cross trainers: your primary choice

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When fighting, ilike to keep things up. meanign i like to strike and use stand up fight. ground will always be my second choice. i bet other MAist can agree to that sentiment. but ive been watching a few NHB vids and most of the fighters like to take it to the ground. thers mats and all but when in a street fight, would you try to take it to the floor or let things happen?:asian:
They take it to the mat because they can get it over without getting hurt as much by getting the opponent to take out. KOs take much longer.

I prefer to stand up, and in a real fight I'd prefer to keep it standing.
Is'nt there a similiar thread going on elsewhere in here? You might want to check that one out also.
Just let things flow. If it requires to take you to the ground, go for it. But I like to strike, that's just my preference.

Also, on the street, there are certain things you really can't do that you can do on the mat.
If you train to go to the ground, and apply this training in the street, what do you do when the other guy's friend or friends show up? What do you say then, "Wait and I roll around with you next?"

You DEFINITELY don't want to wrestle in the street.
