Ultimate Ten MA

  • Thread starter Thread starter KoshoBob
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Any one see this show last night on TLC as a kick off to the Testosterone week?

I don't remember all or the order so corrections are welcome.

1. Shoalin Kung Fu
2. Karate
3. TKD
4. Juko Kai - Combat Ki
5. Aikido
7. Muay Thai
8. ninjutsu
9. Kali
10. BJJ
How could I forget Krav Maga. teaching people those gun defenses was so bad I guess I tried to force it from my mind :rolleyes:
Drat, I missed it. I knew that "Testosterone Week" was coming up, too. I saw a commercial for it a couple weeks back and thought I should check it out, at least one(s) on martial arts. How was the program? I just looked at TLC's web site and that was the only MA program for the week. Darn, now I have to wait for a rerun. :( If you're right on Shaolin Kung Fu being number 1, that's pretty cool because I'm studying a form of that right now. ;)
might be a stupid question, but is BJJ = brazilian jiujitsu?
Yes, it should be Ty K. Doe. There was a thread about MA abbreviations not too long ago. You might want to try to find it and check it out if you're not too familiar with some of the acronyms used around here or other places.

1. Shoalin Kung Fu
2. Karate
3. TKD
4. Juko Kai - Combat Ki
5. Aikido
7. Muay Thai
8. ninjutsu
9. Kali
10. BJJ​

Not quite:

10. Brazillian Jiu-jutsu
9. Kali
8. Krav Magna
7. Tae Kwon Do
6. Akido
5. Juko-kai
4. Ninjutsu
3. Muay Thai
2. Karate
1. Shaolin Kung Fu​

I have no idea what kind of standard they used for their selection process.
The "Ninjutsu" footage ( the ninjas in combat piece) was the same they used for their piece with the Genbukan for the Discovery Channel's "Martial Arts" series; the difference was that the style highlighted this time was the Bujinkan.
The Akido segment was also a rehash of the earlier stuff.
Everything else looked new, but the piece on Juko-kai was at least as old as the earlier special; the listed Sacharnowski as still being in Maine, and he was chased out over a year ago.
Yeah right.
try number 1.BJJ
2Mui tie kick boxing
3 up to you but those are the top 2
:shrug: :shrug: :shrug: :shrug:
Juko Kai is not a martial art! It is an organization for okinawan karate. Frankly, i like the Kenshinkan.
Sincerely, In Humility;
Originally posted by Judo-kid

Yeah right.
try number 1.BJJ
2Mui tie kick boxing
3 up to you but those are the top 2
:shrug: :shrug: :shrug: :shrug:

I would like to know more about BJJ. Is it more of a military system of JJ ? Maybe a stupid question, I'm going to root around in some of the other threads too.

Trying to rank martial arts is not only stupid, but practically impossible.

I disagree with judo-kid there. My #1-10 goes...


Yeah, I left them blank, how? How do they rank them, by the best fighter in each art? That too is impossible and has many flaws. Ranking them is such a stupid idea. To discuss each of them and to see which art is better suited for certain people is a much better idea.

i.e. wing chun for someone who is smaller and faster
Originally posted by 7starmantis

I would like to know more about BJJ. Is it more of a military system of JJ ? Maybe a stupid question, I'm going to root around in some of the other threads too.

BJJ came from JJ. The Gracie family learned JJ and changed their training regime and modified a few techniques to suit them.
Trying to rank martial arts is not only stupid, but practically impossible.

totally agree.

Its like comparing different types of bycicles, Moutain vs Road or Cruiser vs All around. the question is what are you looking for when comparing arts, is it philosophy, kicks, punches, the number of techniques?
BJJ came from JJ. The Gracie family learned JJ and changed their training regime and modified a few techniques to suit them.

I'm sorry, but that statement is misinformation. The Gracie family was instructed in Judo by Count Kuma, who was kicked out of the Kodokan from fighting for money. He did not teach them Jujutsu.

The fact that the Gracies often claim it is decendant from Japanese Jujutsu doesn't make it so.
Originally posted by Jay Bell

I'm sorry, but that statement is misinformation. The Gracie family was instructed in Judo by Count Kuma, who was kicked out of the Kodokan from fighting for money. He did not teach them Jujutsu.

The fact that the Gracies often claim it is decendant from Japanese Jujutsu doesn't make it so.

So the Gracie's developed their own system based on jj ?
I saw the Ultimate Top 10 too. I agree with all of you who say it's impossible to rate martial arts because they are all so different (yet the same in some aspects)! I wonder who came up with that list and how they came by the results.

Despite that, I was quite pleased and surprised to see Aikido up there. Especially since it passed up something as popular as TKD!:D

Robyn :asian:
The program itself was actually done by a third party. In fact...TLC/Discovery didn't really validate sources in the program (IE...Juko Kai). Many complaints flooded in when the untruths were told on the program by Sacharnoski and that was their reply. They didn't seem too concerned that they threw a fraud on national TV and glorified him. Apparently part of the production company was also a member of Juko Kai..
Originally posted by Jay Bell

I'm sorry, but that statement is misinformation. The Gracie family was instructed in Judo by Count Kuma, who was kicked out of the Kodokan from fighting for money. He did not teach them Jujutsu.

The fact that the Gracies often claim it is decendant from Japanese Jujutsu doesn't make it so.
Here is an excerpt

In 1914 a Japanese Judo and jiu-jitsu master named Mitsuo Maeda (called Count Koma) came to Brazil. In return for help from the Brazilian politician Gastao Gracie, Koma taught jiu-jitsu to Gastao's son Carlos. Carlos in turn taught his brothers (most notably Helio). They went on to further refine the art via constant no-rules competition, developing what is now known as Gracie Jiu-Jitsu.

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