The Ultimate Dinner Party?


Senior Master
Mar 6, 2006
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If you could have dinner with 6 people, dead or alive, who would you pick? And what would be your first topic of discussion?


This is going to sound tweaked...

My Wife, My mom (who just passed last year), Jim Morrison, Martin Luther King, Bono (U2), and Ed Parker.

First topic...

What makes you the most happy?
Churchill, Groucho Marx, Ronald Reagan, John Wayne, my paternal grandparents.
If you could have dinner with 6 people, dead or alive, who would you pick? And what would be your first topic of discussion?

I would pick alive for all 6 people. The first topic would be about their thoughts on séance.

Ben Franklin, Albert Einstein, Jane Austen, Mark Twain, King Solomon and William Shakespeare.

I have no idea what the topic would be, but whatever it was, these are all people of wit and verve; it would be fascinating!
Man, lots of good ones mentioned, many I would like to meet, but I think these folks have my vote,

Ayn Rand, Winston Churchill, Sir John A Macdonald, Alexander the Great, Miyamoto Musashi, My Parental Grandfather.

Crack open some Scotch and wine and just see where the conversation goes….
The list would be very long so I'm only writing the first six I can think of.

Jesus Christ, Saint Peter, Hannibal of Carthage, Scipio Africanus, Hippocrates, and Orde Wingate.

I can't even imagine what exactly I would even ask, but I imagine it would be something on a philosophy of justice in warfare and on wisdom to guide the decisions of officers and non-comissioned officers.