How long before...

How long before this is our reality?

  • Easily take 500 years for us to become this dumb

  • Next week looks about Thursday at 1:00?

  • What do you mean "how long"? We're already there!

  • Nope. Never happen. We are God's gift to the planet.

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Honestly? If you look at the level of literacy today compared to the norm 50 years ago, I think we're halfway there. I read Anne Frank's diary this weekend and I was floored at how erudite this 13yo girl was. I don't know many adults who could write like that today.
Honestly? If you look at the level of literacy today compared to the norm 50 years ago, I think we're halfway there. I read Anne Frank's diary this weekend and I was floored at how erudite this 13yo girl was. I don't know many adults who could write like that today.

Tell me about it.

Every time I see "your" where "you're" is supposed to be used it drives me absolutely insane! LOL
I dont not now wot dat clip woz about. I fink as long as peepel now wot you R sayen dat is all dat matterz. Shirley dat iz all comoon sorrey I meen commoon no cummoonykachayn? torking is all about anywayz.
Tell me about it.

Every time I see "your" where "you're" is supposed to be used it drives me absolutely insane! LOL

The one that's been getting me most recently is "lose" vs. "loose", as in "How can I loose fat instead of muscle?" I'd think it was a typo, but it's just too consistent.
Hello, America's education systems.......anyone can pass them!

We are not giving them the best ED we can!

English, Math, needs to be classes on everyday living...check books, how credit/debit cards works


Honestly, trustworthy,loyality, fairness, needed for our kids to learn what these words means.... they work?

So many things...a young adult needs to learn...before too late...Aloha
True story:

My family spent a few years in Japan when I was in middle school. In my international school where English was a second language for almost everyone, we were reading Shakespeare in 8th grade.

Because of layoffs at my Dad's company we were called back to the US unexpectedly, and I finished that grade in the ritzy suburb of my birth. This school district got national awards for excellence from K all the way through 12. The high school had its own planetarium fer cryin' out loud.

My first spelling test had the word "airplane." Just to be a smartass I spelled it as "aeroplane," and lost points for it. To be fair, it came out later that I had been tracked into the dummy class because I had jet lag when I took the aptitude test. But it took the district 3 years to figure this out. I complained, but of course who listens to the dummies?
My first spelling test had the word "airplane." Just to be a smartass I spelled it as "aeroplane," and lost points for it. To be fair, it came out later that I had been tracked into the dummy class because I had jet lag when I took the aptitude test. But it took the district 3 years to figure this out. I complained, but of course who listens to the dummies?

I ran into a similar spelling problem in high school. I used to read Sherlock Holmes, CS Lewis, and other stories by British Authors, so I learned some non-american spelling. I could never remember which was which when it came to writing.
I ran into a similar spelling problem in high school. I used to read Sherlock Holmes, CS Lewis, and other stories by British Authors, so I learned some non-american spelling. I could never remember which was which when it came to writing.

Seriously? You guys get nailed for using the UK spelling of a word?

Up here, I guess being part British and part M'erican, we can use either one. I remember a few decades ago, writing a story and using colour and color just to see what would happened, nothing, no problems. Use whatever one you'd like.
Seriously? You guys get nailed for using the UK spelling of a word?

Up here, I guess being part British and part M'erican, we can use either one. I remember a few decades ago, writing a story and using colour and color just to see what would happened, nothing, no problems. Use whatever one you'd like.

Some of our ....educators... aren't refined enough to know that there's more than one acceptable spelling of some words any more.
Some of our ....educators... aren't refined enough to know that there's more than one acceptable spelling of some words any more.

Made worse, I think, by the idea that there are "American Versions" of books now published from British Authors, with the spelling and politics "corrected" for the American audiences.