


I can't remember if this has been covered in a while or not.

Who keeps a notebook?, More than one? What types of information do you have in it? Do you add to it when you see things of interest?

So far I have 2 large notebooks from WunHopKuenDo, 1 on my early years in TKD, 1 from JiKai Karate-Do and 2 almost 3 for Iaido.

All the notebooks have some things in common: History of the style, photos ,any patches, techinques for rank, favorite articles from magazines and the newspaper/internet.

My Iai notebook also has each kata broken down on a single page with the Kanji,name pronounciation, batto,nukitsuki,kirioshi and noto and anything else I could put about the kata .
I am currently working on another notebook that has various styles of Iai and their differences and lineage .

GEne Gabel
I don't have a notebook, but I have e-notebook :D I put everything I found on the Net plus everthing I am taught in there


Some of our students have notebooks. Pop I think is requiring them to keep some sort of notebook.
Myself, I don't have a notebook, but I am the 'Keeper of the Book'. It is the book with all the forms, exercises, self-defenses, and requirements for belt levels in it.
Plus I do have a few note on the computer here.

I think all beginners should have some typw of note book. It does help to remember forms, stances, blocks, self-defense and so on.

I guess what I keep would be called an "e-notebook". I have
a folder on my drive named "Kenpo". Anytime I see something
interesting, or something I'd like to hold for later (pics, well
said posts from here, and dates I learned different things, all get
put into notepad, and saved in a txt file. A lot of it is stuff that
I'll put on my personal web page one day, (when I'm done writing
pages for friends).
I have lots of bits and pieces scattered all about the place. My notebooks from school have martial arts material all along the margins (I really probably should have been concentrating on physics at the time...oh well). Also, quite a few of my martial arts related books have notes I've made in them, highlighted passages, and cross-references to related works.

I have always kept a notebook and I require my students to keep one too. Aside from teaching it, writing things down is one of the best ways to engrain it in your head. I tell all of the students to go get their notebooks and then I take a senior student and demonstrate a technique for them to put in their own words in the notebook. I find that it increases retention and it helps them if they want to practice at home (I also have kept a video notebook of classes when I had the opportunity, which really helps because you see how bad you suck when you watch yourself... every little mistake glares out at you.) and it helps remind them with a technique if I am too busy working with someone else. The only negative thing is the time it takes to wait for people to write and to get/put away the notebooks. I generally teach one or two things per week per level so it doesn't require too much time.
I keep an e-book but I also print hard copys evey now and then and keep them in a binder. I write it after every class or seminar and put in what we did that day. I try to keep notes on how things are done. It is not easy sometimes but it at least helps to jog my memory.
Istarted it the first day I started going to class and except for a few times have kept at it ever since.
I have 10 martial arts notebooks! The contents contain american kenpo info; tracy kenpo info; kung fu info, qi gong info, karate info, jujitsu info, aikido info, shorin ryu karate-do info, teaching info, the complete text of "What Is Self Defense, Kenpo Jui Jitsu"; medical research on qi gong info; chinese, japanese/okinawan, and american kenpo terms; dragon kenpo info; Great Grandmasters, Sifu, and Instructors photos and history behind their systems; vispassana suttas; bubishi text info; stretching info; shaolin forms, history and tradition; etc,. All full but 2. I have enough info though on hand to fill them up. Just have not got around to placing the info in yet. I have amassed a lot of martial arts input over the last several years! Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!
Originally posted by Chiduce

I have 10 martial arts notebooks! The contents contain american kenpo info; tracy kenpo info; kung fu info, qi gong info, karate info, jujitsu info, aikido info, shorin ryu karate-do info, teaching info, the complete text of "What Is Self Defense, Kenpo Jui Jitsu"; medical research on qi gong info; chinese, japanese/okinawan, and american kenpo terms; dragon kenpo info; Great Grandmasters, Sifu, and Instructors photos and history behind their systems; vispassana suttas; bubishi text info; stretching info; shaolin forms, history and tradition; etc,. All full but 2. I have enough info though on hand to fill them up. Just have not got around to placing the info in yet. I have amassed a lot of martial arts input over the last several years! Sincerely, In Humility; Chiduce!

Man I thought I was obsessive..You have me beat. I have how to do articles on Chinese and Japanese kanji writings and interviews with different MA people along with the other things I mentioned earlier.

Notebooks are not just for beginers they are for everyone..

