Training for knife defence: life blades or rubber knives?

Hello, Someone printed something about making it more real (knife fighting). Is to use fake blood on the knife edge to attack the defender, so when contact is made? It will look real!

Anyone knows where you can get Fake blood? ............Aloha
Fake blood? magic shop. Real blood? Pig farm or butcher. HAHAHA! A live blade is for cutting my steak. Hope you all take this in the fun it was intended. PEACE
still learning said:
Hello, Someone printed something about making it more real (knife fighting). Is to use fake blood on the knife edge to attack the defender, so when contact is made? It will look real!

Anyone knows where you can get Fake blood? ............Aloha

Just use cheap lipstick.

'Course that gets you in trouble with the wife....

I use live blades a lot in SOLO training. I take a set of old coveralls, stuff them with straw, carpetscraps, and whatever else is around, do a little rough stiching, hang it up in my garage, and go to town. Fix it up with duct tape till it's time for a new one. I would never consider doing any training with a real knife with another person. Sounds like a recipie for disaster and hearbreak, and possible prison time.

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