The Nerve

Jonathan Randall

Senior Master
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Jan 26, 2005
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Given that she voted for and backed the Administration's policies in both Iraq and Afghanistan, Senator Clinton's publicly blaming Secretarly Rumsfeld for the "Administrations Failed Policies in Iraq and Afghanistan" is opportunistic and hypocritical in the extreme:

BTW, personally, I was strongly opposed to the invasion and I do not personally care for Secretary Rumsfeld's leadership but I call foul here. I think that we need a balance in Washington between both parties so that one keeps the other a little more honest. What will we do if Senator Clinton wins the Democratic Nomination in 2008 as a result of a backlash against policies SHE helped advance?


Mar 1, 2003
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It seems rather naive to believe that once a decision is made, that it can't be revisited three years later.

Also, although the votes she put forward authorized an action, she had no part in the operational matters. To review those operational matters is an integral part of the 'oversight' responsibility of Congress.

In yesterday's committee meeting, she laid out some of the operational failures, and called those who control those operations to task for the failures.

I believe Senator Clinton has performed excellently for the citizens of New York over the past six years. I hope that she does not seek higher office.

But, yesterday, She Did Her Job ! There should have been more Senators and Congressmen asking questions like that for the past four years.

Jonathan Randall

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Jan 26, 2005
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michaeledward said:
It seems rather naive to believe that once a decision is made, that it can't be revisited three years later.

Also, although the votes she put forward authorized an action, she had no part in the operational matters. To review those operational matters is an integral part of the 'oversight' responsibility of Congress.

In yesterday's committee meeting, she laid out some of the operational failures, and called those who control those operations to task for the failures.

I believe Senator Clinton has performed excellently for the citizens of New York over the past six years. I hope that she does not seek higher office.

But, yesterday, She Did Her Job ! There should have been more Senators and Congressmen asking questions like that for the past four years.

I'm sorry - but she's consistently been one of the greatest warmongers in Washington. She wants it both ways; credit for supporting the war and credit for criticizing the war. When I see her, I see opportunism, which is a shame because I would love to have strong principled dissent in the Senate against the Administrations missteps.


Mar 1, 2003
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I do not believe she criticized 'the war'. She criticized the 'execution' of the American Government Policy. After the committee meeting, she has called for the Secretary of Defense's resignation, on the grounds that his execution has been a failure.

That may be a bit nuanced. And it may be great presidential politics. But the fact is ... no body has asked those questions of the people in power in a public forum. It's about time.

The Congress is a co-equal branch of government, by design. And since 911 they have been the floormat upon which the neocons have wiped their feet. Even worse, they have given consent without question to the destructive policies of the Administration. It's about time someone in Congress acted like a co-equal and is trying demand accountability for tactical actions of the government. Hell, isn't that the reason they gave us for electing the Younger Bush to begin with ... the CEO presidency was going to hold government accountable?

Don Roley

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Sep 25, 2002
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Jonathan Randall said:
I'm sorry - but she's consistently been one of the greatest warmongers in Washington. She wants it both ways; credit for supporting the war and credit for criticizing the war.

Depends on the polls. If the American people are gung-ho for something, most politicians will find a way to sound like they love it too. When opinion goes sour, they try to ignore what they previously said. There are few politicians that will stick to their guns in the face to overwhelming numbers of voters opposed to their beliefs. Clinton is not one of those that think more about the right thing than in getting elected.

Jonathan Randall

Senior Master
MTS Alumni
Jan 26, 2005
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Don Roley said:
Depends on the polls. If the American people are gung-ho for something, most politicians will find a way to sound like they love it too. When opinion goes sour, they try to ignore what they previously said. There are few politicians that will stick to their guns in the face to overwhelming numbers of voters opposed to their beliefs. Clinton is not one of those that think more about the right thing than in getting elected.



MTS Alumni
Aug 26, 2003
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Oneonta, NY
michaeledward said:
I believe Senator Clinton has performed excellently for the citizens of New York over the past six years.
Her activity in this part of upstate NY has mainly consisted of photo ops. :rolleyes:


Senior Master
Aug 5, 2005
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michaeledward said:
I believe Senator Clinton has performed excellently for the citizens of New York over the past six years. I hope that she does not seek higher office.

Didn't she promise to ADD millions of jobs to NY? Hasn't the state LOST many jobs instead? Perhaps 9/11 had something to do with it, but if in some way 9/11 had added jobs instead, she would have sure taken the credit. However, I will admit this tends to be the modus operendi of most politicians.... deflect until circumstances work out for you, then take the credit.

