This is why you DON'T start a fight with a jumping kick...

still learning said:
Hello, This video clip makes a good point! BUT it depends? ...most people will not expect a jump kick.
Seems to me that the guy was expecting it and saw it coming from a mile away and stopped it. When that adrenial gland is pumping a lot of things become very clear and in focus.

still learning said:
Every sitution will be different and your intincts to react will always be different too. Hopefully what ever you use will work to stop the fight from continuning.
This is true, not everything is going to work out exactly as you have planned, even if it's all spur of the moment. Sometimes... there's no time to think. You use what ever means that's at your disposal to stop the fight.

still learning said:
In this case timing and distance was wrong, among other minor points.
First off I don't think these guys were even caring about any of that. Secondly I agree that an untrained person sucks at fighting... but then they don't even care about that either when the blood is up and the reasoning capability is down.

still learning said:
Always do the unexpected....surprising someone will give you the advantage? you agree? ......
No. Always expect the unexpected but don't try to attempt it unless you are 110% absolutely sure that it's going to work. ... if your mind thinks that fast to be ahead of the fight. Stick with your training and improvise when necessary. Remember, the #1 killer in America today is "Hey! Watch This!" and the #2 killer is the self-imposed thought of "I bet this would work..."

still learning said:
practice your jump kicks? work for day it may save your life! ........Aloha
Practice what works, practice especially, not getting INTO a fight in the first place, practice RUNNING from a fight. The last two definitely will save your life.
mrhnau said:
is it just me, or did that look really fabricated? they guy kicking his head and the head does not even move?

I think he genuinely hit with the first one and missed his head with his follow up kick thats all. I noticed what an uncomfortable position the guys arm twists to around his back after being kicked as well. Definitely not the best!