Tsunami System?

The web site reads like a parody, frankly. Maybe some of that is the translation.

Wasn't this system a derivative of ryuei-ryu karate? That's my recollection.
Wow wow wow. I really hope this is a parody, because if it isn't, it is just incredibly stupid.
If I ever attacked someone with the knife decapitation technique and they made that face I'd laugh so hard I'd drop the weapon.
Absolutely hilarious!!!!!!! I am almost in tears. Where do they get these guys?
Wow, nice to know that there are martial arts systems being born of weather conditions :p

I hearby declare myself 10th Dan to the Typhoon System. We got eye pokes, Strangulation/throat attacks, throat kicks, knee kicks, head butts, elbow/knee smashes, u name it....we got it :D
Those pics were friggin hilarious! I've got to show my wife!
After seeing that I proclaim myself 10th Dan of Zues, with lighting bolts and everything else.
P.S. my wife will get a kick out of that.
That was just too awesome. I read halfway down the page and just couldn't take it anymore. The knife pictures are the best - the guy's trying to act dead. If that's not supposed to be a parody, then I really feel sorry for whoever joins up.
arnisador said:
Wasn't this system a derivative of ryuei-ryu karate? That's my recollection.

Let us hope not. The Ryuei-ryu system is a very good system. Somewhat untouched by the "changeittomakeitbetter" group.
I have a vague recollection that someone made a tsunami-ryu out of it...I may be wrong, or it may be a different tsunami-ryu group.