To attack or not to attacK??

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I have watched many fights, And a few i have broken up, Here is the problem second i try break it up the two diffrent sides of the poeple who are fighting tell me let them fight, And get in my way, THen try to fight me. What do you do. I could try to be all cool and stuff and let them fight it out, Or run in there smash the poeple who get in my way and try breaking it up but start a bigger fight since there buddys are now after me and my friends run down get my back. Any ideas on how to break fights up, I like to fight UFC style but that is fun, watching two people beat the **** out of each other to the point where someone might really get hurt isnt. ANyone ever come across this problem befor.

Your friend Judo-kid

:lookie: :lookie: :lookie: :argue: :lookie: :lookie: :lookie: :idunno:
You can't stick your nose into every altercation you come across. You're asking for trouble. If you MUST get involved, save it for the case where one person is in need of help because they are being picked on and cannot defend themselves.

Even then, if you are outnumbered, the other way of doing something is to get help from those in authority. Don't put yourself in a position of being jumped just because you want to do something good. Not every situation needs you "in the middle". You can be involved without being in harms way if you don't have to be.
When i break up fights its fun cause i am the tough guy that walks in there and restores order, Its the right thing to do. As long as you got friends covering you .

If you can't break up the fight... (which unless its two really good friends of mine, then i would step in, but anyone else..I wouldn't risk the chance of myself getting injured) and you can't stand to see two people kicking the snot out of each other... then what preventing you from simply walking away and distancing yourself from them????????

Just my 3.5 cents:asian:
I wouldn't say its an easy situation to be in. However, you have to think about what is going to happen. If you couldn't reasonably stop the fight, there is no reason to get yourself in a position of being hurt, go for help. I don't think I could just walk away, it would eat at me. I've stopped many a fight, and I think the best thing to do is to make them think. You get them to stop fighting, then get them thinking about what this is going to do for them. What if the police found them fighting, what if their friends got hurt, anything to get their minds off fighting. Thats works occasionaly:)

Originally posted by Judo-kid

When i break up fights its fun cause i am the tough guy that walks in there and restores order, Its the right thing to do. As long as you got friends covering you .

That has got to be one of the most arrogant, infantile stements I have heard on this forum. Your attitude of posturing is that of a bully and a thug. We have a name for people who restore order they are called police and they do not do it because it is "fun" they do it to mantain the standard of law. That is not the job of a civilian who thinks playing the part of a "big man" will be "fun".

Despair Bear
At least i am helping, Yeah i am a big bully stoping fight(laughs to him self) . Wouldnt you say its almost the other way around , Did you know that if someone gets hurt in a fight and you stand around watching not only tells somthing about your self but also its against the law, If you dont try break up the fight and just watch and someone really gets hurt. You also go to jail. There is somthing wrong with you, calling me **** for breaking up fights who cares if it makes me feel Big. At least i am using MA for good and not to hurt anyone for the fun of it. Your a weird guy i think you should rethink your statement . I can tell you proble just want to start a flame war with me . I dont need play your game. :soapbox: :soapbox: :soapbox: :soapbox: :soapbox:

That is a laod of **** Despairbear
Man this is fun. You have no idea what your talking about do ya? We talked about this subject last night in class. Even breaking up a fight, if someone gets hurt becuase of you, you can get sued, remember liablity when you do this. Tough guy (Chuckles) Good to see you have a high image of yourself. Now for the rest of the world.
I only really break fights up when there is a guy getting picked on, and he dos not stand a chance. Is that so wrong????:confused:

Please keep the discussion polite and respectful.

-MT Admin.-
Concerning the legal situation of things, perhaps a discussion with a LEO would be in order. Many of the things we think are legal and illegal are in fact wrong.

case in get involved and someone gets hurt. You can face serious legal action. I've heard of several cases where someone has broken into a home, and been neutralized by the home owner. The 'criminal' then successfully sues the homeowner for assault. A shot to the head can be considered 'lethal force'. I had a long chat with a LEO recently about this.

Remember, the police are trained and paid to handle these situations. You are not.

Alot depends on the situation too. 2 idiots pummeling each other, I'd just let em go. A 5 on 1 situation, or a sexual assault case, well that changes things.

Better to call the cops in any event -BEFORE- you get involved. They are the experts. 95% of us here, arn not.

A fight is a very dynamic scenario in any situation. Being on the outside is hard. You have two people trying to hurt eachother and you're trying to stop them before it get's worse. Let's run scenario, shall we?
Okay you've grabbed the guy, and are restrainng him, thereby stopping the fight, right? Then his opponent takes a swing at him and you're now at fault.
Granted this may not happen but it can. A thought to liability and safety of all involved must be included. In the rush of the moment it's easy to muscle in there and pull em apart, but you're got to keep a weather eye cocked as it was. Anything can happen.
Just my $0.02
Well, it depends. You should break up fights where one person is getting severely injured. School fights, people don't end up dying most the time and you still should break them up, although you risk getting attacked. Do what a negotiater does, use your brain, talk them out of it. Talking may be considered by many immature people as "pussy" but it works, and avert most of the damage.
This is a good thread to think of.
IĀ“d say that if it is a fight like a school fight you mentioned or in similar circumstances where there are people around and it is NOT set-up.
What I mean by that is that there is some heated conversation going on and they are about to swing soon,or are about to throw punches.Then I would join in (most likely from the rear) and grab,seize and lock another guy while there would probably be others to back me up,this could cause the fight to break.
If it wonĀ“t then there would be more people to take care of another agressor and pin him up too and thatĀ“s it.
if itĀ“s two or more suspicious strangers who agree to pummel each other,then IĀ“d probably let them go on with it.
You should have to get some kind of an understanding of whatĀ“s going on.HereĀ“s an example from a cartoon rag:
Donald Duck sees two guys fighting,it is clear that another one of them is in leading position.Then Donald feels the hero in him rise and he goes and temporarily takes out the stronger guy,the guy who was about to lose runs away.
The guy who Donald took down is very angry at him and tells the guy he was fighting was a notorious criminal who they have been after...
quite a freaky example but itĀ“s based on actual cartoons from my childhood and the scenario could be real.
:cool: :)

If itĀ“s a person I know (friend,relative etc.) who of course,is not causing trouble gets attacked,then there is no doubt ƍĀ“ll help,or if it is clear that someone innocent is getting picked on.

"Better to call the cops in any event -BEFORE- you get involved. They are the experts. 95% of us here, arn not."
ThatĀ“s a point too.
Thats a good point, you never know the whole situation. It is wise to allways CYA as we say at work.


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