Ultimate Fighter Reality Show

clapping_tiger said:
In defense of the show, we have to remember what these guys are fighting for. A UFC contract, they are not fighting for a chance at the UFC title, or even a "Super Fight". Some of the preliminary fights in the UFC events are just a bad a showing as what we have seen in The Ultimate Fighter. When these guys win the contract, don’t expect to see whoever wins fighting Randy or Chuck for quite some time. You may not even see them for a while after they win the contract, because their skills are not up to Main Event status. What we are watching is someone getting a shot at someday becoming a UFC contender, but not right off the show. Now we may see them in the First event after they win the competition just because of the exposure they got from the show, but if that fight is a wash. It will be a long time before you see them on PPV, they will be a preliminary fighter until they show some real crowd pleasing skills.
That's a good point to remember.
SammyB57 said:
There are much better MMA fighters out there that aren't in the UFC.... but the shows had many stipulations that most MMA fighters didn't want to agree to. Some of them already had contracts with other organizations like King of the Cage and Rings.
I didn't know that; something else to keep in mind.
Chris and Josh......Interesting subject. I Was realy expecting Chris to knock Josh out. The outcome was disapointing to say the least. On the other hand I respect both of them for having the courage to fight, and get into the octagon.

It was odvious that Josh possessed poor striking abilities, but made up for it with his wrestling background. All Josh did was shoot, then pin Chris on the ground. Once on the ground he was unable to score effective hits on Chris.

Chris on the other hand, was cautious not to try and move in too hard or too fast. He did a good job of sprawling to prevent the takedown. I do feel that the best chance Chris had was to Knock Josh out. Chris may have been too cautious, by not try to land the big hit right away. Chris kept his distance while both fighters were standing. Chis wanted to land the KO, but did not want to move in to fast as this would give Josh a opportunity to get Chis's legs. I do belive conditioning played a factor. It appeared Chris was the weaker of the two. The last take down by Gosh in Round 2 could have been prevented, and almost was. Chris appeared too tired to stop Josh from comming in.

I belive Chis won the fight, but lost to the judges. I would have liked to seen the extra O.T. round. As the weeks move on the light heavey weights are losing members too quickly. I don't belive this is fair to the heavey weights, as they keep losing members to the L.H.

Over all, I would like to see more training, and less drama. I could care less about These guys running obsticle courses on the beach.

Has anyone heard if the show will go next season. I would like to know as I would be interested in applying. Being a Canadian I would like to take the place of the last Canuk. I can't remember his name, (the guy from B.C. Canada) but he never should of been there representing Canada. BELIVE ME WHEN I SAY CANADA DOES HAVE TALENT, THE DUDE FROM B.C. IS NOT EVEN CLOSE TO OUR TOP FIGHTERS. THAT GUY LACKED CONFIDANCE, HEART AND PHYSICAL SKILLS. MABEY I'LL GET LUCKY AND APPLY.

Reguardles of the situation these guy's are very lucky to have the chance to train full-time with the best in UFC. I would not take that opportunity lightly.
You can only get better with that level of training.

Take care all. I look forward to your comments.

Troy ostapiw
Troy Ostapiw/Canada said:
I belive Chis won the fight, but lost to the judges. I would have liked to seen the extra O.T. round. As the weeks move on the light heavey weights are losing members too quickly. I don't belive this is fair to the heavey weights, as they keep losing members to the L.H.

Troy ostapiw
They aren't LH and Hvywght teams. They are Team Couture and Team Liddell and mixed with Middleweights and Light Heavyweights.

What's your MMA exp. Troy?
I for one, was THRILLED to see Chris get his trash talking *** whipped. I'm looking forward to the house being without him.

As for the fight, Josh did exactly what was required for him to win...he was fighting a fighter with almost five times the experience of him. He played it safe, and didn't risk going for the submission.
I keep forgetting what the weight classes are called (and their ranges). But yeah, each coach has some guys from each weight class. They started with 8 guys, 4 from each class. I think they want to keep the teams relatively even though. And with one coach losing fighters much faster than the other coach, they make the more winning coach pass guys over. I can understand that. What I do wonder at is why the coaches' picks are giving such uneven results.