In exactly what ways has she performed excellently for the citizens of NY? I'm honestly curious.

Its hard for me to think she that she is intimately familiar with the problems and situations in NY since she only moved there in order to get the Senate job and "spent" one year there before starting it... then again, I guess she could learn over time. I guess its legal to do that, just seems a bit odd. Why not run for Arkansas senate job, since she spent so much time there when Bill was Governor? She would be alot more familiar with the state and people. Surely she could have won, and does not need to go to one of the most liberal states in the Union to win to have a shot.


Master Black Belt
Feb 11, 2005
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Vermont, USA
Jonathan Randall said:
What will we do if Senator Clinton wins the Democratic Nomination in 2008?

Blame Canada!

Perhaps move there?

As much as I'd like to see Bill become First Lady and the US have a female President, it would be a terrible shame if Hillary was the best the Democrats could come up with for a candidate.

Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
What did she actually do for NY? I'd like to know.
It's a mystery to me and many of us in WNY.


Mar 1, 2003
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Bob Hubbard said:
What did she actually do for NY? I'd like to know.
It's a mystery to me and many of us in WNY.

I wonder if expectations are misaligned?

Senator Clinton serves as 1/100th of a Federal Legislative Body. The issues she handles would, obviously, be predominantly Federal.

She serves on the Senate Armed Services Committee, with a seat in the 'Airland' subcommittee, the 'Emergine Threats and Capabilities' subcommittee, and the 'Readiness and Management Support' subcommittee. It should be evident that these roles are concerned with the Armed Services of the United States, not necessarily the individuals of New York.

The Senator also serves on the Senate Committee on Evnironment and Public Works. On this committee, she has a seat on the 'Transportation and Infrastructure' subcommitte and the 'Fisheries, Wildlife, and Water' subcommittee.

She further has a seat on the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions. From this working group, she holds a seat on the 'Retirement Security and Aging' subcommitte and 'Education and Early Childhood Development' subcommittee.

Also of note, Senator Clinton sits on the Senate Special Committee on Aging.

This information is all available on her web site.

When a resident of New York asks what she has done for the State, one has to wonder if you are asking 'What Pork Has She Delivered?', and if so, does the questioner support the idea of 'Pork'?

Perhaps Politics is like Sausage-making, it is something that shouldn't be watched, if you wish to enjoy it.

As of April, 54% of New Yorkers indicated they supported the Senator for reelection, as compared to 33% favoring the Republican, John Spencer. And the news headlines, (by the liberal media) was that this lead was a "Plunge", because earlier, the gap (21 points) had been wider.

So, if it is only 'Photo Ops', they seem to be working.

Bob Hubbard

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Aug 4, 2001
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Land of the Free
She made promises.
She didn't keep them.
She has a good PR team, true.
She promised to create 300,000+ jobs here, but still, I am unable to locate a single job that -she- created.
I am unable to locate a single improvement to the living conditions in this state that -she- has provided.
NY is the highest taxed state in the US.
Jobs are scarce.
People are leaving in droves.

So Pork or no, I have to ask, what has Hillary Clinton done for NYS since she made all the promises and got the job?


Black Belt
Jun 7, 2005
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Come on Bob. You you that politicians aren't responsible enought to follow through on the promises they made while seeking office. Hillary is just like the troll we have here in Maryland, Barbara Mikulski. She has been in office since I was a kid, keeps telling the brain dead in the state how she is going to help them. She hasn't done **** for our state. The only time you see her is when she wants to stick her ugly mug in front of a camera.

Don't ever write a letter to address an issue. She won't reply. Not even a form letter.


Master of Arts
Mar 20, 2004
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Long Island
I'm glad Clinton blasted Rumsfeld. Could be she's feeling the heat from her anti-war constituents. A lot of us here in New York are disappointed with Clinton for her consistently pro-war position. Some of us would also appreciate it if she'd advocate for single payer health insurance, which she's never supported. So instead we're paying billions of dollars to support duplicative health insurance bureaucracies whose sole purpose is to DENY people health care.

Which is why, by the way, she has a primary challenger in Jonathan Tasini ( Currently, he's polling at 13% with minimal press and a tiny fraction of the money Clinton has. He may even become more popular after the Connecticut Lamont/Lieberman election this Tuesday.


Master of Arts
Mar 20, 2004
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Long Island
If Lamont wins in CT, I think Tasini's going to pick up steam in NY, just on his anti-war stance alone.