I have watched many fights, And a few i have broken up, Here is the problem second i try break it up the two diffrent sides of the poeple who are fighting tell me let them fight, And get in my way, THen try to fight me. What do you do. I could try to be all cool and stuff and let them fight it out, Or run in there smash the poeple who get in my way and try breaking it up but start a bigger fight since there buddys are now after me and my friends run down get my back. Any ideas on how to break fights up, I like to fight UFC style but that is fun, watching two people beat the **** out of each other to the point where someone might really get hurt isnt. ANyone ever come across this problem befor.
Your friend Judo-kid
:lookie: :lookie: :lookie: :argue: :lookie: :lookie: :lookie: :idunno:
Your friend Judo-kid
:lookie: :lookie: :lookie: :argue: :lookie: :lookie: :lookie: :idunno: