Ultimate Fighter Reality Show


Green Belt
Oct 24, 2002
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relytjj said:
I think he means Diego when he says Dante.
That's what I figured, I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing a fighter or something....

I think it'll be Koscheck and Sanchez in the finals. Which is painful for me since I'm a fan of the standup striker style.


FearlessFreep said:
I watched a few minutes of the show a few nights ago. Saw a fight with Southworth and another guy(went to the other guy, which seemed to be contriversial) The fighting was sorta interesting but I also thought a bit boring (I don't know grappling so I can't see/appreciate the finer points of what all the hugging was about)

Back in the "early" days, I was right there with you. I thought the groundfighting was boring and waste. But then you saw all these grappling guys beating the strikers. It totally changed the way you have to think about fighting, whether it is self-defense or sport. It showed us that to really be a good fighter you have at least make an attempt at becoming well rounded. Once I had an opportunity to try a little groundfighting (I am by far not good at it yet, I know what to watch for and how, but applying it seems to be my problem), you are able to see how difficult it really is. There is a lot of Jockeying for position and if you don't know what you are watching for, you miss a lot of the action and it can seem extremely boring. If you know what submissions and chokes people are going for, and the advantages or disadvantages of the positions, it opens up a whole new perspective on the MMA fight game. If you don't want to get involved in grappling, you should at least become aware of it.

What really struck me about it was that it seemed very much like 'a soap opera guys don't have to be embarrased to watch'. Some awfully immature, childish attitudes there. Rather silly

without a doubt.

By the way, sorry about the double post up there. I must have double clicked the submit button or something.


Senior Master
Dec 20, 2004
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Phoenix, Arizona

Back in the "early" days, I was right there with you. I thought the groundfighting was boring and waste.

Well, I think the same about basketball :) What I mean is that every sport has it's mental game and it's tactics and strategy and if are new or an outsider than often it doesn't look that interesting. I like like baseball and NASCAR, but I know the inner game more than basketball so to me baseball is 'tense' and basketball is not; not anything about the sports themselves, just my knowledge and understanding and therefore appreciation

If you don't want to get involved in grappling, you should at least become aware of it.

Currently I'm focusing on getting as good as I can at one(striking) art; my interest in grappling is mainly 'how do I attack and defend against a grappler coming in. Maybe eventually I'll have a chance to study it do it, but mostly I'm currently interested in how to fight against it


FearlessFreep said:

Back in the "early" days, I was right there with you. I thought the groundfighting was boring and waste.

Well, I think the same about basketball :) What I mean is that every sport has it's mental game and it's tactics and strategy and if are new or an outsider than often it doesn't look that interesting. I like like baseball and NASCAR, but I know the inner game more than basketball so to me baseball is 'tense' and basketball is not; not anything about the sports themselves, just my knowledge and understanding and therefore appreciation

Same with me. Funny thing is I like golf, and would rather watch golf than some of the other main stream sports on TV.

Currently I'm focusing on getting as good as I can at one(striking) art; my interest in grappling is mainly 'how do I attack and defend against a grappler coming in. Maybe eventually I'll have a chance to study it do it, but mostly I'm currently interested in how to fight against it

That is also pretty much what I meant as far as being aware of it, is knowing basicly how to defend against it. Which of course is eaiser said than done. I am not that good at grappling (quite honestly I prefer the ground and pound method of groundfighting :) ), and it is not my main interest. But I did want to have a better chance at defending myself if I was taken down, or knocked down. I guess you have 2 basic roads you can look at as far as defending against a grappler. You can work on takedown defense, sprawling would be your most basic defense, or posting. Or you can work on learning submissions, or having them done to you so you know what's coming and can defend against them. It sounds like for what you are looking for is takedown defense. If you know any wrestelers you can work your takedown defense with them and all wrestlers know how to sprawl.


Orange Belt
Feb 7, 2005
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And don't just have them show you, drill it. Let them try and take you down while you try to escape. That's the only way you will ever get good at sprawl and brawl.