Yes, Josh did what he was good at and able to and obviously under the rules of the UFC, it was enough to win. I think I've said before that I know very little about MMA, but from what I saw, I wasn't terribly impressed by either fighter. Chris didn't get much striking when they were standing or do much from the ground, but Josh didn't do much besides get takedowns and stay on top of Chris on the ground. And as I said, I understand the top being the dominant/control position, but I thought you had to do more than just ride your opponent to win the round. Josh seemed to win by doing little more than keeping Chris from escaping or reversing after the takedown. IIRC from my old and limited high school wrestling days, that would win you wrestling matches. I didn't think it was enough to win a MMA competition though. *shrug* But what do I know?
I have faught 14 Full contact matches. I have yet to lose. I am not afraid to lose, as I am a fighter with practical experience. My matches were never sanctioned. We would often take on challenges from other schools, and or fighters. I have a open mat policy at my gym. I have also had a chance to spar with some great practioners in L.A. Washington, Calgary Canada and soon Tokyo Japan.

In 1994 all of our training was full contact, no gear, we just fought. The idea was to find out what realy worked. As time went on, we began to wear hand pads, as the head would bleed very easily when hit with bare knuckles.

Today our classes consists of reality based martial arts for self-protection, and self-defence. We also teach MMA, to keep the clients diverse. The realy hard days of traing are over, but there is a select few in our training hall that keep it real.

Can't wait to see tonights show.......
What a B.S ending. I sure in the hell don't know what those judges were watching. Bobby Southworth won that fight. Maybe they give it to Couture Team's because they haven't won yet.
I disagree. Stephan dominated the first round, and had the second by a hair. Southworth may have reversed a couple of times and got in some shots, but he definitely didn't win it. If anything, the fight should have gone to another round.
I found it hard to judge, but I don't see much MMA, so that's to be expected. As a split decision, obviously the judges didn't even agree on who won. But this is why they have a few -- not everyone may see exactly the same thing or judge it in exactly the same way, so get a few and majority rules. A lot of people did offer comments afterward the fight. Both men were able to take down their opponent and deal with being taken down themselves. I did get the impression that Bobby was doing more striking from the ground and landing more punches more solidly when standing. As for who had the top/mount position more often or longer, I'm not sure. Bobby naturally thought he did, but when he said that, I immediately thought "I don't think so". At least, I certainly wasn't as sure as he was. I was kind of pulling for Stephan though because after Bobby's instigating Chris last time and apparently not realizing his role in that whole affair (or knowing but denying it), I prefered to see him leave. What the one coach said about Stephan being a bit more agressive, moving in and advancing more often, may have been the difference. Maybe constantly trying to take the initiative pushed things in his favor. *shrug* The preview said the controversy would continue next week, so I guess we'll hear more about it then. What I'm most curious about is the return of an eliminated fighter. I wonder who it is and why they're allowing him to return. We'll find out next week.
"He needs to learn some respect"

That from a guy who flipped off the judges etc. Who's whining will span two episodes.

Buh bye Bobby.
I'm glad last weeks sad display didn't totally discourage me from watching again. Last week was pathetic. At least there were some blows thrown, some good take downs, and a little bit of Fight in the so called next "Ultimate Fighter". I'm still sick of seeing so much crying in this show. It is quite disappointing. I hope the show goes another season and the casting director has been in a fight before. This fight at least did show some fighting in their blood. I'm glad Bobby lost and cried about it. It might not of been a unamous deciocion but the other guy was truly the aggresor. I'm glad I can watch again.(sorry for spelling)
did anyone see the coming attractions to next weeks show? they are bringing someone back who was eliminated already. i have a feeling its going to be chris because they show josh's reaction and he look upset or scared.
Last nights fight was close, but I think Bobby S. won. Stephan was more aggressive, and threw a lot of punches, not not many of them landed. Most of the shots hit Bobby's gloves, arms, shoulders. I agree with what Dana White said, that Stephan won because in the judges eyes he was more aggressive. Bobby wasn't wrong when he said he had a better ground game, and landed more shots. He even stunned Stephan, and Stephan didn't really do anything to Bobby. All in all it was a good fight, and both guys were pretty good. I would have been more shocked if it would have been a unanimous decision. But like they said, you never know when it goes to the judges. I think all of us in here have a fairly good grasp on what makes a good a fight, and look how divided we are on who won.

