up late?


Blue Belt
Oct 19, 2006
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who all here keeps late hours? i stay up very late everynight.i start work everyday between 3:00 and 5:00 pm so i usually don't wake up untill about an hour before work.and then im up all night.
how about you gays and gals?
I normanly stay around looking until 1 or 2 and get on around 6-7 am everyday
I have a tendency to stay up until I am falling asleep with whatever I am doing. I usually end up going to bed at 1:00 a.m. Then I wake up at 7:00 a.m.
I am a night owl by nature, but work forces me to go to bed around midnight.

Same here with the exception of Sunday nights, I don't work on Mondays as a rule unless its a part time gig....
Hi Drummingman,

Because I write, I keep really odd hours. ... and it is unpredictable. When the creative juices flow, I am there. Sometimes until midnight, sometimes from midnight onwards.

So you will probably find me posting at strange times.

I am a hardcore night owl. I just finished working eight years of rotating shift work, which meant that I worked one week on day shift, one week on evening, and one week on graveyard shift. I loved the graveyard shift. The building was cooler, there was no management lurking around, and we got paid more when on that shift. Now that I don't work shift work, I seriously miss that midnight work schedule.

ya know its funny.i used to do the all night shift at a job when i was younger and it used to wipe me out.but now doing the 3rd shift staying up all night does not make me tired at all the next day and night.strange.
Night owl here! I've been working 2nd shift since this summer so I'm getting kind of used to the hours. It's stilll been a tough transition to make though. :)
I teach university, and if I have a lot of prep to do for my next day's lectures I can easily be up till 2, 3, 4 a.m. And if I'm working on a particular piece of research that's going really well, I'll probably stay up very late working on it. But if I've run into problems, then... I'll probably stay up really late in the hope that I'll get it solved. So pretty much I'm up late quite a few nights. It goes on for a few weeks at a time like that, and then I get sick or something and have to start getting some sleep, and then once I'm better I staying up later and later... it's been like that since I was a student at university, and it's not gonna change, apparently! :)
So where are all you insomniacs?? :wink1:
im here!!! it's 6:05 am.i did sleep a bit earlier tonight though.
if i try to go to sleep at a normal time i always wake up and can't go back to sleep.like now.
im here!!! it's 6:05 am.i did sleep a bit earlier tonight though.
if i try to go to sleep at a normal time i always wake up and can't go back to sleep.like now.

This has happened to me for enough years that I now no longer even hope to get a good night's unbroken sleep. Nothing works. I've come to believe it's just some bit of broken brain chemistry that's involved. And from what I've read, there are a lot of people in the same boat as me!
it's 6:45 am and im still up.WOOO HOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!

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