Iron Crotch training


Taiji fan

Iron Crotch I had a teacher who used to practice this stuff.....or so he said...apparently he could lift a bag of sugar......

but this is just how many of you Yiliquan guys do this then???
:uhyeah: :barf:
Haven't graduated to pulling large vehicles with my jade stem, yet.

Mantak Chia discusses the theory behind this type of training in his book on bone marrow neigong...
Yang Jwing Ming also discusses it, to a lesser extent in his book on advanced qigong.

But, no, I haven't started this type of training...and I doubt that I will.

Yep...I can barely move a hay-wagon! :rofl:
I tried really hard to picture my former teacher doing this, but he was sucha weedy unnatractive little man that the thought just made me sick........the best laugh of all...his misses dropped her Jade egg and it broke into many pieces.......

I still can't belive that someone made a video of this stuff that a full waggon or an empty one?:D
I've only worked my way up to a couple of bales...!

I've seen photos of (Chinese) Shao-lin fellows hanging large stones from their scrotums and then getting them to swing back and forth! :eek:
Well, you might stub your toe on the stone.....:D
well I thought I had heard it all......this came from a student at class tonight, she has a friend who works at an old persons hospital...anyway she goes out to see an elderly gentleman, he's lying there with an oxygen mask on and says to the testicles are black....she whips his kecks off and has a they arn't she tells him, what are you on about they look normal to me......he's getting insistant so she takes off hs mask and he asks again....are my test results back?.......
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Reminds me of the older lady who was in the hospital and the nurse asked how she'd liked her breakfast. She said it was fine except for the Kentucky just didn't taste right.....:D
That must have been the same woman who complained to the doctor that it took 3 glasses of water to get those suppositories down.:rofl:
sorry it went right over my head.....I don't know what Kentucky Jelly is.........
KY Jelly (KY is the abreviation for the state of Kentucky) is a lubricant for insertion of suppositories or other devices into body cavities...
Yes, and it apparently tastes horrible! :rofl:
KY Jelly (KY is the abreviation for the state of Kentucky)
thats a bit unfortunate for Kentucky.........:rofl:
Yes, Kung Fu QiGong magazine had a big article on it a few back. Same guy that made that video. Apparently he holds big demonstrations in China where he bares all and pulls large dump trucks down the road with his yonder regions. He had a large article about how it increases health and sex as well. I don't think I'm that desperate yet however! Men and women both practice it quite extensivly from what I understand. I think iron arm and shin are enough for me.

I'd think calling a tow truck would be much more efficient...

Can't imagine some guy down the street dropping his trousers and hollering, "OK, everyone! Watch me pull this new pickup with my ***!"

Sometimes I wonder if some old Chinese guys came up with some really bizarre stuff and said, "You know, in a few generations those crazy round-eyes will probably think this stuff is for REAL! And they'll try to DO IT!" (snicker, snicker)...
What's the difference between a guy who receives too many traffic tickets and a guy who does too much Iron Crotch training?

The traffic ticket guy goes "Aaaaargh!"-Rip!
The Iron Crotch guy goes Rip!- "Aaaaargh!":D

Trying to avoid life's potholes,
Randy Strausbaugh
Originally posted by 7starmantis
Yes, Kung Fu QiGong magazine had a big article on it a few back. Same guy that made that video. Apparently he holds big demonstrations in China where he bares all and pulls large dump trucks down the road with his yonder regions. He had a large article about how it increases health and sex as well. I don't think I'm that desperate yet however! Men and women both practice it quite extensivly from what I understand. I think iron arm and shin are enough for me.

7sm:eek: could a woman pratice this?


John M. Drake
Originally posted by jmdrake could a woman pratice this?


John M. Drake
Without getting too graphic, the words "Jade Egg Hanging Implement" should give you some idea.

Trying to avoid life's potholes,
Randy Strausbaugh