Deigo put on a show. He wanted everyone to see that "pick me, and you will have a fight on your hands". He pounded on Rafferty to prove a point. He could have sumbitted him earlier, but just "played" with him for alittle bit. It might come down to Diego and either Koschek or Florian.

As for Forrest, I'm just waiting for him to get in the octagon. He is ready and just wants to fight. Looking forward to that one....

Somebody has to something about Sam. He's a politician and really working on his "friendships" Team Courture. He's almost too smart to do something like UFC when you listen to him speak. Besides, how much fighting has this guy done? His face doesn't shoe too much wear and tear like some of the others.


Orange Belt
Feb 7, 2005
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Koschek has no skills beyond take downs. Florian and Diego can both smoke him. I think it's going to be Florian vs Diego at the end. Leben has a punchers chance, but no one else has the ground game to keep up with either of these two.

Which makes you wonder just how thorough they were in evaluating these guys for the show. It's pretty obvious some of these guys are beginners and some are basically ready for the big time. Before they do season 2 I think they really need to make sure the fighters skill levels are a little more even.


That last fight blowed. Rafferty proved he didn't belong there to begin with. Diego's ankle pick was garbage. Diego should've eaten a knee for doing that so carelessly. He really hasn't shown anything like the superior skills everyone says he has. He tapped out two pretty much pure strikers. That's not hard to do if you have some wrestling takedown skills. Diego v. Leben....Leben by K.O. Thats' my prediction if that occurs. Karalexis was too much of a boxer and Rafferty was skeered. Leben isn't a boxer, he's a puncher that can sprawl and brawl. He stuffed pretty much all of Koscheck's takedowns for almost all the first round of that fight. Everyone says Kenny Florian is so magical. Yes, he's a NAGA and sport grappling champion. He's also small and his mettle is as yet unproven in MMA. Leben would have to get taken down to have any serious threat to him. To use his BJJ skills, Florian would have to take Leben down. I'm sure he's better than Diego at takedowns but can he eat punches ? Anyway, Rafferty sucked but full points to Diego for beating on him a little. That just disgusted me, Rafferty's behaviour.


Senior Master
Jul 7, 2002
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RSJ said:
That last fight blowed. Rafferty proved he didn't belong there to begin with. Diego's ankle pick was garbage. Diego should've eaten a knee for doing that so carelessly.

Look at who he was fighting.


Master Black Belt
May 18, 2004
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Rose Barracks Vilseck,Germany
Just a little something for you guys to watch out for in April one legendary UFC fighter will be fighting one up and coming UFC fighter I can not release the names yet but this will promise to be a good fight, it will be live on the ultimate fighter.


I am assuming you are talking about the Ken Shamrock and Rich Franklin fight. Should be interesting. I am a Ken Shamrock fan, but I don't know if he has what it takes to get the championship anymore, so to get paid it think they are making him a stepping stone fighter. Still, fighting Ken is a good way to prove yourself.

p.s. why can't you release the names yet. The fight has been publicly announced?


Master Black Belt
May 18, 2004
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Rose Barracks Vilseck,Germany
clapping_tiger said:
I am assuming you are talking about the Ken Shamrock and Rich Franklin fight. Should be interesting. I am a Ken Shamrock fan, but I don't know if he has what it takes to get the championship anymore, so to get paid it think they are making him a stepping stone fighter. Still, fighting Ken is a good way to prove yourself.

p.s. why can't you release the names yet. The fight has been publicly announced?
I wasn't aware that the fight had been anounced, I didn't want to get any of these guys in trouble I know Rich, and some of the people that he trains with (he live and trains close to me)and I wasn't told not to release the info. but out of respect for him and the show I didn't want to get him in trouble. I believe that Rich will win this fight, although I like Mr. Shamrock ( have met him a few times) I don't believe that he will be able to hang with Rich. An interesting thing about this fight is that they wanted Tito to fight Ken but Tito turned them dow they then called Richs mgr. and that is how this came about.


