The new girl on the block


Yellow Belt
Feb 12, 2009
Reaction score
Eastern North Carolina

I'm Julie, but Jules works for me! I'm 18 and a black belt in Taekwondo. I've been training for 7 or so years in my one and only school: Dae Yang in Eastern North Carolina. I actually came onto MT by accident. ^^; I am doing my senior project on women in the martial arts world and I needed articles or journals or forum postings involving my project. I eventually found a couple of threads that matched to what I needed on here and I thought I should join MT, too. Why not? The school hasn't blocked it (yet).

Okay, so that's enough blabbing. I should really get to work on these annotated bibliographies. (6 left!)
Hello Jules and welcome to MartialTalk ... glad to see you found what you were looking for, I'll bet there is even more that you haven't found yet ... good luck!
Welcome! I live and work in Detroit, but my wife, home, and family are in Wilson. I get home as often as I can. Good luck with your studies.
Many of us wound up here by accident and chose to stay...Welcome...Use the SEARCH option on the top of the page to assist you in looking up former topics that might help you...Good Luck..
Many of us wound up here by accident and chose to stay
I was drunk and woke up here. I don't know whether it was an accident or they kidnapped me. :D

Welcome! My nephew is also in Eastern NC, down at UNC Wilmington.

Hope you can pull up a chair and stay awhile! Its a great place to be.
I was drunk and woke up here. I don't know whether it was an accident or they kidnapped me. :D


Your folks wouldn't pay the ransom so we're stuck with you lol! Might put you on Ebay though.....!
Welcome again Jules lol! I know a couple of 'high powered' women in the MMA world if that would help, both British pro fighters who've fought in the States.
I was drunk and woke up here. I don't know whether it was an accident or they kidnapped me. :D


Just pay the ransom money and I'll let ya go on your way....mmkay?

Paypal to carol_kaur@ ............just kidding! :rofl:
Welcome to the forum! Enjoy your stay! :)

Good to have you with us, Jules!

I read several essays/interviews a while ago from a collection called Sharp Spear, Crystal Mirror: Martial Arts in Women's Lives, edited by Stephanie Hoppe, all of which were very high quality. (I'm sure you've already come across it, but I thought I'd mention it on the off-chance.)
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Welcome Jules. Hope you enjoy your stay at Martial Talk. Most of the people here are very nice (some are not) I'm one of the nice ones. :)