Bush never lied to us about Iraq

Perhaps you missed this the first time, Kailat?

I don't say this to be mocking but rather that you could perhaps make more headway if you posted your views on this in a more applicable forum or at least in a thread of their own?

It's a subject that's been covered before but that can be said about almost anything.

Feel free to talk about this as much as you like but Spam-posting tides of links and strongly emotive verbage, in a not particularly appropriate fora, will win you little.
for the love of god NO

if for no other reason than i will not and can not remain within the rules of Martial talk when dealing with "truthers"

they are simply not worthy of the effort it would take to be polite
Forgive my ignorance, but you guys are using the term truther pretty specifically, and I can only assume based on context that it refers to someone trying to bring light to conspiracies. Some clarification?
Forgive my ignorance, but you guys are using the term truther pretty specifically, and I can only assume based on context that it refers to someone trying to bring light to conspiracies. Some clarification?

The term "Truther" comes from the name of a group called the "9/11 Truth Movement" and is used specifically for those who subscribe to 9/11 conspiracies, rather than your garden-variety "Teh CIA killed Oswald" conspiracists. More here.

Last week was INDY, this week its DENVER!!??

The Global War On Terrorism??!!! SERIOUSLY!!

POLICE STATE, MARTIAL LAW!! It all makes perfecty good sense to me... Pack the tin-foil and strap it to your hats my friends LOL....who stated that earlier? WOW come on now.. let's just open our eyes and allow that to be your TIN FOIL
Kailat, as stated twice above, your opinions are welcome and discussible (within the bounds of reasonable debate) but it would be appreciated if you would make the attempt to put them forward in a more suitable place.

This thread has taken quite a beating already for one reason or another and it would be nice to either let it go or get it back on track.

EDIT: Oh and by the way, Alex Jones is one of my favourite 'ranters' and he actually has done some good in bringing some less than pristine things to light (tho' his Bohemian Grove piece was a sure sign he's never seen the British upper classes at 'play' :lol: ).

Please, return to the original topic.

Karen Cohn
MT Senior Moderator