My Sifu used to have a Saturday am workout for seniors and we would bring our noteboks to class and had a time where we would share what we had added with the other seniors and them with us. This was cool as we all had areas that we were specializing in and could learn and share with the others our favorite techniques. It might not have been a technique or something from our style but it added to the gumbo

Gene Gabel
I think someone did a poll like this before, because I'm pretty sure I replied to it. Yes, I keep a notebook. It helps me remember what I've been taught. Our teacher likes to use a "repeat after me" type teaching style; i.e., he shows us the moves and then has us try to copy them. This isn't the best way for me to learn. It usually takes a few demos plus a couple questions and answers to get enough details to get the move in at least a basic form. I try to write down those details so I won't forget them. Writing them down not only gives me a record of what I've learned, but it's more suited to my learning style. I can look up the details any time I want to check if I've forgotten something. The process of writing it down also tends to help me remember it. I've actually been doing two copies -- one on paper in a notebook and the other on my on line account here at school so I can view them on the web if I want to. (No, it's not linked up from my web page. If you want to see it, send me a message or something. I'd prefer not to give it out to the whole world, not at this point at least.) Extra writing, more help remembering. That reminds me, I still haven't written out the newest batch of moves we were taught. I should do that tonight. :)
I have quite an extensive library of my notes over the yrs. I have complied binders of information of various styles, techniques forms, basics and anything i have found relevant.
Add me to the e-notebook list. I usually keep mine on my PDA, so I can write stuff down immediately after class, and remind myself to ask any questions I had on previously covered material. What can I say, I'm a geek. :D
Originally posted by KumaSan

Add me to the e-notebook list. I usually keep mine on my PDA

I did that for a little while, getting my HTML note pages from my account onto my PDA via AvantGo. I think it took up a little more space than I wanted and I found I wasn't referencing them a whole lot there anyway. However, using the PDA to make notes about questions to ask is a good idea. I should do that so that I don't forget questions which is easy enough to do when they're not written down. I might make notes about forms being taught and which ones I've learned, too, just to have a list around in case needed/wanted that for something.
Originally posted by Dronak

getting my HTML note pages from my account onto my PDA via AvantGo.

Good idea. I didn't even think about using AvantGo. I started out just attaching a note to each class appointment in DateBook, then making them into weekly/montly summaries in MemoPad. I might try that sometime.
Originally posted by KumaSan

Add me to the e-notebook list. I usually keep mine on my PDA, so I can write stuff down immediately after class, and remind myself to ask any questions I had on previously covered material. What can I say, I'm a geek. :D

D'oh. Thanks for reminding me that I have stuff on my PDA! Basically, I'll go to a bookstore like B&N and if I find a book that only has a few passages or quotes that I like (and therefore don't wanna spend the cash on the whole thing), I just write the stuff down in my Visor.

Gotta bunch of crap in there that I forgot all about!

Originally posted by Cthulhu

if I find a book that only has a few passages or quotes that I like (and therefore don't wanna spend the cash on the whole thing), I just write the stuff down in my Visor.

Another good idea. :) I'll have to remember to carry around my HandEra 330 when I go to book stores in order to do the same thing. It usually sits in my book bag which goes with me most places, but not necessarily all places. You're right, if you only really want some tiny portion of the text, why spend the money on the whole book? Copy the pieces you want (with references) and save the money for something else.
I have two *official* notebooks, and a ton of loose notes.....

I have a journal-type notebook on my iaido training, and another journal on my kenpo training. Both are crammed with information and views on my classes, training, and musings from class.

Notes-wise, I have a bunch of binders organized on teaching notes, weapons notes, style history notes, and all kinds of other general information, including humor.

It's a mess, but it's *my* mess...;)

I had to start keeping a notebook when I first started learning kenpo. I was told to write the notes in such a way that anyone could read them and perform the techniques. This way I think the material is more ingrained and easier to remember. I think everyone should keep one. I also keep an e-book on my computer with stuff from the many web sites I have visited, but I don't own a PDA, but now I might have a reason to get one.

I use to use it. Righting down the different moves , and the do's and doen'ts. But I stopped for a year or two, then took them up again and tried reading them again. I had moved on and my understanding (incl. writing), had changed, so I really didn't understand, or couldn't use my notes for anything. So after taht experience I dropped using notes for longer periodes. For short period, while learning new stuff I rely on notes.
