Things that p*ss me off...

Matt Stone

Master of Arts
Dec 4, 2001
Reaction score
Fort Lewis, Washington
I have a friend whose teacher has apparently bought into his own hype, just like so many others in the MA community.

One of the things that really p*sses me off are the non-Asian instructors that try to be more Asian than the Asians! With the "it's an honor for you to do XYZ," and "I forbid you to do XYZ," it is ridiculous to the extreme!

It is one thing entirely to embrace a foreign culture so much so that you begin to understand it at a nearly native level. Fine. But when a person tries to be more ethnic than people from a particular ethnic group, they only succeed in looking silly.

And so it goes for this numbskull...

He is playing the role of the ancient karate master to the hilt, and it burns my a$$ like a 3 foot flame.

There was another guy I knew, years back, who would sit on an elavated dais in a chair and watch his students practice. He had this home-made throne and occupied it like he was some warlord of old.

What a hoot. Even his own students eventually started making fun of him, especially after he started insisting on their use of the title "Master" whenever they spoke to him.

Anybody have any similar experiences?

Originally posted by Yiliquan1
Doesn't have to be first hand experience studying under such folks, but if you have stories to share...

Does it have to be the megalomaniac syndrome or can it just be things in Martial Arts that makes one angry?

I've heard a bit more about this "sensei" than I really care to.
Although he provides decent instruction, he refuses to let his black belt students train anywhere else...he also conscripts them into doing "favors" which he calls "honors"...

I doubt that he will ever change...I just hope he doesn't damage his students by his provincialism.

Ones that really annoy me are ones who will throw their hardest best punch and claim it to be their weakest. Also people who do it really half-assed.
The ones that get me are the ones that go from one extreme to the other, often during the same class. One moment they are as traditional as the masters of old and the next moment they are cracking jokes with some of the students. This is, of course, dependent on what kind of day he had at work, or whether he and the wife had a fight or whatever. Had a bad day? go extreme and beat the hell out of the students to make yourself feel better.:shrug:
ive seen pictures on instructors standing on platroms teaching their students. like a shepard watching over the someone needs to knock them out their high horse once in a while...:rofl:
The title "Professor" seems to be spreading outside of the FMA community.
Originally posted by Yiliquan1
I have a friend whose teacher has apparently bought into his own hype, just like so many others in the MA community.

One of the things that really p*sses me off are the non-Asian instructors that try to be more Asian than the Asians! With the "it's an honor for you to do XYZ," and "I forbid you to do XYZ," it is ridiculous to the extreme!

It is one thing entirely to embrace a foreign culture so much so that you begin to understand it at a nearly native level. Fine. But when a person tries to be more ethnic than people from a particular ethnic group, they only succeed in looking silly.

And so it goes for this numbskull...

He is playing the role of the ancient karate master to the hilt, and it burns my a$$ like a 3 foot flame.

There was another guy I knew, years back, who would sit on an elavated dais in a chair and watch his students practice. He had this home-made throne and occupied it like he was some warlord of old.

What a hoot. Even his own students eventually started making fun of him, especially after he started insisting on their use of the title "Master" whenever they spoke to him.

Anybody have any similar experiences?


Some folks catch “Asian Fever” and need all the props to make them feel the part of “venerable master”.
I have seen this in Japanese Karate Dojos too………and they already are Asian!!!!!

Makes you feel like going over to them and ask “What gives with all the flung pooh chop socky stuff? Have you been watching Black Belt Theater too much again?”
:asian: Like it or not the oriental motif is what people are paying for. I train in a school that withholds very little of its cultural roots. One thing I do tire of is people that talk about Mr. Parker as if he were the second comming. We have got to be willing to let go of some of his teachings because there are just to many classical ideas sometimes. We have incorporated some Mui Thai ideas and it really seems to help. The return motion is where the styles differ; sometimes, the mui Thai ideas are the better choice.
Touch o death from Spokane...
By your posts it appears you are involved in Kempo...

Why did you list Sinanju as an art you are interested in?
Is this a tongue in cheek reference to a grade C movie? Or is there an art called Sinanju?

Joel Gray, playing a master from Korea, in Remo Williams 1, stated that Shinanju is the ultimate martial art...
He further asserted that Koreans were the most perfect race to grace Earth with its footsteps...
Compared to a cabbage he was quite old...but compared to a mountain, he was very young...

Don't look with your eyes..."feel."

Originally posted by Touch'O'Death
:asian: Like it or not the oriental motif is what people are paying for.

My teacher will come in wearing a pair of shorts and sandals with a Santa Cruz Slugs T-Shirt on drinking a Diet Pepsi……….and he is Asian!
Originally posted by Yiliquan1
There was another guy I knew, years back, who would sit on an elavated dais in a chair and watch his students practice. He had this home-made throne and occupied it like he was some warlord of old.

Go to this site and click on the "photos" section. Go towards the bottom. Is this pretty much the type of behavior you are talking about? I live in Japan and have yet to see this type of behavior or so much Japanese Kitsch in a dojo as this!!!

BTW, this guy claims to teach a Japanese art that no one in Japan has heard of, uses Japanese terms that make native speakers giggle, claims to recive instruction from his teacher via dreams, etc, etc. :barf:
Originally posted by Don Roley
Go to this site and click on the "photos" section. Go towards the bottom. Is this pretty much the type of behavior you are talking about? I live in Japan and have yet to see this type of behavior or so much Japanese Kitsch in a dojo as this!!!

BTW, this guy claims to teach a Japanese art that no one in Japan has heard of, uses Japanese terms that make native speakers giggle, claims to recive instruction from his teacher via dreams, etc, etc. :barf:

ROFL!! What are they doing at the bottom? Looks like the
patented Mr Miyagi crane technique.

Speaking of Mr Miyagi ... Ryushikan (or anyone else
knowledgeable) ... I heard a tale that "Miyagi" was a tribute in
that movie to the man who actually brought martial arts to
Okinawa, from China ... any truth to that?
Originally posted by Don Roley
Go to this site and click on the "photos" section. Go towards the bottom. Is this pretty much the type of behavior you are talking about? I live in Japan and have yet to see this type of behavior or so much Japanese Kitsch in a dojo as this!!!

BTW, this guy claims to teach a Japanese art that no one in Japan has heard of, uses Japanese terms that make native speakers giggle, claims to recive instruction from his teacher via dreams, etc, etc. :barf:

There is an American bozo on Camp Zama nicknamed "Mr. Stungun" that is almost as fact if he ever moves back to the US he will most likely open up the same kind of sushi uh I mean "dojo".
And people wondering why I have such a bug up my backside about bogus claims and fakes in the MA.:rolleyes:
Last time I saw this kind of move I was watching Dragon Ball Z.........Yiliquan1, isn't that "Mr. Stungun" in the right side of the photo.
By the way........I have seen him on Zama a couple of times.......he won't make eye contact.:rolleyes:

see photo below


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