if they were minors competing, damn right I would say press charges.
Also, I wonder if he'll make it onto the suspension list. To date there has only been 1 name added: Sir Charles ********** (date of suspension 8/15/10). And that has yet to be proven from what I know.
I think arrested is a bit of an overreaction. I'm sure that there are administrative penalties that will be applied, and rightfully so. But seriously guys. This is TKD. The punch probably didn't even hurt! :D

Just kidding! Seriously, though, it didn't look like anyone was injured. He should be punished, but arresting the guy seems overboard to me.

Actually he should be arrested, this is outrageous and the WTF should give him a life time BAN! Pathetic and disgusting!
According to one of the people that witnessed it: "I am not sure if Kael broke his nose but they were definitely shoving gauze up his nose to stop the bleeding."

That seems obvious by the attention Kael is getting to his nose right after the coach punched him.
Also, I wonder if he'll make it onto the suspension list. To date there has only been 1 name added: Sir Charles ********** (date of suspension 8/15/10). And that has yet to be proven from what I know.

His trial starts next month, but your right he has not been convicted! Funny Jean Lopez, is not on the suspension list because "he was not convicted " for family domestic violence on his wife! Dring did not make the suspension list either and I do believe he was charged and convicted for harassment and has a restraining order on him by a female athlete!

Can you leave the country if your under indictment?
Well we saw the whole thing, the coach in question was put in handcuffs and taken to the police station. The competitors nose was split and broken, this was the most discusting event I have ever personally witness it was a total cheap shot. My son Zachary was one of the people giving the accounts to the police. I can truely say if the USAT does not permently do someting withen a few days I would be shocked.
I think arrested is a bit of an overreaction. I'm sure that there are administrative penalties that will be applied, and rightfully so. But seriously guys. This is TKD. He should be punished, but arresting the guy seems overboard to me.

I completely disagree. Yes, this is a combat sport where people are trying to knock each other's blocks off. But this wasn't within the competition rules and was by a non-combatant.

Would your opinion change if this was a spectator punching a competitor?

The town drunk wandered in after a few beers to watch some fighting, thought that it actually looked like girly kicking not fighting and he could take them so he wanders over a punches one of them in the face?

Should he be arrested?

If so, why not the coach who is likely a)sober and b)trained to hit harder/better and - of course - c)should know much much better.
I think arrested is a bit of an overreaction. I'm sure that there are administrative penalties that will be applied, and rightfully so. But seriously guys. This is TKD. The punch probably didn't even hurt! :D

Just kidding! Seriously, though, it didn't look like anyone was injured. He should be punished, but arresting the guy seems overboard to me.

It was an assault, compounded by battery. It appeared to be by an adult on a juvenile as well. Arrest is not only indicated, prosecution is warranted based on what I saw.

Martial arts competitions are mutual combat by agreement; assault charges don't apply - to the competitors. Having a coach - or anyone not a combatant - charge into the ring and strike a competitor, no mater how hard, is battery. He should be arrested, charged, prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law in my opinion.
Just to add the coach in question was telling security and the police that he really did not hit him, that his shot missed. I just cannot even understand this, if that was one of my students or even my child that instructor would be alot worst than being in jail for the night.
Just to add the coach in question was telling security and the police that he really did not hit him, that his shot missed. I just cannot even understand this, if that was one of my students or even my child that instructor would be alot worst than being in jail for the night.

Even if he had missed, it would be assault. Battery is the hitting part. Assault is the wind-up. He still broke the law. But since it seems the competitor's nose was broken, I'd say that's hogwash anyway.
Unless there was someone video taping the match from the opposite side of the ring it may be difficult to prove the coach broke the Canadian's nose since he was kicked in the face at 2:08 and then again at 2:33 (although this kick looks like it hit the cheek area more than the nose). Regardless, as Bill pointed out he broke the law anyway and the Canadian's would be well within their rights to press charges.

Why any coach is entering the ring for any reason during a match is beyond me.

It looked like emotions were running a bit high during the whole match. The kick at 2:08 was a cheap shot, although you could maybe forgive it as a result of being in the heat of the moment. The one at 2:33 actually looked like a legitimate hit, so I am unsure why the Canadian got so upset about that hit. (Is the no hitting to the face if under a certain age rule still in effect in WTF matches?) But all he did in "retaliation" was try to punch his opponent in the hogu, which is completely within the rules. Looked like there might have been some clinching going on, and the ref was wise to break things up, but the coach's reaction was way out of line.


Terry, (or anyone else who was there) do you know how old the victim was in this case?
I would guess that it was the out of control coach's student who had is nose split, and the reason for his behavior. That certainly does not give that coach the right to enter the ring and punch a kid without any warning. You can clearly see the hit connected, as the force almost knocked him down. What I don't understand is why the fight was given to the Canadian. It is also clear that he sucker punched the other athlete in the face, breaking his nose. You can see it was done intentional and was very poor sportsmanship. The other athlete was not able to continue with the match due to his injury. Why then did the Canadian win. The only person with any control was the Canadians coach! The victim in all of this is the Naughty Coach's student and he should have been the winner of that match.

Why does the title in this thread say "USA Coach" punches Canadian in face? Was it a USA Coach? If not then I do not see Davie as doing anything, actually even if he is I still do not see Davie as doing anything!
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