I don't blame you. In today's world of lawsuits it pays to be careful. I didn't remember him offhand, but I looked up his fight record and he has fought in the UFC 3 times, and the UFC is the event of choice for the group I watch with (however, I would like to add Pride into that but not everyone wants to commit to another event, and I am not getting PPV by myself). Although offhand he didn't ring a bell I saw Pics from UFC 50 and I think I remember that fight. I did see that he beat Evan Tanner in UFC 42 by TKO, and anyone who beats Evan Tanner is one tough SOB in my opinion. Tanner is pretty tough. Still you can not count out Ken Shamrock just yet. He may be old (hey, Randy C. is 41 or 42), but he is still a tough competitor, and I have the feeling he has a few more wins in him. Just not championship wins. It will be fun to watch, and for once free! What a treat to get to watch 2 UFC events in one month huh? I can't say who I think will win that fight, I just don't know enough about Rich Franklin to form an opinion.


Black Belt
Founding Member
Oct 25, 2001
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College Park, MD, USA
ppko said:
in April one legendary UFC fighter will be fighting one up and coming UFC fighter . . . live on the ultimate fighter.

Really? That will be cool. Since the UFC is all PPV (right?) I've never seen any of it before. Well, besides this show, but it's obviously not the same thing. It'll be cool to see a fight on TV.


All major MMA competitions are PPV. I know that really sucks. I wish they would have smaller named fighters fight events on ESPN or SPIKE, and reserve the PPV for the championship and super fights, that way people who can't afford or don't want to get PPV can still see it. Sort of like Boxing and the Friday Night Fights. I think they would build a larger Fan Base and get better PPV ratings or whatever. But oh, well. If enough people hope on their email and shoot one off a quick request for these stations to do so, we may just see it happen. And from what I read, The Ultimate Fighter is a huge success for Spike Tv. The Contender and The next great Champ tanked, but TUF is booming. Who knows, maybe Spike will see there is a demand for MMA competition and we just may see it happen. From what I read today, it looks like if there is not a season 2 I will be very suprised.


MTS Alumni
Aug 13, 2002
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East Texas
Team Liddell having to give up another fighter kind of got to me this time for some reason. Before I wasn't to concerned, but its true that they are being penalized for winning. I'm also watching "The Contender" (Sly's boxing show) and I like the way they have it set up much better. If one team has more guys, the winning fighters sit out the team challenge to make it fair. Thats seems better in my opinion, of course it looks like they are also bringing someone back that was eleminated, I guess they do that simply for ratings and to fill the season.



7starmantis said:
Team Liddell having to give up another fighter kind of got to me this time for some reason. Before I wasn't to concerned, but its true that they are being penalized for winning. I'm also watching "The Contender" (Sly's boxing show) and I like the way they have it set up much better. If one team has more guys, the winning fighters sit out the team challenge to make it fair. Thats seems better in my opinion, of course it looks like they are also bringing someone back that was eleminated, I guess they do that simply for ratings and to fill the season.

GREAT...........thanks for ruining it for me. I have the show TVio'd and have not seen it. I am just kidding, I did record it, but couldn't wait and watched the fight right before I came to work, good thing it was a short one. Now I get to go home and watch the drama. That sucks to hear that they had to give up another fighter.


Well, that last fight proved the hype about Forrest. He appeared to be a very intelligent fighter in that he took his opponent down because Alex may have beaten him in a stand-up fight. Alex looked like a tough guy and a skilled striker who is willing to trade. If his ground work gets better, I think he might make it to the big show (PRIDE or UFC).

On a side note, I don't believe Sam took stuff from the other fighters; rather, I think he took it from the office and maybe mentioned it briefly in passing to one of the assistant coaches. He was right about one thing; that was that he was willing to admit he took extra stuff and no one else would.

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