
Evidently A&E showed what I thought was a documentary a couple of days ago called "Fang & Fiction." It seemed to have a tie-in to Underworld as it showed quite a few clips from it. The gist of the show was about the history of vampires and werewolves and their rivalry -- they also talked to some current people who claimed to be descendants of both camps. Not a documentary in the academic sense, but kind of interesting nonetheless.
We went to see Underworld: Evolution this past weekend. It was acceptable, but not noteworthy. I won't look forward to the third one (which I assume they will make).

The effects were pretty good, I must admit.
The first one was pretty good, the second was a bit boring for me. Then again, I'm not a fan of vampire movies.
EVolution was a waste of $7.25. Ok probably more like $6.25 It nwas worth a dollar maybe. Wait I didn't pay yup thats more like it. It was good for the amount of money I put into seeing it.