I hope they don't bring Chris back, I will be very disappointed if they bring someone back who lost a fight. They way I see it, is if you were eliminated your out. They might as well bring everyone back who lost. But it may not be someone who lost in a fight though, it is probably one of the fighters who was cut before the fights started. That is my prediction.
Well, compared to the previous fights, this one was pretty damn good. I personally thought it should've gone to a third round because the first was Bonnar's round and the second was Southworth's. I was impressed with Southworth's ground ability as was I with that of his opponent. There were actual submission attempts. A triangle from Bobby and a guillotine (my favourite sub) from Stefan. There were sweet reversals, lots of shots exchanged and a couple good takedowns. Stefan fought smart in the first round by throwing some heat, clinching and driving his man back into the cage and using his knees, negating his opponent's heavy hands. One thing I would've done differently is when Bobby's back was open for a couple seconds as he got up, I would've attempted a supplex or a takedown. That's just me. Overall, a good and even fight. I was cheering on Stefan, btw. Stefan won because of his aggressiveness in the second round and his pretty much total effective control of the first. Southworth was throwing a lot of punches, but he didn't score as many takedowns nor did he work the clinch as effectively. I'd score them even on the ground. Still, for damage's sake, it should've went another round.

Southworth did get robbed to some extent, so I can understand why he's pissed off. Even still, flipping off the judges and throwing a temper tantrum is no way to re-act. Also, Bonnar did get in a late shot on Southworth.

I think it has to be either Karalexis or Leben coming back, and my money is on Leben, the better fighter and more controversial charecter in the house. If it is Leben, there with be a Leben vs. Koscheck two and I don't like Koscheck's chances unless he suddenly learned to box like Jens Pulver or Fedor. This time, Leben would open up and make Koscheck bleed and probably hurt him pretty badly. Koscheck will start crying the minute Leben got back. " This is bull****..." blah blah. He knows his chances of winning are pretty slim if Leben comes back. If it's Karalexis, I won't be upset. He looks like he's pretty good but lacks experience and needs work on the ground.
If they bring back a fighter who was eliminated because he lost a fight, I will be seriously disappointed. That is the rules. You lose, your gone. It shouldn't matter if you are a better fighter than the performance you gave. If that is the case, bring them all back. You could make the same claim about the other 2 fighters who were eliminated as you could about Leban. If they say he didn't get to showcase his abilities or didn't get to fight his game, that's the nature of the sport. Good Fighters lose, poor fighters win, and people get robbed. Better luck next time. Leban can get his rematch after the show, but as far as the show goes, he should be gone. I think it would be a better move for the show (not in ratings, but integrity)if they brought in a fighter who was cut before he had a chance to show what he had against an opponent. If they bring Leban back they might as well have him sign the contract right there, because it will be obvious that they will do whatever it takes to give him chance after chance after chance to win this thing. I would have booted him after he pissed on that other guys bed. Good Fighter or not, after that he should have been cut.
Then again, on the other hand, it may be a fighter that was elimanated before the 'show' began. There were four guys. If it is Leben, as he said, this show is about the best fighter not the 'nicest guy' or 'most outstanding citizen'. Frankly, I don't believe as martial arts practitioners that we are more obligated to be better people than most. There are good people that have never trained in martial arts and ***holes that have trained for 20 years. I believe people should just be good to others in general, but sometimes you need to lighten up and be a jackass and inmature and sometimes you need to be forceful and take care of business.
I think he won because like others said, he showed more agression, and he did have a few good takedowns. I'm interested to see who comes back, I would hope is was Leben only to seee Josh get his *** handed to him. Bobby's crying will span two episodes and wasn't he the one being vocal about leben after his fight, crying and whining about it? Bobby and Josh are my least favorite out of the group, and I'm actually glad to see Bobby go, his 34 year old *** is too old to be acting like a 14 year old. My only interest in Chris Leben is that hes a pretty good fighter and I know he will fight Josh again.

So far the fights haven't been amazingly impressive, even for "unexperienced" fighters. Most of them are about blue belt (purple belt if we're generous) level Ju-Jits, although the wrestling is leet. But what can you expect, the UFC favors wrestlers for some reason? Josh Kos is an extremely skilled wrestler but his jiu-jitsu probably couldn't even qualify for a blue belt. The stand-up striking is decent, but these guys are way too hesitant for the most part....

I can't wait to see Kenny Florian and Forest Griffin display their skills.

I am sick of all the @$$-whiping Leben got, if he comes back, it's just a freaking joke. He's an insecure cry-baby who couldn't back anything up.
It won't be Chris, that doesn't make any sense...

Why don't they ust schedule these for 3 rounds?

If koscheck did enough to win then so did bonnar.

They could have the losers fight every other week to get back on the show.
What if they brought back the Canadian gymnast? we never did get to see him fight......

I love chris, but I dont think bringing him back would be a good idea.

Go Forrest!

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